It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 254 The Offending Chapter

Early the next morning, Li Tang, who had been insomnia all night, put on light makeup in a hurry and was about to go out when he received a call from Chen Nanfang—the former personal doctor of Li Rendao—asking her to come to the community first. The security room at the door took a letter, which seemed to be given to her by a certain doctor, and asked someone to convey it to her.

After hanging up the phone, Li Tang came to the security room at the gate of the community as quickly as possible. After checking the name and basic personal information, the security guard finally handed the white letter to her.

It's strange to say that in this day and age, there are still people who still write letters by hand instead of typing a few words and sending a text message. This is obviously much more convenient, and it doesn't have to be so troublesome to ask someone to find Chen Nanfang ...

While muttering silently in his heart, Li Tang stuffed the letter into his bag first, and then got into the car.

It's better to wait until the company is closed and then open it. Her intuition tells her that this letter can't bring any news that will make her bad mood better.

After arriving at the company, he greeted the front desk as usual, and when he just opened the door of his office, Li Tang suddenly saw Pei Lu standing inside abnormally, as if waiting for him to enter the office this morning.

Could it be that something happened to her unbelievable brother again?
This has nothing to do with her, she doesn't want to hear it, and she doesn't want to care about it.

"What's the matter?" Even though her intuition told her that Pei Lu would tell her something she didn't want to hear or know if there was no accident this time, Li Tang still put the bag in his hand On the table, she asked after sitting down in front of Pei Lu.

At work, I don't know if it's because that Pei Chuannian said bad things about her in front of Pei Lu, or because some things that I don't know and don't know about may have happened when I was away. In short, since she came back After arriving in this company, the affairs Pei Lu was in charge of basically had nothing to do with her, so logically speaking, there were not many opportunities for the two of them to really meet each other in the company.

In the past, they would see each other every day, even staying together for a long time during the day.

It's just... But in just a few short months, less than half a year, the people and things around her have already undergone such a big change.

Thinking of this, Li Tang didn't know if it was because of his bad mood during this time, Li Tang felt a little more emotional in his heart.

"I'm here to announce the good news to you. It's good news. Why don't you just smile?" Perhaps because Li Tang has been grim and serious during this time, Pei Lu's voice has also softened a lot. , and the content of the speech was as relaxed as possible, not wanting to make Li Tang feel uncomfortable.

"What's a good thing?" But Li Tang was still not interested, and just responded out of politeness.

"Mr. Jiang... Mr. Jiang transferred all the shares he held to you. Now you are the largest shareholder of the company, and you own more than half of the shares."

"Who told you?" Li Tang raised his eyelids slightly, as if he had raised some interest.

Is Jiang Qiming so kind?
Does he not want to take revenge on Li Rendao?Why bother to transfer all the shares you hold to yourself at this time?What's more... After she returned to work in the company, even if Jiang Qiming held the most shares, he never intervened in the company's affairs. Basically, she alone had the final say...

He was nothing more than a hands-off shopkeeper. When he was in a good mood, he would say a few words to get everyone to support his decision. When he was in a bad mood, he could bring those employees overtly and covertly to add to his troubles like before.

The current situation is like this, whoever Jiang Qiming protects will live a prosperous life.

"He asked me to convey it to you in the morning. He said that if you don't want to see her, he won't appear in front of you..." Pei Lu said truthfully to Li Tang's questioning eyes.

"Understood, you go out." After thinking for a while, Li Tang decided to let Pei Lu go out first, and then think about why Jiang Qiming did this by himself, not to mention that he still has a letter here. Which doctor can get rid of the unopened letter that Chen Nanfang reminded him to take.

"Forgive me for talking too much, Mr. Li, what's the situation between you and Mr. Jiang... Mr. Jiang?"

"Since you know that you are talkative, don't ask." Li Tang almost subconsciously felt a little impatient, and his tone of voice was much heavier.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li, then I'll go out first, and you are busy first." Seeing that Li Tang didn't want to answer the question just now, Pei Lu finally realized how offensive what she said, and quickly bowed. left her office.

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