It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 137 Their Similarities

Chapter 137 Their Similarities
In the end, Jiang Qiming didn't stay in Jingyiju for too long. After answering a phone call, he explained a few words to Li Tang and left from here.

After Jiang Qiming left, Li Tang took out the key of Jingyiju that Jiang Qiming had just given her. It was only at this time that she looked at the key carefully, but after looking at it for a long time, she took the key Put it away.

Unexpectedly, this Jingyiju... still uses a very primitive method to open the door.

However, she doesn't have time to think about this right now. Leaving aside the board meeting that will be held in the company tomorrow, there is still one thing she hasn't done, and that is...

During the two days in the hospital, because it was inconvenient to hide Jiang Qiming's actions, she didn't find a chance to test herself if she was pregnant...

Jingyiju is Jiang Qiming's territory. In other words, it can also be said to be Jiang Qiming's stronghold, but there is more life atmosphere, but as long as it is Jiang Qiming's stronghold, there must be various security and detection systems... …

And here, it is estimated that they are all from Jiang Qiming's side. She is not easy to act, and she has to be cautious about pregnancy. After all, who owns this child and whether she can keep it or not, she wants to decide for herself. If Jiang When Qiming found out about this, he would probably force himself to destroy it.

But what is the fate of this child, Li Tang thinks that she should decide.

It is an unwise choice to let men participate.

Li Tang pushed open the door of Jingyiju, and outside the door was the same as the last time she came to Jingyiju, there were two rows of bodyguards in black, but this time, her identity was the same as last time. Already completely different.

Watching Li Tang walk out of the villa, the two rows of security guards did not move at all, but Wu Peng, who was standing in the pavilion, turned his head to look at her, strode up to her and asked, "Miss Li, what are you planning to do?" Where are you going?"

That's right, Jiang Qiming said that he ordered Wu Peng to be responsible for her travel safety, so Wu Peng should dutifully ask her where she was going and follow behind him every step of the way.

This can be regarded as... a disguised way to locate her whereabouts.

"I'm going back to Li's mansion, and I need to bring some things."

She couldn't go against Jiang Qiming's people, after all, she still expected Jiang Qiming to help her get rid of that damned guy.

"Let's go, Miss Li, I'll accompany you there." Wu Peng said in a businesslike manner.


The moment he turned his head, Li Tang noticed that the little red dot on the outer wall of the villa flashed.


Jiang Qiming is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

Surveillance cameras are installed inside and outside the villa, and they are all in operation.

Although she wasn't surprised by this, after all, Jiang Qiming was originally in this line of work, and it's not unreasonable to act cautiously in her own home, would inevitably make her feel that Jiang Qiming was monitoring her every move in the background, And this kind of behavior, compared with the micro-locator that Tong Ye implanted on her back then, in the final analysis, is nothing more than a change of soup.

But... she can understand.

After all, they are colleagues, and there will always be similarities in the handling of some issues.

I just don't know... Wu Peng, or the group of people outside the door, might there be any listening devices on them, or some high-tech products that she didn't know about at all, after all, that Heizeman under Jiang Qiming, It is said that he is a very powerful scientist...

As for science, she knew almost nothing, so she had to think twice.

(End of this chapter)

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