The First Beastmaster of the Nine Realms

Chapter 70 But He Gives Too Much

Chapter 70 But He Gives Too Much

They set off immediately and returned to the Gongzhu Pavilion. Jian Baisan asked Xiao Miaoxian to settle in Poxue Pavilion, and the two went to the woodshed in the backyard.

"How much do you know about me?" Jian Baisan asked while leaning on a knife.

The soul in the net bag was rushing left and right, without speaking.

Caiyin stared at the soul with his eyes, and said softly, "Tell me."

The soul stopped struggling for an instant.

Not long after, screams came from the firewood room, followed by vague answers.

Three quarters of an hour later, the door of the firewood room was pushed open, and the two came out, Caiyin smiled and said, "It's okay."

It's okay.

The mouths of the few people were not strict, and coupled with the sound-picking technique, it didn't take much effort to interrogate them, but they got very useful information.

Those two children were Liu Ding's former subordinates, and the soul picked two children from the Zongmen's territory to board.

The other two were their attendants, their cultivation bases were around the tenth level of Qi Refining, and each of them wore a tiger formation specially designed to restrain spirit beasts. After the two children received Liu Ding's order, they joined them. Come here together to find Jian Baisan's whereabouts.

According to what they said, after Liu Ding fled back, he handed over two copies of Huoxian Bamboo Liquid to Hall Master Hu who sent the task at the beginning. Hall Master Hu was very happy, and went out to kill a foundation establishment of another sect himself and rewarded Liu Ding as a gift. Physically, he was promoted.

"Who is Master Hu?" Jian Baisan asked.

"Master Hu is the head of the state under the general cave, and he is temporarily the cave master."

"What does he want this for?"

"His son is said to be practicing dual cultivation of soul and body, and something happened to his own soul cultivation, that's why."

Jian Baisan thought for a while, and said: "Some of you also cultivate, why is nothing wrong?"

The soul in the net bag said: "...I don't know. But it seems that his cultivation method is different from ours. It is said that it is very strong."

Jian Baisan silently remembered that the exercises practiced by Master Hu's son are very strong.

Caiyin sat on the side with a smile and continued to ask: "Why did you come here? Do you know that Jian Baisan will come?"

"I don't know." He replied with dull eyes in the net bag, "We... we have six groups of people... squatting."

"In addition to Yuebin, there are also Sieyang, Jinlan Dadu, Pomegranate Forest, Spring... a few big... all... Gu..."

"He can't do it anymore." Caiyin looked at the transparent soul withdrew his spiritual power and said, "Change to another one and continue."

Replaced by a child.

"...Pomegranate Grove, and Quandu, a total of six largest cities."

"Her characteristics are wheat-colored skin, sword-like eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes, two knives on her body, a single bun on her hair, and a yellow dog who often follows her... Thunder-type spiritual power, and her strength is around the fourth or fifth level of Qi Refining."

It is precisely because of this that the highest among the few who possessed the pressure tiger formation did not exceed the eleventh level of Qi Refining, and was taken advantage of by Jian Baisan's sneak attack.

"Every time we see a female cultivator with a similar appearance, we will try it. If we are sure, we will report to Guardian Liu."

Jian Baisan asked the most important question: "Where is Liu Ding?"

One person said: "He is in the pool... ground... underground, and he wants to sell..."

Caiyin said: "His soul strength is relatively strong, and he is very resistant to this question. I can't make him open his mouth."

"Then change the question."

Jian Baisan asked: "Do you know...Xiong Binge?"

Her heart clenched slightly, waiting for the answer.

"...I have heard of it, but I don't know."

"Where did you hear that?"

"At a banquet, a banquet, came."


Master is really like Liu Ding once said, not only related to Xiaoliudong, but also their distinguished guest.

And she didn't forget what Liu Ding said when he looked at her.

"It really made him find it."

Jian Baisan was not taken away by him because of an adventure, but as a target.

