Chapter 234 Next Life

With the help of the dim light in the room, Li Tang found the lost soul sitting on the ground at a glance.

After walking a few steps, Li Tang saw the bowls and chopsticks on the table again from the corner of his eye. The bowls containing white rice seemed untouched, let alone those side dishes that looked ugly and hard to swallow .

That's right, Tong Ye is just a prisoner of war under Jiang Qiming's subordinates. What good treatment can a prisoner of war have?What's more, if Jiang Qiming hadn't promised to let him end Tong Ye's life, Tong Ye would have been shot dead by Jiang Qiming long ago.

It's as if Tong Ye's lingering here now is all because of himself.

But in the final analysis, all of this is his own doing, and he can't live on his own doing.

She would never feel sorry for him, she would only feel that the hatred in her heart had been resolved.

"Xiaotang, I knew that Jiang Qiming would not let me die before I saw you."

It's still the same address as before, but it seems to have been a long, long time ago when I heard it from the downcast man in front of me, and the person who calls her that now is still standing outside the door, maybe I can still hear their words. Every move, every word spoken.

Li Tang felt somewhat emotional in her heart, but this did not affect what she would say or do next.

"Xiaotang, does Jiang Qiming love you very much?" In the darkness, Li Tang could clearly see Tong Ye's somewhat distracted eyes.

It seems that he has been on a hunger strike for a long time, he hangs his breath, and is just waiting for himself to see him for the last time.

Sure enough, a lunatic.

"Love? In your perception, what is love?" Li Tang sneered, not feeling any softness at all because of Tong Ye's current situation, "Love means being with the other party, even if the other party doesn't want to, Even if you have to use coercion, as long as you can be together, do you think this is love?"

It's also ridiculous.

Even if the other party doesn't want to?Having said this, she felt that Tong Ye and Jiang Qiming were the same kind of people at the moment.

"Xiaotang, tell me, if you don't love someone, why would you long for her to be by your side so much?" Tong Ye's tone was light, as if every word he said would cost him a lot of energy, standing in front of him Li Tang in front of him could even hear his heavy breathing, "I hope she only belongs to me, and only sees me, don't look at others, and don't be with others."

"You are just a perverted possessive desire, which has nothing to do with love." Li Tang said in a cold tone, unwavering in the face of Tong Ye's emotional cards, "If you really love me, you should wish me the best of luck after leaving you. will be happy."

It's ironic... She would say such things to Tong Ye now.

To be honest, she didn't think that Tong Ye would sincerely wish her happiness. With his paranoid and unreasonable personality, she would only wish to let herself die in love with him, and die together in front of Jiang Qiming, which was better than letting him He knew that he might be with Jiang Qiming.

But even if Tong Ye really expressed her sincere wishes when she was dying, would she be happy?
And Jiang Qiming, will they be happy?
She herself doesn't even understand what love is now, and what happiness is defined by the public.

"Xiaotang, I love you so much that I want you to belong to me completely." Tong Ye tremblingly stretched out a hand, as if trying to touch her through the air, but naturally there was nothing but air In the end, he could only take it back as disappointed as the owner of this hand, "Xiaotang, you are pregnant, right?"

"Are you worthy of mentioning this to me?" Speaking of this, Li Tang felt that the slightly bad mood just now disappeared, and was replaced by anger that could not be concealed in his tone, "You are such a scum, you want to use it in delusion. This way makes a woman stay by your side, and you still say you love me here?"

"Let me ask you, you're pregnant, right?" Tong Ye was visibly agitated, and gasped a lot louder.

Li Tang hesitated for a while, and finally nodded towards the place where Tong Ye was sitting, and then made an inconspicuous mouth shape, meaning it was gone.

I don't know if Tong Ye understood the mouth shape she made, anyway, Li Tang clearly saw that Tong Ye's eyes that were already a little distracted became more blurred, as if the last ray of hope that he had been holding on for the past few days had also been shattered. Same.

It's could he think he could keep his baby?Oh, no, I don't know who this child belongs to... Anyway, it's all destroyed, so does it matter if it belongs to Tong Ye or Jiang Qiming?
The more I think about it, the more disgusting I get.

"It was Zhou Bin who did it to Li Rendao, and Jiang Qiming's tacit still want to be with Jiang Qiming?"

"What does it matter if we are together or not? You can't wait for that day."

"Compared to me, do you think he loves you more? I really want to see his expression now. I must be gloating."

"Tong Ye, there's no need to talk about love all the time, he's more like a normal person than you."


Li Tang felt a little bored, but he didn't stop Tong Ye from continuing to say something.

"Xiaotang, at that time, if there was no Li Rendao, we should be able to be together, right?"

"It would be terrible if they were together."

She saw Tong Ye slowly close his eyes, even those slack eyes were blurred in the darkness.


"Remember when we were together in college?"

"Xiaotang, the you now are much more ruthless and hard-hearted than you were back then."

"It's so cold, Xiaotang."

"You have changed a lot, and you don't feel my love like you used to."

"I want you to hug me. I've been waiting for this day for a long, long time."

"You don't talk, Xiaotang, it seems that I can't wait, right?"

Tong Ye babbled a lot on his own in a muffled voice, but Li Tang kept silent all the time, no longer responding to him every sentence as he did at the beginning, even if he said something as sharp as a knife.


Suddenly, the dimly lit room fell into a deathly silence.

Li Tang was about to stand up to see the situation of the man sitting on the ground, but before she could stand up, she heard the man's light voice again.

"Xiao Tang."

"He won't see it, and won't cause you trouble."

This time, Li Tang chose to remain silent again.

Reason told her that Tong Ye had done so many things to sorry her, she shouldn't have any pitiful and soft-hearted thoughts towards him, but the human heart is fleshy, facing Tong Ye like this, she couldn't help but feel emotional.

She didn't know what to say.



She wouldn't hug him, even if it was his last request before dying.

Tong Ye was right, he was indeed much more ruthless and hard-hearted than he was in college, and he would never let temporary sensibility prevail.

She couldn't forgive him, even if it was against her will, she didn't want to say it.

"it is good."

"I'm sorry, Xiaotang."

The sound of breathing in the room became softer and lighter, until finally Li Tang couldn't tell whether it was his own breathing or the last breath of the man sitting on the ground when he was dying.


"Tong Ye?"


Tong Ye absolutely ignored her calls.

But all she got was silence.

"Without Li Rendao, maybe we would be together, maybe you wouldn't become so paranoid."

"But so what if you miss it."

"If we're not together, what can we do?"

"Love is not a necessity for you and me, why should you be so persistent?"

"You could have lived a good life and found a woman who loved you."

"Let's go, Tong Ye, we won't see each other again in the next life."

(End of this chapter)

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