It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 148 Are You Going To Kill Her?

Chapter 148 Are You Going To Kill Her?

"Boss, Tong Ye seems to have retreated, why don't we..." On the other side, in the war zone of Li Mansion, a man in black combat uniform ran to Jiang Qiming at the fastest speed, with a somewhat anxious voice Said.

He is a scout in the organization, and he has patrolled the surrounding area according to Jiang Qiming's command, but he has not found any trace of Tong Ye or the other party's big shots.

If Tong Ye had already evacuated, then there was no need for her to keep fighting. In other words, Jiang Qiming didn't need to stay in the war zone at all.

"Have you found Wu Peng?" Jiang Qiming asked coldly after listening to the person in front of him.

"This... I haven't found it either, but with Team Wu's ability, nothing will happen... Boss, don't worry too much."

"Go down." Jiang Qiming sighed helplessly.

He didn't know whether Wu Peng was equipped with a gun when he came out to protect Li Tang this time, so whether he was dead or not, he didn't guarantee it like that person just now.

No matter how strong the physical body is, it can't handle weapons, and they all know this.

But Tong Ye's target should be Li Tang, not Wu Peng. Li Tang has arrived at Jingyiju safely, and Wu Peng will probably be regarded as the target of Tong Ye's failure to vent his anger. To put it bluntly, Tong Ye wants to take Wu Peng surgery.

But having said that, Tong Ye was able to grasp the movements of Li Tang and Wu Peng in such a short period of time, so he went directly to the Li mansion, trying to repeat the old trick here and take Li Tang away.

Sure enough, letting that woman stay in Jing Yiju is the safest way.

Even if she is accompanied by Wu Peng when she travels, she still cannot avoid the risks, and even more people from Tong Ye will be attracted because of the presence of bodyguards.


When Jiang Qiming's thoughts were still a little confused, there was a sudden explosion in front of him.

Looking closely, an unknown explosion probably occurred in the courtyard of Li's mansion, producing huge gunpowder smoke, and Jiang Qiming couldn't see what happened for a while.

The person next to him handed over a new device, and after Jiang Qiming put it on, his eyes locked on a bloody woman who was carried out from the gunpowder smoke.

There was a lot of dust on the woman's body, and there were many bright red wounds on her exposed skin exposed to the turbid air, but the most conspicuous thing that caught Jiang Qiming's attention was the bright red dress on her body.

In his impression, someone beside him seemed to be wearing this highly saturated skirt.

Most people wouldn't wear such a bright color, so the owner of this dress...

"Tong Ye left his woman here." Heizeman's clear voice came from the earphones, "It's Song Ning, probably Tong Ye threw it here on purpose. Fortunately, his subordinates who didn't know after retreating And fight back hard.”

After all, Song Ning was recognized by Tong Ye as a very important woman, and she was the hostess that they all tacitly recognized. With the hostess, even if the hostess evacuated without saying a word, this matter was covered by everyone now. I know, they will still continue to fight.

Tong Ye was so cruel that he could do this.

According to the information they found, Song Ning was always by his side when Tong Ye was working hard abroad alone. It can be said that Song Ning was like a life-saving stick when Tong Ye's career had not yet started. The straw that saved his life and career.

If Tong Ye hadn't had Song Ning by his side during that time, he would have been suffering from hunger and cold abroad, and he had already offended the local organization, and would have died tragically on the street a long time ago.

Song Ning probably didn't know that Tong Ye had withdrawn now, and he didn't even notify her at all, nor did he care what would happen to her if she lost this battle.

"Are you going to kill her?" A familiar woman's voice came from the earphones, probably because he had never heard her voice in this way before. Time gave Li Tang an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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