Chapter 158

"Those two people outside! Can you hear me!" Probably having made up her mind, Song Ning suddenly stumbled to the door of the room and shouted to the invisible outside.

She was seriously injured, and she was unconscious all the time. She had little physical strength left, but she just yelled a few words outside, and Song Ning was so weak that she had to lean on the wall to breathe.

With her sick body since Tong Ye brought Li Tang back, Tong Ye would give up on her, thinking that it was only natural for her to lose value.

That's right, why did she become so ill, why did her body break down, isn't it because Tong Ye didn't send more doctors to herself after knowing that her condition had deteriorated?

At that time, the only personal doctor beside her was still busy dispensing new types of mentally damaging drugs for Li Tang, and she had to do this behind Tong Ye's back. It was difficult to take care of Li Tang's side and her side at the same time. , and with the appearance of Li Tang, Tong Ye became less and less concerned about her physical condition, which is also well known...

Without Tong Ye's instructions, those incompetent doctors would never take the initiative to help her see a doctor and prescribe her medicine... No, no, Song Ning suddenly remembered something, and subconsciously felt pain in her heart, as if being hit by a It was as if the thugs were clenched tightly, and even the beating seemed to be a problem.

She suddenly remembered that when her condition deteriorated, Tong Ye asked someone to bring a message, saying that it was an old problem, and she had to take it on herself. The doctors were busy running around for Li Tang. Not going to take into account how she is.

Want her to carry it by herself?She was almost tormented by the illness until she lost her voice!
Fortunately, in the end, she almost exhausted all her contacts before she found a very powerful doctor who helped her heal her voice, which was almost one step away from losing her voice.

It was only at that moment that she gradually realized that no one can count on her. When she needs help most, she can only rely on herself.

The only man she could rely on, when she was suffering from a disease that he said could be overcome with a single resistance, probably was full of another woman who didn't appreciate his efforts.

She thought that after this incident, her family would give up on Tong Ye. Even if she didn't give up, she wouldn't be able to completely return to the way it was before. Yes, even though he was still the enlightening star on her artistic path, But what he did during that time had already hurt her.

However, the feelings that have accumulated over the years are difficult to completely disappear just because of such a thing.

It was she who underestimated her feelings for Tong Ye, and at the same time underestimated the power of feelings.

Even when Tong Ye said to let her wait alone and he would come back later, she didn't hesitate too much.

She trusted him too much, so she was left in the center of the battlefield with a single word from him, becoming the king of those abandoned cannon fodder.

Without Tong Ye's command, that battle would almost certainly be lost, and the consequence of defeat is death in all likelihood.

What Tong Ye said to himself was actually saying goodbye to himself in a subtle way.

That's abominable!

"Is this woman awake?" The man sitting on the ground smoking a cigarette of course heard the woman's cry, and quickly stood up and approached the closed door, "What are you going to do?"

"I want to see Jiang Qiming, now! Go and call him!"

"Boss said that he will come to see you when he's done with the matter. Why are you in a hurry?" the man said impatiently, the expression on his face changed from indifference to impatience in an instant, "Why do you think that's the case?" Well, don't think about it, the boss is not something you can shout, you'd better just stay here and wait."

"I want to see him now! Hurry up! Jiang Qiming must be trying to get some valuable information from me, I can tell him everything I know right now! Go and call him over!" Song Ning was a little anxious, When he was talking, he could only be forced to be out of breath, "If you don't get up to find him, I'll be bumped to death right now!"

Anyway, they are keeping her alive now because they want to dig out some information from her. As long as the information has not been confessed by her, then she doesn't have to worry about her life at all.

Even, she can threaten and take advantage of this a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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