Chapter 109 What I Want

After watching the woman's trembling shoulders slowly relax, Jiang Qiming let her go a little bit.

She was indeed very disturbed, even though she was so calm after waking up, when she thought of those people and those things, she would be afraid when she got emotional.

It seems that part of what Yang Chu said at that time was true.

In fact, she is also a little woman who needs to be taken care of and protected by others.

"Are you hungry?" Seeing that the woman in his arms gradually calmed down, Jiang Qiming asked lightly while stroking her head gently.

"I want to eat steamed sea bass." Feeling the warmth of the man's chest, Li Tang, who was still in a feeling of fear just now, slowly returned to his normal state, rubbing his head against the man's chin.

"I'll have someone bring it over." With that said, Jiang Qiming was about to take out his cell phone to make a call.

"No, I want to eat what you made." Li Tang gently held Jiang Qiming's hand that was about to reach for the phone, and then said slowly against his chest, "Buy me a phone, The estimate I used before has been lost."

"it is good."

The woman obediently staying in his arms seemed to be a very small one. At this moment, the man's desire to protect her reached its peak.

After tucking in the quilt for the woman, Jiang Qiming left the ward directly.

He was going to go to the place where he had dinner with Yang Chu last time, and borrow some money to borrow the boss's kitchen. It's not difficult, and it's not difficult to buy a mobile phone, just make a phone call and ask Wu Peng to deliver it.

After the man left, the entire ward and corridor became silent.

The place Jiang Qiming arranged for her was indeed very suitable for rest, and it must have cost a lot of money.

After confirming that Jiang Qiming had left, Li Tang lifted the quilt that the man had carefully covered himself, put on disposable slippers and walked out of the ward.

She had to speak to the doctor who was in charge of her surgery and examination.

Relying on the relevant personal information hanging outside the expert room, Li Tang quickly found the office where his attending physician was.

After Li Tang stood at the door for a few seconds, he opened the door without knocking and walked in.

"It's rest time now, we don't see patients at this point." The attending physician opened his eyes and stared dazedly at the woman in blue and white hospital gown who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Where's the pregnancy test stick?" Li Tang didn't pay attention to what the doctor was saying, and put his hands on the table in front of the doctor's head.

"You are...Miss Li?" The doctor realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the person in front of him, and he ran away from the doze just now, and he opened his mouth after seeing the woman standing in front of him clearly.

This is Mr. Jiang's woman in front of him, he can't neglect her.

"You don't care who I am, give me what I want."

"I don't know what Miss Li wants the pregnancy test stick for? Is Miss Li pregnant?" The doctor said cautiously, and found a brand new pregnancy test stick from the big cabinet next to him, and handed it to Li Tang .

"Don't tell anyone about my coming to your office, including Jiang Qiming, otherwise you will know the consequences." Li Tang took the pregnancy test stick from the doctor and knocked on the table. He quickly left the office after seeing the doctor nodding in fear.

It wasn't until Li Tang closed the door behind him that the doctor wiped the sweat off his brow with a handkerchief.

As expected of Boss Jiang's woman, even her aura is as strong as Boss Jiang's... He wanted to wonder if this woman was holding a knife to his neck just now, which made him dare not show his anger.

This woman and Boss Jiang, he can't afford to offend either...

Li Tang asked her for a pregnancy test stick, probably because she suspected that she was pregnant, and she didn't want Mr. Jiang to know. What she said just now was probably a warning to him not to tell Jiang Qiming about this matter, otherwise people might take it Do it yourself.

The world of the rich is really not easy... Even when dealing with them, you have to be so nervous, for fear that your head will fall to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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