Chapter 231
At this moment, the man who was sitting on the sofa and raised his head slightly to look at her seemed to have a deep meaning in every word he said, why couldn't Li Tang hear it.

He has admitted in disguise that it was Zhou Bin who shot Li Rendao, and that it was Zhou Bin who shot Li Rendao again after Li Rendao was hospitalized. Even the hospital might side with them and hide Li Rendao from her. Ren Dao's condition.

Thinking about it, Jiang Qiming at that time was clearly aware of the possibility of Zhou Bin's defection and betrayal, and he would definitely increase the investigation and information tracking of Zhou Bin within the organization. At that time, he was almost under house arrest in Jingyiju. All the people stationed outside Li Rendao's ward were Jiang Qiming's subordinates. If it wasn't for Jiang Qiming's intention to let him go, how could it be possible for Zhou Bin to sneak into Li Rendao's hospital without leaving any clues?

I am also careless, and I only blame myself for not checking An Zhan's affairs earlier, and not decoding the files saved in the USB flash drive earlier.

Jiang Qiming's parents all died in the Wang'an War, especially his father Jiang Zhaoye, who died directly under Li Rendao's hands...

For him now, family is not a concept worth talking about at all.

Realizing that he had said something wrong to some extent, Li Tang shut his mouth for a while.

She is probably a person who is easy to empathize, so even at this time, she can bear her own temper because she considers the other party's emotions and specific circumstances, and she can't say what she wants to say.

"It's not up to you to cancel the engagement." Seeing that Li Tang stopped talking again, the man who was puffing away slowly opened his mouth again, "Why should the disputes of the previous generation affect the present?"

Li Rendao was indeed ashamed of Jiang Zhaoye and Zhou Bin, and Zhou Bin had already retaliated, and his revenge for Li Rendao's making himself an orphan was nothing more than acquiescing to Zhou Bin's behavior.

He even considered Li Tang's feelings, so he didn't kill the Li family when they were most vulnerable.

What did his father do wrong?
The hero who carried the Medal of Honor and was sung should have been his father.

If Li Rendao hadn't betrayed his promise and chose to betray his brother to save himself, if he hadn't been lucky enough not to be caught and killed by a criminal group before handing over the evidence to the police, how could it have turned into the current situation?
If it weren't for Li Rendao's selfishness, how could he kill his father?

No wonder my father didn't want to involve himself in the same torrent as him. It turned out that no matter how good or close the relationship with the people around him was, there was still a possibility of betrayal for personal gain, and the betrayal of the closest person was often the most deadly .

My father wanted me to study medicine, but I didn't expect that I couldn't continue to study in the end. I still followed his old path and had to deal with what happened in their previous generation.

"If Li Rendao is dead, Jiang Qiming, then you killed my father with your own hands. How do you want me to be with you?"

"You're still talking big, why do you need to avenge the grievances of the previous generation because of the things of the previous generation?"

Li Tang only felt that what Jiang Qiming said just now was ridiculous.

"Li Rendao was hospitalized because of his injuries, I didn't do it." Jiang Qiming tried to explain what he did.

"If Zhou Bin didn't have your acquiescence, how could he attack him?"

"Do you know that even if Zhou Bin didn't shoot him, there would be more people in this world who want him dead." Jiang Qiming put out his cigarette, then stood up, and walked to Li In front of Tang, "Li Tang, if it wasn't for my protection at the beginning, he would have died countless times already!"

At that time, Zhou Bin wanted to kill Li Rendao directly, but after hesitating, he didn't agree at all. Didn't he feel that there was no need to do such a terrible thing?
He has endured it all the time, and even pretended to send someone to guard the ward where he killed his father and enemy. Li Rendao deserved what he deserved, but now she came here to accuse him of not doing this?
It wasn't her who died of her father, so she couldn't empathize with herself at all.

He didn't expect anyone in this world to feel the same as him, but it was Li Tang who wanted to stand at the commanding heights and accuse him of everything he did, and he had to be so righteous, even if it was clearly Li Rendao's fault. The mistake you made should be punished by a thousand swords!

(End of this chapter)

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