Chapter 174
"Mr. Tong, do you think Jiang Qiming and the others will really hit and detonate the explosives under the square by mistake?" On the other side, in a black room, a man in black standing next to Tong Ye respectfully He asked calmly, "As far as I know, Jiang Qiming has a very powerful hacker by his side, who controls most of the high technology. It is not impossible to detect the explosives we buried under the square in advance."

"How powerful can it be? You did it yourself, can it really be detected by something?" Tong Ye sat on a chair, crossed Erlang's legs and lit a cigarette, "So what if it was detected? Jiang Qiming It is impossible for that kind of person to ignore that familiar figure that suddenly appeared on the battlefield."

"Mr. Tong, so you decided to cooperate with him at the beginning because you wanted to let him go out at this time to disturb the enemy?" The man stood beside Tong Ye and asked softly, as if he didn't even dare to show his breath.

"That's not entirely true. If it's just that, then his use value is too low." Tong Ye smiled arrogantly, and slowly exhaled a circle of smoke, "Use him as a gunman, he You have to be willing to take the blame for us, why not?"

"Aren't you worried that he will instigate rebellion? After all, no matter what he said, he was from Jiang Qiming's side at the beginning. What if he stabs us in the back and plays a Mission: Impossible with us, what will we do then?"

"Backstab? Just him?" Tong Ye laughed suddenly, and his hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly, "He lurked for a whole day and night before he finally sent Li Rendao to the hospital with one shot. You know that Jiang Qiming likes Li Rendao's daughter, just because of this incident, it is impossible for Jiang Qiming to have any contact with him, how can he play Mission: Impossible with us?"

If it was true what the man next to him said, Zhou Bin put in all his efforts and just came up with a clumsy Mission: Impossible, then he would be attacked by people on both sides at the same time.

He was just a guy who lived well there because of his friendship with Jiang Qiming's father. What qualifications and abilities did he have to play Mission: Impossible with him?

What's more, the reason why Li Rendao is still unconscious is that he is the chief culprit.

Mission: Impossible, this is ridiculous, hundreds of times funnier than a dead joke.

Jiang Qiming is clearly a deadhead. If it were him, he would be able to handle Li Rendao, but he is afraid that woman Li Tang won't stay with him obediently?
Li Tang is also a bad woman who doesn't know what is good or bad. She has gone through so many things and he has sacrificed so much for her. She still hasn't seen her sincerity and chooses to stay by Jiang Qiming's side. She really doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth .

It seems that the punishment given to her last time was not enough, and she was still lucky.

"Have you found out which hospital Li Rendao is in?" Tong Ye suddenly asked the man standing beside him in a cold voice, the cigarette in his hand was not very clear under the dim light.

"It has been found, but Jiang Qiming has deployed a lot of troops near that hospital. Mr. Tong, if we forcefully break in, we may suffer a lot of losses."

"Who said I'm going to force my way? Isn't this someone who can take the blame for us?"

If they can't even do such a simple thing, then why are they cooperating?

"Mr. Tong, you mean..."

"Jiang Qiming hasn't disclosed the fact that he is a traitor to the entire organization. If that's the case, then his identity in the system over there has not changed. Let him pass, and the risk is naturally much smaller."

"Mr. Tong...good method."

At this moment, he also had to admire Tong Ye's way of manipulating people's hearts.

Compared with Tong Ye, Jiang Qiming is obviously much more emotional. He probably couldn't understand and accept the fact that his right-hand man chose to betray him, and... he didn't have conclusive evidence, so he couldn't just give it to his right-hand man. To be sentenced to death, at this time, of course, it is most convenient for him to come forward.

The people at Jiang Qiming's side probably thought he was simply missing.

"He betrayed one, and I also gave him an important person. It's so interesting." As if he suddenly thought of something, Tong Ye stopped smoking again, and the tone of his speech made people distinguish for a while. Can't tell what his mood is now.

"Mr. Tong, did you think Song Ning would betray us from the very beginning?"

"She's just a woman. As long as she doesn't die on the battlefield, in that environment, the first thing she thinks of must be what she can do to survive Jiang Qiming's hands." The smoke blurred his eyes "The reason why Jiang Qiming didn't let anyone kill her on the battlefield is because she wanted her to tell what she knew. She's not stupid, of course she knows what she should do."

When he decided to keep Song Ning on the battlefield, he had already predicted Song Ning's actions.

(End of this chapter)

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