Chapter 66

"The first lot—" the auctioneer, who called himself Mr. Yoshino, deliberately dragged his voice out, "It's the formation martial art "Duan Wu Jue", which is tailor-made for the immortal cultivator who cultivates wood aura. If you are successful in cultivation, you can use the formation in the book to trap enemies two realms higher than yourself for at least half an hour, and the level is yellow-level intermediate!"

"In addition, this tactic has the effect of accelerating the growth of grasses and elixir! Such a martial skill, if purchased in the Tongfa Pavilion, you need at least four hundred spirit stones!"

"And today, because this is the first piece, let's win the prize. The starting price is 150 spirit stones!"



The field quickly boiled up.Everyone knows that what Mr. Yoshino said is true, the price of the first item is often lowered, just to stir up the atmosphere!
After a while, this thing was called 330 Lingshi.

Finally, a man dressed as a farmer shouted out 380 spirit stones and took a picture of this martial skill.

Martial skills with attributes are definitely a favorite for cultivators.

Mr. Yoshino's face was rosy, and the waiter came from behind and took out the second lot.

It was a set of tempered poisonous needles, with a starting price of three hundred spirit stones. It was difficult to solve for several months in the mid-stage of foundation establishment.

There was another heated bid, and finally the young master Song Tai bought the item with [-] spirit stones.

Many participants cast apprehensive looks at him.

After a few more items, the starting price was basically below [-] spirit stones. Among them was a golden jade fan with illusions, a nine-turn remittance pill that suppressed redundant spirit roots, and an invisibility that would not be discovered under a Nascent Soul. symbol.

Jian Baisan was very moved by the invisibility spell, but after thinking about it being a one-off item, he finally resisted asking for a price.

The waiter pushed the trolley again and brought up a lot.

Mr. Yoshino said with a smile: "Everything is extraordinary, and all the old stars are picked up. Dreams are sold forever, and I advise you to drink again!"

The dark blue flannelette was lifted, and there was a translucent small wine jar underneath. The wine in the wine jar was light blue, and there were dots of sparkles inside, really like the stars in his words!
"This wine doesn't have any strength, but it can not only make you travel all over Kyushu with a sword in your dreams, but it can also relieve your body from thousands of pains, not to mention that the old star has pure spiritual power, which is enough for a Qi Refining cultivator to recover from the illness in one breath. From the third floor to the fifth floor!"

"The entire lower three prefectures can only produce a hundred altars of wine 'fanwu' in a year, and the starting price is a thousand spirit stones!"

A jug of wine dares to start with a thousand spirit stones, what a rich man dares to drink like this... Jian Baisan is speechless.

Caiyin next to him suddenly pinched the conch lazily, and said via voice transmission: "Two thousand spirit stones."

Jian Baisan: "..."

This is also the first time that the distinguished guests on the second floor bid for the lot, which symbolizes that this auction has entered a new stage.

Jian Baisan asked: "Sister Caiyin likes to drink?"

"I don't like it very much." Caiyin said, "But the suzerain loves this kind of wine, sometimes he will send us subordinates to buy it."


When the price was fully doubled, the audience fell silent.

After asking three times, the wine "everything" was quickly returned to Caiyin.

Caiyin leaned down and whispered to Jian Baisan, "I suddenly thought of a way..."

After the two discussed, Jian Baisan closed his eyes.

Not long after, the waiter brought the things into the private room.This is also one of the benefits of VIPs-the things you shoot can be obtained immediately, and you don't have to wait until the end.

Caiyin looked at him with a smile, but after paying the payment, he hooked the waiter's neck off.

A silk handkerchief embroidered with butterflies slipped out of Caiyin's cuff, she grabbed it and stuffed it into the little waiter's skirt.

Caiyin asked in a low voice: "After the end, do you want to taste this mortal thing?"

The waiter bowed his head and apologized: "Thanks to the favor from the guests, this is not in line with our rules."

He turned and went out the door, but he took out the handkerchief, sniffed it secretly while no one was around, and stuffed it back into his cuff.

Jian Baisan closed her eyes motionless, while Caiyin looked at her with a smile.

Xiao Miaoxian stared at the motionless Jian Baisan both strangely and curiously.

After the time for one item to be auctioned, a jade color flew in through the crack of the door, and finally stopped beside Jian Baisan.

Jian Baisan opened his eyes amid Xiao Miaoxian's relieved expression, and said, "Tianzi NO.11."

