It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 223 The category of roses

Chapter 223 The category of roses
"You don't need to go to the operating table." Meeting Mi Yuan's questioning eyes, Li Tang understood and reminded him softly.

She just wanted to know why the old man had been lying on the hospital bed so abnormally, and no one had any countermeasures when he came.

Her intuition told her that Teacher Shen, who was on the phone with Mi Yuan, might have a solution after seeing the old man's situation.

She thought her intuition was always accurate, so she believed her intuition this time.

"Okay, then I'll tell my friend."

Li Tang, whose thoughts were wandering, didn't listen carefully to what the person on the other side said to the person on the phone. When he heard the conversation again, it was Mi Yuan who had ended the call with her teacher Shen and was asking her when Have time.

"Just come according to your teacher's time."

They all came to her to confirm the time, which means that Teacher Shen on the opposite side agreed to help her.

Li Tang's plan was to meet with Teacher Shen first, and then talk about his own affairs in detail - to be honest, after the other party knew her identity, whether he was willing to help her would have to be discussed separately. After all, Jiang Qiming had nothing to do with this Teacher Wei Shen broke up, and due to Jiang Qiming's reasons, his current identity to the public is Jiang Qiming's fiancee, which is well known to everyone.

If his former teacher was unwilling to help him because of Jiang Qiming, then she seemed to have no other choice.

In short, let's take one step at a time, there is no way to rush this matter.

After we parted from Mi Yuan, it was already very late. Besides Teacher Shen's affairs, they chatted one after another, and generally avoided her, who was very interested in Mi Yuan. Instead of marriage, I talked about some interesting experiences during my study period.

When she was studying... Her experience was not very complicated. Compared with Mi Yuan's stumbling youth, her study career seemed a bit boring.

When studying, with Mi Yuan's lively personality, it is easy to make many friends, and she can be regarded as the most popular person in the class. Although her academic performance has yet to be considered, Mi Yuan is definitely a leader in dealing with others. No big problem.

As for why a person who likes to make friends chose to study the boring medicine in the end, Li Tang found out after careful questioning that Mi Yuan finally chose to obey her parents' wishes when filling out the application form, and then applied for this major.

She doesn't like such a rigorous job. When she first started studying medicine, she couldn't even hold a scalpel steadily. Compared with becoming an excellent doctor, as time goes by, she prefers to become a doctor who can talk to patients dealing with nurses.

In the final analysis, the way of life is her own decision.

Li Tang returned to his new home, but saw a bouquet of bright red roses at the door of Xiaoyanglou.

No need to think about who sent it.

Before entering the door, Li Tang bent down and picked up the bouquet of red roses on the ground, took away the letter card tied on the streamer, and then closed the door of the small western building.

Jiang Qiming, this guy, can't be tough, is he going to play romance with himself?
However, he still remembers that he likes red roses... I don't know if his former girlfriends have this common feature.

Or... Miao Meizi likes it too.

She still couldn't completely forget what the woman in the long black dress said to her.

Li Tang sighed softly, but did not throw away the flowers in his hand cruelly.

There is still a faint fragrance on the delicate red roses, as if they have been carefully packaged.

After putting the bouquet of flowers into the empty vase at the door, Li Tang had just changed into off-white pajamas and was about to sit down on the newly bought sofa when he received a familiar call.

Now that you have accepted his roses, then you can reluctantly answer his calls.

"Like it?"

The moment the phone was connected, the man's deep voice came from the phone.

"I don't like it, throw it away."

Li Tang was probably a little emotional, so he said something completely inconsistent with the facts to the man opposite him.

"I can see the surveillance video of the community, Xiaotang, you obviously took it into the house."

Who knew that the man opposite didn't intend to save face for her at all, and directly exposed what she just said.

In the surveillance video, he could see the woman who had just entered the community, walked unhurriedly to the door of the small western-style building he bought, took a fancy to the bouquet of red roses at a glance, bent down to pick them up, and then pushed the room open. The door went in.

So was she trying to speak against him on purpose just now?

He didn't know yet that Li Tang still had moments of petty tantrums.

Obviously, during the time when she had sex with her before, she didn't have any emotions. Instead, she fought more and more courageously. Although there were some elements of his letting go, he could see Li Tang's changes.

To confront her head-on, unless he is willing to go all out, or not let a little water in, otherwise this level is not enough for this woman to take the initiative to show weakness to him.

He felt a little helpless, and felt that he seemed to think things too simply.

Thinking that Li Tang, who had just withdrawn from the comfort of Jingyiju for two months, had to devote himself to so many complicated and tedious things in such a short period of time, even if Jiang Qiming wanted to continue to face Li Tang Tang came hard and had to pause for a while.

So, there is this conspicuous bunch of red roses.

Of course he still remembered that Li Rendao had mentioned to him a long time ago that Li Tang's favorite flower was red roses, just like most of the women he knew, probably there is no woman who would not like roses, right?

Li Tang probably didn't know that she was the first woman he gave red roses since he was a child.

His emotional history is not rich, it can even be described as lacking, and it is only for her that he has made many changes.

But she wouldn't know this either.

He would not take the initiative or be willing to say these words, and he did not want her to know them.

(End of this chapter)

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