Chapter 236 Can You Wake Up
After Li Tang said the phrase "Let's not see each other again", Jiang Qiming felt as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

In the past, he would never agree to what Li Tang said - even if his resistance was of no avail, Li Tang would still go his own way and unilaterally ignore him.

Hasn't she always treated herself like this during this period of time?

It stands to reason that I should have gotten used to her attitude long ago, and it wouldn't cause any emotional waves.

But when Li Tang really said the phrase "We don't want to see you again", he still felt palpitations the moment he heard it, as if such words should never have come from Li Tang's mouth, nor should he It may be the same as what Li Tang told him personally.

Looking into the woman's eyes under the dim light, her eyes used to be bright with stars, but now they are dim and full of unbearable fragility. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he had lost the right to reject her .

He said that he didn't want to treat Li Tang in a tough way anymore, because she didn't like others treating her like this, but he almost never thought that when he faced Li Tang now, he would compromise and give in so easily, even There was a distinctly humble gesture.

After leaving the community of Li Tang's new home, Jiang Qiming did not go directly back to Jingyiju, but found Zhou Bin's current residence.

"Can Li Rendao wake up?"

This was the first sentence he said after seeing Zhou Bin.

"I don't know about that medicine either. Who knows? He's just wishing he was lucky." Zhou Bin's tone was not kind, and he even felt like he was breaking the pot.

Ever since Jiang Qiming chased and killed him inadvertently, and was caught, Jiang Qiming not only didn't come directly to interrogate him, nor did he come to ask him why he wanted to defect. Instead, he even arranged a place for him. The residence is far inferior to my former home, but it is also better than wandering on the streets with fear.

After being caught by Jiang Qiming, he had no intention of living anymore.

During that time, under Tong Ye's urging and instigation, I rushed to the hospital where Li Rendao was located in the middle of the night without doing anything, and saw that the downstairs of the hospital was full of brothers and friends that I used to know from Jiang Qiming's side. Time also has many emotions in his heart.

But this fetter couldn't stop him from taking Li Rendao's life at all.

When he was about to walk in directly from the gate, he was suddenly led to a small path by someone covering his mouth tightly.

"I can acquiesce in your actions, but don't kill him."


"Just pretend you haven't seen each other tonight, and we'll settle the bill later."

Of course, he didn't know why Jiang Qiming suddenly appeared and brought him to this trail, and he didn't know why Jiang Qiming didn't directly let him take him away after he found out at that time. He only knew that Jiang Qiming supported him. Ren Dao started, and there was no one on this trail at all.

At that time, Jiang Qiming, what was he thinking after seeing him.

Without thinking too much about it, Zhou Bin sneaked into the hospital where Li Rendao was located along this trail. In addition, perhaps Jiang Qiming meant that there were not many people on duty in the hospital, so he easily entered the hospital where Li Rendao was. ward.

Then, he pointed the small needle in his hand into the forearm of Li Rendao who was lying on the bed.

What kind of effect the liquid inside will have on Li Rendao's body, he doesn't know yet, he only knows that killing his wife and enemy will surely kill him if he takes this injection, but fortunately he remembered what Jiang Qiming said outside the hospital You can't kill Li Rendao - thinking about it now, Tong Ye's defeat was decided at that time, and Jiang Qiming insisted that he would eventually become his captive, so he left a way out for himself in advance.

After all, he didn't dare to kill himself.

Too much trust in the people around him, just like Jiang Zhaoye in the past.

Zhou Bin suddenly felt amused.

Therefore, he didn't push all the green liquid into the man's forearm.

(End of this chapter)

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