It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 244 Because of Different People

Chapter 244 Because of Different People
After working in the company all day, Li Tang managed to get off work. When he was about to leave the office, he was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.


Li Tang was somewhat dissatisfied, but she didn't show it.

Maybe there is something urgent, she must do it herself.

"It's me... big sister."

It wasn't someone else who opened the door, but someone she hadn't seen for a long, long time... It was half a relative, Li Bin Yuhan, and behind her was a collateral child named Li Zuoguang.

After seeing clearly who the visitor was, Li Tang couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly.

It turned out that the two of them hadn't been fired by Jiang Qiming yet?I really don't know if it was Jiang Qiming who released the water or it was just the two of them who really behaved themselves and did not make any mistakes.

However, the current Li family has long been torn apart, and these two people are nothing more than a blood relationship that can't even be put on the table. She doesn't need to think too much because of these two people.

"What's the matter? I'm off work now." Li Tang asked in a calm voice.

"I think I haven't seen Eldest Sister for a long time, so I still want to see Eldest Sister." Compared with Li Tang's calmness, Li Bin Yuhan's voice was a little timid, and she didn't know that during her absence, she What happened again.

"They're all in the same company. Is this the first time you've seen me?" Li Tang smiled softly, not thinking that Li Bin Yuhan's presence in his office is really to chat with him and reminisce about the past "If you have something to say, you too, Li Zuoguang."

She is very tired today and wants to go home early to rest.

"I...I want to come to say sorry to you." Compared to Li Bin Yuhan's hesitation, Li Zuoguang, who is a man anyway, directly stated the reason why he came to Li Tang's office at this time.

"What are you sorry for me?" It's not that Li Tang is angry with him, but she really doesn't know what Li Zuoguang has sorry for her during this time.

"Master and you have been hospitalized, and I haven't visited you once in the hospital..." The more he said, the softer Li Zuoguang's voice became.

The initial doubts on Li Tang's face quickly dissipated, and he immediately understood what Li Zuoguang meant.

It can only be said that the current Li Zuoguang is really living the way Li Rendao planned when he was training him. He clings to him and himself incompetently, and has subtly placed himself in an inferior position. When he and himself were in the hospital, he didn't come to the hospital to visit them, but went to her office to apologize to her.

The truth is somewhat redundant.

"It's okay, after all, the Li family has broken up." When he said this, Li Tang inexplicably felt a little emotional in his heart, and looked at Li Zuoguang with a slightly softer look, "You should be yourself, don't worry about me and ... my father."

I don't know why, since Li Tang knew about the Wang'an war, the status of his father Li Rendao in his heart has plummeted. In this matter, he is indeed heinous, but no matter what, he still played well as a The role of father, I shouldn't be disappointed in him...

"What about you." Retracting his thoughts, Li Tang turned his attention to Li Bin Yuhan who seemed to be hesitating to speak at the side.

She believed that she had made up her mind and decided to speak up before coming to her office with Li Zuoguang.

So, for now, just be a little patient and wait.

"I's a pity that the Li family just broke up like this." In the end, Li Yuhan raised her head and said her thoughts to Li Tang's gaze, "Obviously everyone is still here, Mr. Li It's just in the hospital, why..."

"It's all gone, so why regroup?" After understanding Li Yuhan's meaning, Li Tang shook his head helplessly, interrupting what she hadn't finished speaking, but his tone of voice was not as expected Heaviness, "Live your own life, just be yourself, since something has happened, let it be and let it pass."

To be honest, Li Tang did not understand from the bottom of his heart why Li Bin Yuhan would think so.

Was it because Li Rendao had been lenient to her before, or was it because the conflict between him and her had been resolved before, or was it because she had grown up suddenly, matured suddenly, and saw things and problems from a different perspective, Or why...

Why did she hope that the Li family would not disband?

Probably, as a Li family member before, she got a lot of bonuses from it, right?

Seeing the disappointed look on Li Bin Yuhan's face, Li Tang didn't know what to say.

"Okay, it's past the off-duty time, shall we go back?"

For some reason, she suddenly felt a little soft-hearted.

Looking back, during this time... she always seemed to be swayed by different people.

(End of this chapter)

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