It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 146 The Devil's Deal

Chapter 146 The Devil's Deal

After walking out of the burning Li mansion, Tong Ye didn't even turn his head.

The fire was shining behind him, it was just a fire that no one came to put out the fire, it directly burned this private place that made countless people daunted.

The Li mansion in my impression, Li Tang's home, is not so resplendent, and even not as high-end as his villa that was burned down by himself, but this place has always been an iconic place in the city. place.

Money, power, fame and fortune... Everything that countless people dream of is here, and everything is here, even if it is just the annual maintenance cost of the yard outside the villa, it is a sky-high figure.

It's a pity that it is as fragile as a human being and cannot withstand the high temperature.

Regarding the burning of the Tianyun Warehouse, he only learned later that the outer walls of the Tianyun Warehouse were made of fire-resistant materials, and the outer walls were not afraid of fire at all. The reason why the fire was serious was only because they and Jiang During Qiming's battle, they tampered with the outer wall of the Tianyun Warehouse, causing a big opening in that outer wall. The fire could spread through that opening, and it might just ignite the flammable and explosive materials inside.

As for why he knew that there would be flammable and explosive materials in Jiang Qiming's Tianyun warehouse, it was just a gossip, and it was just the item number of a batch of goods that Jiang Qiming had just received.

This place in Li Mansion... Others dare not provoke Li Rendao and Li Tang, treat them respectfully, and are afraid of their power, but he is not afraid—no, it’s not that he is not afraid, it’s better to say that he was once afraid, because he is very poor I was afraid when I was there, but now, finally, there will be a day when he can cause threats and losses to them.

The Li family is such a mighty existence in this city. As long as someone is lucky enough to be reincarnated into this family, then his background has already surpassed countless others, and he has already stood in front of others who may not be able to touch him for a lifetime or a few lifetimes. to the height.

What an enviable family,
If Feng Shui really took turns, it should be his turn now.

If it's not his turn, let him break this unfair situation with his own hands.

"It's a pity that there was no fire to kill that old man Li Rendao." A man standing in the dark said with some resentment as he carefully watched the fire.

After 20 years, he can finally taste the consequences of his treachery.

But this was just a small beginning, what Li Rendao should repay was not just a luxurious villa.

He deserved it all, he deserved it.

Tolerating him was the best he could do so far. If it wasn't for various factors that bound his hands and feet, he would have wanted to screw Li Rendao's head off a long time ago.

He wanted his life and wanted him to pay for Jiang Zhaoye's blood.

"What I promised you, I will do it. Don't be so impatient." Tong Ye said impatiently, then lit a cigarette beside him, and handed it to him One, "Happy cooperation, Zhou Bin."

The man's dark eyes were full of emotions, and he didn't say a word when he took the cigarette handed by Tong Ye. Instead, he lit the cigarette skillfully in silence. Slowly, the smoke covered half of his face covered by the hat. .

He will not regret his decision that day.

Believe in a guy who is always trapped in love, it is better to make a deal with this madman next to him.

At least the devil will always keep his promise, and the deal with the devil will never fail.

(End of this chapter)

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