Chapter 211
She appeared in that small Internet cafe that day, found out what was going on with Hazelman, and quickly bought the two poor bastards with a sum of money, and asked them to stop them as they said, and they might find out that they had an abortion Record Heizeman who went to Jingyiju.

They pretended to be two drunken gays and stalked Hazelman, who looked like a rich man.

It probably won't take a while for Heizeman to get rid of their entanglement, but, for a straight man like him, this kind of thing is probably far more serious than discovering her missing whereabouts, right?

He probably returned to his home long ago, using his own high-tech equipment, racking his brains to investigate the identities of those two gangsters.

Sometimes, relying too much on one's own skills and strengths is not necessarily a good thing.

After all, she had already investigated those two bastards long after she decided to buy them with money. Both of them were orphans who were not wanted. They had no relatives or friends. It was spent on meals and Internet cafes, so there are no doubts and complicated backgrounds.

The monitoring of that small Internet cafe, after she bought the owner of the Internet cafe, she also used the computer in the Internet cafe to mobilize the data of the surveillance video. It must be that Heizeman, who is on the other side of the city, is just distressed. Really just drunk gay men?

Hazelman's weakness is that he believes too much in the programs he has designed and the equipment he has researched. He would rather trust all the data than his intuition at all.

But this time, the answer given by the data is nothing more than that the two gangsters really have nothing wrong with them. They are simply drunk. Seeing that he is rich and has a good skin, he wants to have sex after drinking.

In any case, it was enough to prevent him from rushing to Jing Yiju in the first place.

What's more, now that Jiang Qiming himself is at her house, even if he rushed to Jingyiju and wanted to say something, it would be useless.

Taking a ten thousand step back, at most, he only saw those records and videos once, and if he wanted to look back, he would never find any clues. Even if he wanted to tear himself apart in front of Jiang Qiming, he couldn't get it Give strong evidence.

How could a person like Jiang Qiming believe a few words that he couldn't even produce strong evidence to support.

No way, who told Hazelman that he might want to expose his abortion.

She didn't allow this to happen.

She had made up her mind about abortion before looking for Chen Nanfang, and she would keep it from Jiang Qiming for the rest of her life.

His thoughts drifted away, and when he suddenly retracted, Li Tang realized that he had changed a lot from before.

Her thinking and behavior have been slowly eroded by the job she used to criticize Jiang Qiming for being shady.

"I just wish you could tell me."

"It's not for you to ask my permission."

Seeing that Li Tang didn't speak, and even seemed a little distracted, Jiang Qiming's heart almost inevitably cooled down a lot.

Of course he didn't know what Li Tang was thinking at the moment.

He also didn't know that Hazelman was staying at home now, suffering from nausea because of the incident of two drunk gay men who just appeared out of nowhere.

All he knew now was that Li Tang still seemed very unhappy.

Sure enough, no matter what, how to explain, she still minded investigating her whereabouts by herself.

Back when Tong Ye implanted a tracker in her forehead and thigh, she gritted her teeth with hatred. Now doing this kind of investigation of her movements by herself is not the same as installing a tracker on her body. .

He had given in to her as best he could.

Again, he would feel helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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