Chapter 59
Lee Mansion.

Sitting leisurely in the study, Li Rendao, holding an enamel cup in his hand, watched the news reports disappearing one after another, seemingly absent-mindedly knocked on the wall of the cup with a spoon, making a crisp crashing sound.

What happened to Jiang Qiming, he naturally couldn't ignore it completely, after all, they are now a cooperative relationship on the surface.

To control public opinion outside, and he also provided them with a regular fire brigade and follow-up supplies. To do this, for a person who has almost nothing to do with himself, it is considered the utmost benevolence.

As for the conflict between Jiang Qiming and Tong Ye, no matter how big or small, he didn't want to intervene.

But at this moment, that crazy kid from a poor family should have already contacted Xiaotang.

With Xiaotang's temper, it is estimated that he will just let him go away.

After the tea in the enamel cup was drunk, Li Rendao slowly closed the curtains to block the dim light outside, and then returned to bed.

It doesn't matter who wins between Jiang Qiming and Tong Ye in the end.

As long as the final beneficiary is Xiaotang.

That's what he's going to do, what he's going to do ostensibly.

Only when this matter is done well can he walk towards the finish line with peace of mind.

On the second floor of the mansion, Li Tang had already turned on the lights in the room, but she hadn't fallen asleep yet, and the only light source in her room was the faint blue light emitted by the computer that was still running.

The news about the fire was deleted as soon as it was published. At this speed, it was obvious that someone was operating behind the scenes, but the calm on the surface, how could it escape the storage and tracing of the information network.

The arsonist was Tong Ye, and she knew that, after all, he made a call to her brazenly, and she tried to call back the call, but when she got there, it was already an empty number.

Apart from this, in my impression, Tong Ye is not a person who dares to do illegal and criminal things like this, not to mention that when the fire broke out this time, the flames were so bright, how could it be that he did it?
Tong Ye has changed a lot in the past few years when he went abroad.

And... what is his purpose of returning to China?
As soon as this question came to mind, Li Tang already had a rough guess.

He chose to return to China at this time, not surprisingly, because of her.

But then again, why did Tong Ye choose a fire to burn that place?In her memory, she has never been to that place...

There are too many doubts about the arson incident, and there seems to be a small problem with the intelligence network she used, and the retrieval is not as easy as it was a few days ago.

As far as the current situation is concerned, she still needs to be on guard against Tong Ye. After all, from now on, he is just an arsonist.

The time displayed on the computer screen was already three o'clock in the middle of the night.

It was too late, and Li Tang inevitably felt drowsy, and continuing to use this carpet-like method to search tonight may not be fruitful, and life after waking up in the morning still has to continue, so, why not Take the time to rest.

Her sleep quality is always good, but tonight may be difficult.

The wind in the second half of the night was much stronger than during the day, and people could even smell a wisp of smoke in the blowing air, but it quickly dissipated in the air.

Tonight is colder than any other night during this period. It seems that this year's winter will be longer than that of a few years earlier.

People lying in bed naturally cannot feel the chill from the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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