Chapter 228
On the other side, Li Tang, who was still on the deck, was still chatting slowly and carefully with the unknown son.

"I didn't expect that Ms. Li is also a person who bows to the world." Brother Gongzi said a seemingly casual but actually very meaningful sentence while shaking the goblet.

"What do you mean by that?" Li Tang was more or less aroused, so he simply followed the young master's words and asked.

She has always thought that she has a clear understanding of herself, and she thinks that she is not so easy to bow to the world. Why does this young man who just met tonight say that about herself?
It's as if he knows her well.

"I always thought that Ms. Li would not be someone who got married when she was young." Brother Gongzi took a sip of his wine before continuing meaningfully, "But now, Ms. Li is already engaged."

"It's still with that kind of guy." After a pause, the man shook his wine glass and pretended to be deep.

Now, Li Tang felt even more curious.

According to the man next to him, he also knows Jiang Qiming, and the relationship with Jiang Qiming is not very good?
... Whether he knows Jiang Qiming or not has anything to do with her.

No need to think so much.

After Jiang Qiming knew what Li Rendao had done, the relationship between them would fall apart without accident.

And that day is only a matter of time.

What will happen sooner or later, why think that there is a possibility of reversal.

"The engagement will be canceled in a short time." Li Tang stared at his refilled glass on the wine table, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

It seemed like she hadn't had a drink in a long, long time.

At least, after the war between Jiang Qiming and Tong Ye, she was barely drunk.

The last time I drank like this, I don’t remember when, what kind of people were around me, and where I was.

"Who said it was going to be cancelled?"

In a trance, Li Tang seemed to hear a familiar male voice, and then felt a strong force on her shoulders, as if to forcibly drag her away from the booth, she was a little more awake, and suddenly raised her head, Only then did I see who it was.

Did Jiang Qiming hear what she said? what can I hear.

Anyway, he is also here, so just tell him about this matter, what time are you waiting for.

Procrastination will not change the result.

The two of them separated as soon as possible, and they could find the next satisfactory partner as soon as possible.

Marriage is not a bow to the world, right?
This is just something that everyone has to face when they get older.

Alas...why do I feel that my state of mind has suddenly aged a lot?

"You heard me right, I said it." Li Tang was pulled by Jiang Qiming to stand up, and then he answered bluntly what Jiang Qiming had just asked, and met those angry eyes with indifferent eyes. eyes.

"Why are you drinking with other men here?" Jiang Qiming didn't intend to directly pursue what Li Tang said to another man just now, but asked while pinching Li Tang's wrist.

If Ji Xiaoting hadn't called him, he wouldn't have known that his fiancée was drinking alone in a booth with other men.

She didn't want to see him, she was indifferent to his love, stayed up all night, went to the bar to drink with other men, what was she talking about, canceling the engagement?
Is she crazy.

Isn't she busy during this time, a very busy person, instead of recharging her energy for the day's running around at night, she runs here to accompany other people?Would rather take up his sleeping time to spend time with others than with his nominal fiancé?

What the hell is she doing?And why did you come to this kind of place without telling yourself?
Does she know what she looks like now?
"It has nothing to do with you." Li Tang wanted to shake off Jiang Qiming's hand, but in a hurry, he ignored the physical gap between himself and Jiang Qiming. her wrist, "Let go of me."

"Follow me back to Jingyiju." Jiang Qiming said while restraining his anger from above.

It won't work to be soft on her, nor can it be done in a competitive way.

He knew now that he could only use the strongest way to deal with her.

"I do not want."

"Li Tang, if you don't come with me tonight, your previous efforts will be in vain, I promise."

Needless to say, he has now fully understood that she is very good at weighing the pros and cons, and since this is the case, she knows what to choose at this time.

Sure enough, he saw wavering and compromise in Li Tang's eyes, and he knew that shaking a businessman's interests was the most fundamental and effective way to make a businessman compromise.

Since she doesn't intend to talk about feelings with him, he will talk about interests with her.

If Li Tang stubbornly refuses to go with him today, all the water he put on her before will be taken back in the daytime tomorrow.

She should have already thought of this consequence, and she should also know very clearly that with her current ability, going against him is nothing more than striking a stone with a pebble.

"Okay, Jiang Qiming, I'll go with you." Li Tang gritted his teeth and said, only feeling an unknown fire burning in his heart.

Just go with him, anyway... Tell him frankly about the Wang'an war, and he will let him go.

She can bear it a little longer, and it will be fine.

The other party was Jiang Qiming, but he even held the control of his own company!
If he threatens her, how dare she sing against him?How funny!
(End of this chapter)

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