Chapter 106 Ex-boyfriend

The press conference was very successful. It stands to reason that he has nothing to worry about at this level, but as the organizer, Jiang Qiming still stayed.

This was originally a cooperative project. If his partner is not in the hospital now, he probably doesn't have so many things to do.

After finishing the finishing work of the press conference, Jiang Qiming chose to return to the hospital and changed shifts with Heizeman who was still guarding outside Li Tang's ward.

"There's something wrong with Song Ning, check it out." When Heizeman got up from the bench and was about to leave, Jiang Qiming whispered to him.

"Her? Isn't she a designer? Could it be..." Heizeman felt a little tired, and he didn't speak so rationally, "Got it, bro, I'll go now."

It is really not easy to guard the ward. He can only play with his mobile phone almost all day long, and he can't do anything else.

Fortunately, now that Jiang Qiming is busy with the press conference, he can come and change shifts with him. Compared with boringly guarding outside the ward, he still prefers the new task that Jiang Qiming assigned just now.

Investigating Song Ning, there is no guarantee that any secrets will be discovered.

After all, having said that, if Song Ning was really just a well-known designer, Jiang Qiming wouldn't have asked Song Ning to look up her information as soon as he returned to the hospital after meeting Song Ning at the press conference.

Heizeman left the hospital, and Jiang Qiming was the only one left in the empty corridor.

The flowers that had been placed at the door of Li Tang's ward at some time had begun to wither, and the delicate fruits had also begun to show signs of oxidation.

If she woke up, she probably wouldn't be willing to see such a dilapidated scene.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qiming leaned over and packed up the former bright color that was placed at the door, and then threw it into the place where he threw the cigarette case last time.

When he returned to the door of Li Tang's ward, Jiang Qiming did not choose to sit down on the empty bench like he did in the past few days, but stared intently through the thick glass door. The woman in the hospital bed.

I don't know how long he looked at it, but he suddenly saw the woman's hand moving.

Afraid that he was mistaken, Jiang Qiming moved closer to the glass door.

This time, he saw Li Tang reaching out to touch the quilt on his body, and he could see clearly.

She woke up.

A large number of doctors and nurses rushed over quickly, pushed open the heavy door outside Li Tang's ward, operated the equipment next to him, stroked Li Tang's forehead and cheeks, and asked several important questions from time to time.

"Miss Li, how do you feel now?"

"It's much better than when I fainted. Can I sit up?" Li Tang, who just opened his eyes, was surprised to see a large number of people in white coats standing next to him, and then quickly realized that he was currently receiving treatment in the hospital. .

She should have been lying down for a long time, and the injury on the back of her head seemed to have healed, while the other parts of her body were not seriously injured, so when she woke up, the first thing she felt was the powerlessness of not moving for too long.

A nurse helped her adjust the height of the bed so she could sit up in a comfortable position against the pillows.

"Miss Li, do you feel tired now? Do you feel dizzy or have a headache?"

"No, I feel fine now." Li Tang answered him honestly, scanning the entire ward.

"All the patient's indexes are normal, and there is no serious problem so far." A doctor next to him said to the doctor who was asking her while observing the instrument.

"Miss Li, since you have nothing to do, we'll go out first." After talking for a few words, the doctors also knew that there was no fatal injury on Li Tang's body, so they finally chose to go out temporarily.

After all, there was still a person standing outside the door of this ward.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Through the glass door, Li Tang also saw the man standing outside with an anxious face, and of course he knew the reason why the doctor left in a hurry after the examination.

But at this time, to be honest, she didn't know how to face him.

He was indeed the one who rescued her from that ruined place, and he should have sent himself to the hospital. Looking at the configuration of the ward and the way he just opened his eyes and moved a few times, he attracted a large number of doctors and nurses. Not surprisingly, he also threw money into it.

During the days when she was under house arrest in Tong Ye's villa, she thought he would not come to rescue her.

After all, they had a bad time at that time, and she and Jiang Qiming were both people with strong self-esteem. It was simply too difficult for them to actively contact each other and do something for each other after they had a bad time.

What's more, she also knew that Jiang Qiming and Tong Ye were deadly rivals. Tong Ye's arrest of herself might have meant to anger and provoke Jiang Qiming. According to his personality, he would not be fooled by Tong Ye...

But no matter what happened in the process, in the end he came to save her.

She should indeed say thank you to her savior as soon as she woke up.


The moment their eyes met, Li Tang only saw the hesitation in the man's eyes.

This seemed to be one of the few times she could read such emotions in Jiang Qiming's eyes.

"Thank you, Jiang Qiming." It seemed that she had to speak first to break the silence, "If it wasn't for you, I would have died there in a few days."

Didn't the doctor who examined her later say that she died from an overdose, and at that time she was already showing a tendency to lose her five senses, and it was probably a few days before she died from the onset of the disease.

Fortunately, Jiang Qiming saved her, otherwise she would have died helplessly at Tong Ye's house.

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be taken away by Tong Ye."

"I was taken away by Tong Ye, what does it have to do with you?"

What the man said made her puzzled.

Isn't the main reason why Tong Ye took her away was the absurd thing of wanting to be with him forever?To put it bluntly, there is indeed some reason for him. After all, he and Tong Ye are rivals, and he has publicly stated that he is his girlfriend before, which may have contributed to Tong Ye's action.

But the latter is not the main reason at all, and he shouldn't take the responsibility on himself like this.

She's just discussing the facts, not personal feelings.

"You are my girlfriend in name, and he arrested you because of me." The man sat down beside her bed, crossed his fingers on the white hospital bed, and did not raise his head to meet her gaze .

"He arrested me just to get back together with me." What Jiang Qiming said happened to correspond to what Li Tang was thinking just now, so she told him directly, "You are just a small variable, Even if you didn't declare that I was your girlfriend before, he would still find a chance to take me away."

"Tong Ye is your ex-boyfriend?"

"Yes, we were together before." Li Tang replied naturally, "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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