It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 247 The Most Extreme Road

Chapter 247 The Most Extreme Road
"Brother, Song Ning committed suicide." In the Tianyun warehouse, Heizeman told Jiang Qiming a little bored while counting the goods in the warehouse, "The death was quite tragic, and it is said that the brains came out."

"She won't be able to escape if she doesn't treat herself a little harder." Jiang Qiming sat aside, sliding his fingertips on the tablet.

She was really motivated during this period. With her own efforts, the company's stock price has risen a lot.

He was almost a hands-off shopkeeper, he didn't care about anything, and let Li Tang act on his behalf, as if this company was not in his hands at all, and Li Tang was the real owner.

His current focus is not on business, he has more important things to do now.

Li Tang didn't want to see him, so he tried not to go to that company.

"She should also know that brother didn't intend to let her survive at all, right?" Heizeman said while flipping through the ledger in his hand, not knowing what Jiang Qiming was thinking at the moment.

"Whether she knows or not, it doesn't matter." After being pulled back from his thoughts, Jiang Qiming said lightly, and then turned off the tablet in his hand.

"Brother, do you have anything else to do?" Seeing that Jiang Qiming seemed to be busy next time, Heizeman asked casually.

Since Tong Ye's death, they have been free for a long time, and there is almost no work for them to do. He came to Tianyun warehouse today to help Wu Peng with some trivial matters in the warehouse.

He still remembered that Li Tang found him before he expected it, and threatened him not to tell Jiang Qiming what he saw on the background of the computer that day. The abortion incident told Jiang Qiming that without evidence, Jiang Qiming might not believe anyone.

Why would he use the terminal of his program to bet that Jiang Qiming would suspect Li Tang?

Even if Jiang Qiming became suspicious of Li Tang, even if Jiang Qiming finally found out about Li Tang's abortion, it would not affect him much.

But my terminal is my lifeblood, and I can't move it a little bit.

He didn't know how Li Tang got the relevant information about his terminal, and he was surprised that Li Tang was really good at this. He didn't dare to bet, so he could only follow what Li Tang said at the time Since I didn't see it, I just assumed that Li Tang hadn't been to my home that day, or said those words to me.

"Well, I'm going to the hospital."

After separating from Heizeman, Jiang Qiming drove directly to the hospital.

His identity was widely spread among the people in the hospital. Most of them already knew that he was Teacher Shen's former favorite student, and now he even had to complete an operation under the guidance of Teacher Shen.

"I often marvel at your talent, Xiao Jiang." Teacher Shen said with a smile, holding a scalpel, and his tone was full of emotion.

He has said similar words to countless people in private. As for whether he has said this sentence in front of himself, he can't remember clearly.

But now seeing Jiang Qiming skillfully completing the training tasks he assigned today with a scalpel, and almost answering questions fluently, Teacher Shen had to marvel again.

With so many knowledge points, he hasn't forgotten any of them?
"Well, I will use it in normal work."

"I almost forgot, you just don't want to be a doctor... It's not that you want to waste what you have learned before."

"You haven't forgotten, it's just that the path I chose is too ridiculous for you."

"That's right...Xiao Jiang, everyone has a choice. Whether to do it or not is up to oneself, not others."


Jiang Qiming's movement of waving the scalpel suddenly slowed down a bit, and then quickly recovered to the original speed and accuracy.

I always feel that what Teacher Shen said to me at this moment actually has a deeper meaning.

But if he continued to guess like a headless chicken, he was not sure what Teacher Shen wanted to say.

"Did she sign it?"

Probably, it was something related to that woman again.

"I signed it, and now I'm waiting for the operation in ten days." Teacher Shen said in a slow voice while checking Jiang Qiming's results, "Her father's indicators have been affected by the latest batch of drugs. Finally, it is much more stable than before, and it should be completely stable in a week."

"it is good."

Jiang Qiming took the initiative to end the topic, and the laboratory fell into deathly silence again.

"Xiao Jiang."

"what happened?"

"Why hide her father's real illness from her?"

"I don't want her to worry."

"I figured it out Why do you always think that woman doesn't believe you."

"Believe it or not is her business."

He just did it.

Naturally, his hatred for Li Rendao would not decrease, but there were many ways to punish and retaliate against him.

He doesn't have to take the most extreme path.

(End of this chapter)

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