It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 139 Expose the Darkness

Chapter 139 Expose the Darkness
The setting of the garbled code is not complicated, and it didn't take long for Li Tang to decipher it, and successfully opened the old man's computer.

There didn't seem to be anything particularly important in the old man's computer. The company's confidential documents and other things were all backed up in her computer, so it wasn't something particularly worthy of her attention.

Among the hundreds of files, what caught Li Tang's mind was the encrypted archive... photos?Still a video...

Li Tang entered the password twice, one for his birthday and one for Li Rendao's birthday, but it seems that this encrypted document has a special meaning to the old man, and these two common passwords did not open the document.

After exiting this document, Li Tang inserted the USB flash drive in his pocket into this computer, and imported all those documents into it.

It will take some time to import the files. Except for the encrypted document, there is nothing in this computer that needs her attention. She still has to put the company's files in her own place. It should be available for tomorrow's board meeting .

After waiting, Li Tang flipped through the newspapers and materials that Li Rendao had neatly placed in the cabinet.

The newspapers seem to have been specially put away in chronological order. In the past few years, social security has improved a lot. The recent big news is basically nothing other than the Tong Ye arson incident. Li Tang directly read it from the bottom That stack of newspapers.

After she picked up the pile of newspapers, among the few newspapers near the bottom, there was one that caught her special attention.

Li Tang put the newspaper on the table, and then took out the very yellowed newspaper.

In addition to the yellowing, the words on this newspaper are already somewhat blurred, and some places have even been torn. Logically speaking, the old man should have thrown it into the trash can long ago for a newspaper damaged to this extent. right.

While thinking about it, Li Tang spread out the newspaper carelessly. The date of publication on it could only be seen clearly, and the date behind it had been rubbed so that it was completely unrecognizable.

It has been 20 years since this newspaper was published.

Why does the old man keep newspapers from 20 years ago?And judging by the degree of wear and tear, the old man would probably take it out from time to time to have a look... 20 years ago... What happened in the Wang'an area?
With this doubt, Li Tang was about to read the newspaper under the brightened desk lamp when her mobile phone on the table rang.

The name of the caller was displayed on the lit phone screen, but Li Tang only glanced at it, but did not connect.

After turning the phone to silent, Li Tang officially began to browse this tattered newspaper.

Twenty years ago in the Wang'an area, the largest criminal group was arrested. It took nearly half a year and all relevant personnel were arrested and brought to justice. What he has done has made a great contribution to the detection of this case, and the police specially awarded him a medal for punishing evil and promoting good, in recognition of his daring to expose the darkness...

Criminal groups, collecting ironclad evidence, and exposing the darkness, so the old man has experienced this kind of thing?
I never mentioned it to her once... This is obviously a very powerful thing, what is there to hide from her...

Wait, something is not right.

If it was just such a thing, then there is no need for the old man to take out this newspaper many times after 20 years... The act of exposing the criminal group is in itself an act of igniting the upper body. For the old man 20 years ago It should be a scary experience. What is there to read newspapers over and over again to recall this kind of experience?

She was not very old 20 years ago, and her memory at that time was so blurred that she couldn't remember it at all. She didn't even know what the old man led her to experience at that time, let alone the need to do such a thing. A matter of courage.

(End of this chapter)

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