Chapter 238
"Mr. Shen, look at my father's illness. Is there any possibility of waking up?"

"Miss Li, it's hard to say... According to common sense, your father should have woken up a long time ago. As for why he is still unconscious on the hospital bed, it may have something to do with his own wishes."

Li Tang and Mr. Shen met at a nearby restaurant, and after telling him about Li Rendao's affairs, Mr. Shen said that he could help to see Li Rendao's situation. In order to be useful, you have to see his situation in person before making a conclusion.

After seeing Li Rendao's situation in the ward and communicating with the relevant doctors, Teacher Shen's face clearly showed a not-so-optimistic expression.

"In my opinion, Miss Li, you still have to be mentally prepared that your father will never wake up. After all, this kind of thing that depends on personal will can't be said well by anyone except him."

"Why is this happening? My father hasn't woken up for a long time, isn't it the effect of the medicine?"

The expression on Li Tang's face was not as calm as it was at the beginning, and the degree of doubt in his tone was very heavy.

"Medicine, to be honest, this thing should have been metabolized through body functions half a month ago. Even if there are serious side effects, it won't affect it for so long. Miss Li, your father hasn't woken up for a long time. I can assure you that, to a large extent, your father is unwilling to open his eyes."

"Why is that?"

Why would he not want to wake up?Could there be any reason for Li Rendao to choose not to wake up but to stay in a coma on the hospital bed?
"With all due respect, Ms. Li, your father's desire to survive is very low, so low that it is almost non-existent. I speculate that it may be because he encountered something that had a great impact on him before he passed out completely. As his only Daughter, have you paid attention to this aspect?"

"...I don't know." After hesitating for a while, Li Tang could only admit embarrassingly that he didn't know what happened to his father at that time.

Jiang Qiming even told her that her father was shot. At that time, she knew almost nothing about Li Rendao's situation.

And what she's doing now feels useless.

Li Tang almost inevitably felt lost and a deep sense of powerlessness.

"I can assist your father's attending physician to assist in the treatment of your father's illness. Maybe the situation is better, and he will wake up. It's just that, Miss Li, it's hard to say, the most important thing is still his personal will."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shen."

"It's nothing troublesome. You are Jiang Qiming's fiancée. Although I have had some conflicts with that kid before, there is nothing serious about that kid other than a problem with his philosophy. Just treat him as a debtor to me." It's gone." When the man's name was mentioned, a faint smile suddenly appeared on Teacher Shen's face,
"...Okay." Li Tang was stunned for a moment, but after hesitating, he still didn't reveal the embarrassing relationship between himself and Jiang Qiming.

The medical master in front of him helped him all because of Jiang Qiming and Mi Yuan. It could even be said that Jiang Qiming was the most important reason why he finally decided to join his father's medical team.

Li Tang didn't know how to speak yet.

But right now, for the sake of his father, it's better not to explain to Mr. Shen the fact that the relationship between himself and Jiang Qiming has fallen apart - even if it's a lie, it's a forgery.

If Jiang Qiming's fiancée was the only way to invite the man in front of her, then she would be willing to act on this matter until it was perfect.

This was originally a skill she was good at, not to mention that no one outside knew what happened between her and Jiang Qiming in one night.

She was just asking for something.

For some reason, the moment Li Tang heard the man's name, Li Tang subconsciously felt palpitations.

"Miss Li, I also want to ask you to do me a favor."

"Teacher Shen, tell me, as long as I can help you."

"I thought about it for a while, I still need to meet your fiancé." Teacher Shen's tone was slightly sad when he spoke, and he didn't know why.

"Okay, I'll tell him. Just contact him when the time comes." Without hesitating for too long, Li Tang agreed to Teacher Shen's request for her help.

That's fine, she doesn't owe that much favor.

Although in the final analysis, Jiang Qiming cannot be avoided.

When thinking of that man, Li Tang almost subconsciously recalled the way Jiang Qiming spoke to him in a calm voice that night, that tone, that demeanor.

She was sure now that Jiang Qiming just liked her, very much.

But she still can't really let go of what Jiang Qiming did before, whether it's to herself or to her father - even though her father, thinking in another way, is far more hateful and damned to Jiang Qiming people.

Emotionally, it's hard to tell right from wrong.

Let time give the answer, she still can't figure it out more or less now.

Does she love him?

Maybe it was love, at a certain moment, at a certain time period, when he tried his best to make his deep voice sound like he said he loved her softly.

Maybe she also had a heartbeat, but the scene of her heartbeat was too vague, and now she doesn't want to admit it.

After separating from Teacher Shen in the hospital, Li Tang stood at the door of the hospital and called Jiang Qiming, intending to tell him directly and clearly about Teacher Shen. Tell Teacher Shen who is still completely ignorant.


The call was quickly connected, and a man's indifferent voice came from the phone.

Li Tang's heart skipped a beat subconsciously, uncertain of the man's current mood and attitude towards him.

After explaining the general situation to Jiang Qiming, Li Tang only heard the man who had kept silent all the time sigh softly on the other end of the phone.

"Understood, what day did you arrange?"

"You can discuss it with him, I can't arrange it."


"Don't tell him."

"it is good."

After that, the two didn't say anything more, but hung up the phone hastily.

Li Tang, who was standing at the entrance of the hospital, was holding his mobile phone. Just as he was about to leave, he ran into Miao Meizi who had just come out of the hospital lobby. The woman was looking at her with a displeased face.

"Hey, you are so lost, did you ask Jiang Qiming to accompany you to the hospital and he rejected you?"

Before Li Tang was about to ignore her and leave, Miao Meizi sneered at her.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you something." Li Tang turned around and smiled politely at her. Seeing the curiosity and caution on Miao Meizi's face, he subconsciously felt refreshed, "I and When he was chatting, he mentioned you."

"What did he say about me? Tell me quickly!" Miao Meizi's tone became agitated instantly, and she walked several steps towards Li Tang's direction, almost bumping into Li Tang.

"He said that you are a licking dog who doesn't even want dignity. He said that he has rejected you many times, but he didn't expect that you, a woman, would be so shameless. Knowing that he has a fiancee, you still want to lean towards him." Facing Miao Mei Zi was so aggressive, Li Tang did not show any weakness, and even took a step forward, directly pushing back the woman who had just approached, "Ms. Miao, be more self-respecting."

"You!" After hearing what Li Tang said, Miao Meizi's face was red and white, and she was so humiliated that her brain couldn't react, and she didn't know what to say to refute her.

(End of this chapter)

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