In the service room where the waiter is located, there is a roster that records all the information of the guests.

Just now the waiter was in charge of the transaction, so he had to go to the service room to hand it over to the manager, and he would definitely see the roster.

Let Jian Baisan temporarily use the body of a butterfly to secretly take a look at who is the person from Xiaoliu Cave. Although it is a bit risky, the benefits are obviously greater!
Mr. Yoshino at the bottom called out the next lot with a smile.

"The next thing is really a must-have for traveling in Kyushu—the fourth-grade elixir, the immortal elixir!"

"This pill can only be made by the Medicine Pavilion, and everyone must have heard of it! The Immortal Pill is a good medicine for detoxification, and it can save ten thousand poisons below the Golden Pill!"

"Whether it's acute poison or slow poison, heavy poison but light poison, obvious poison or hidden poison, as long as the person who poisons you is not the golden elixir, you will be saved!"

"It's said that you often pass by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet! If you have doubts about your body, buy it and eat it, and you can change it for peace of mind!"

Jian Baisan thought of the soul poison in his eyes, and his heart beat wildly.

However, it is also possible that people from Xiaoliu Cave came to catch her this big fish.

"The starting price! Two thousand spirit stones!"

Immediately, a distinguished guest on the second floor called out the price: "Two thousand three hundred!"

Tianzi number three.

"Two thousand six hundred!"

Tianzi No. [-].

"Two thousand eight hundred."

Jian Baisan also recognizes this voice, it is the voice of Ru and Master, he is next door to them, Tianzi [-]hao.

"Three thousand."

Tianzi NO.11!The people in Xiaoliu Cave spoke out.

"If they don't lift it up to around [-], it's basically certain that they took it out," Caiyin said.

"If you want to buy this elixir, it's only three thousand five hundred. They don't want to suffer from what they have brought out."

"The person who shouted the price, just send someone to check it slowly later."

Tianzi No.[-] shouted: "Three thousand three hundred!"

Tianzi NO.11: "Three thousand and four hundred!"

Tianzi No.[-] continued: "Three thousand six hundred!"

Tianzi NO.11 really stopped talking.

After three bids, Tianzi No. [-] won the Immortal Pill at a price of [-], and it will also become the focus of Xiaoliudong after the auction.

Jian Baisan breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still a faint unwillingness in her heart.

If I were stronger... I would recover sooner!
Mr. Yoshino below took out the next lot, a puppet doll whose ability is comparable to the peak of Foundation Establishment!
The [-] spirit stones were photographed by Tianzi No. [-], which is the room where Ru and the master are.

It's really strange.Why do monks buy this?
"The following lot is really extraordinary." Mr. Yoshino said mysteriously.

"It's a high-level mysterious weapon! It's a famous sword, and it's called Shanyin!"

Mr. Yoshino turned around, his hands were covered with a faint golden luster, and then he lifted the knife called "Shan Yin" vigorously.

This knife looks like a Buddhist knife, the scabbard is matte black, simple and low-key, with only a tiny lotus flower engraved on it.

Yoshino-san struggled to pull out his sword and showed it to everyone.

I saw that the blade was moon white all over, with a rounded back, a deep blood groove on the blade, and the tip of the blade could be as sharp as the tip of a needle.

"This knife is made of white Yingying steel," he said, but he slashed down with one knife, cutting the copper cart pushed by the waiter in half effortlessly like cutting tofu.

Fanaticism appeared on the faces of many people below.Young master Jiang from the fairy mountain also straightened his back.

"It was originally a pair of swords, and the other was called 'Shan Nian', but it was lost in Jingqi State a hundred years ago."

"The current 'good cause' has a small flaw, that is, because of the formation engraved in it, the movement of the spiritual power of the person holding this knife will be greatly restrained."

"The treasure appraising expert of the Qi Pavilion discussed with me that if another handle is found and the two formations are combined into one, this effect will disappear."

"Maybe when the time comes, the rank will rise with the tide, maybe that's it!"

Mr. Yoshino smiled and said, "Therefore, this knife can also be regarded as a treasure map."

"Buy it, absolutely no loss!"

"The starting price is four thousand spirit stones!"

Isn't this just sending pillows when you doze off!

Jian Baisan's heart was burning, and just about to open his mouth, he heard Jiang Shaoshi on the first floor speak: "Five thousand spirit stones!"

(End of this chapter)

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