The knife in Jian Baisan's hand became tighter and tighter: "What else do you know about him?"

"do not know."

There were no more questions to ask, Jian Baisan asked Caiyin to destroy his soul, and asked the last boy almost the same question.

Similarly, although he knew about the issue of "Where is Liu Ding", he showed unprecedented resistance.

But on Xiong Binge's question, he gave a different answer.

"The old man Sheyang has been a distinguished guest of Master Hu for more than 40 years."

"Jian Baisan's arrest a few months ago was withdrawn after being asked by the old man Sheyang. After that, Liu Ding sent us to search privately."


Facing the sun, Jian Baisan glanced at Caiyin, and finally couldn't help asking: "Sister, when you met my brother, do you remember how he mentioned Master?"

"That..." Caiyin narrowed his eyes slightly, the thin bracelet on his wrist was blown by the wind and made a "dinglingling" sound, and said, "He and Tonghe are very fond of your master. "

like very much?
Could it be that the senior brother and the master are in the same group?Jian Baisan thought hesitantly, she remembered her senior brother's bad attitude at the beginning - no, it wasn't purely bad at all, but more like being stimulated by something.

But according to what she saw, it was obvious that the relationship between master and senior brother was not so good.

Master's attitude is justifiable to say that he hates iron but not steel, but the senior brother almost never mentioned the master when he and Jian Baisan talked about everything, and was as indifferent as a stranger...

"I still remember that time," Caiyin recalled as he and she walked slowly towards the Poxue Pavilion, "Luo Xiaoyu is not what he is now."

"At that time, I was practicing in a secret realm in a hardening realm, and I was separated from my companions, and I was very scared."

"The secret realm is full of tall grass spikes, almost like a maze. I walked forward cautiously, but was suddenly stopped by someone. I was startled and rushed to attack, but was blocked."

"The person who stopped me was the bronze crane."

"At that time, he was dressed in gorgeous clothes. He said that his junior brother was bitten by a very powerful poisonous insect, and he happened to have no antidote. He asked me for an antidote. In return, they could give me a spirit stone, and then put I'll send it out safely."

"I didn't want to agree, but Tonghe gave me a full 150 spirit stones."

Jian Baisan: "..."

"Then I looked at Luo Xiaoyu again. He was crying and calling Master in his dream. He didn't look like a bad guy, so I rescued Luo Xiaoyu."

"At that time, he was just a young man who was older than you, and he only had four or five levels of qi refining, right? He stuttered when he woke up, as if he had never talked to a girl. It's very funny, tell him If you want to promise him with your body, he hides behind the copper crane and blushes secretly, holding a small fish tank in his hand with a small black carp in it."

ah?Jian Baisan was at a loss.

Is this the same person?
"Later we walked together. Tonghe talked a lot on the way. He is very smart and strong."

Caiyin said: "At that time, I heard them talk a lot about your sect and your master."

"It was summer outside at that time, and your senior brother also mentioned one thing. He said that it was very hot outside, and it would be nice to have some ice to eat when we go back."

"Tonghe said that the old man Xiong must have prepared it in the cellar in winter."

"On the way, Luo Xiaoyu also told Tonghe not to tell Master that he was bitten by poisonous insects, or he would be worried. He didn't know how the little gourd was doing these few days. Did he miss him? If he went back, he would sleep for three days. He didn't want to Practice your sword well..."

"After I heard this, I was so jealous that I gnawed my fingernails in the middle of the night. After I came to the sect, the master had many disciples. At that time, she didn't even know my name..."

"Out of the secret realm, there was indeed an old man with a white beard waiting for them. He brought a beautiful white horse. Only then did I know that the horse was called Little Gourd."

"You don't know," Caiyin Cibai knocked on the door of the Poxue Pavilion with a white finger, and asked Xiao Miaoxian to open the door, with a nostalgic expression on his face, "At that time, their master was the only one who met at the gate of the secret realm. Master of apprentices."

(End of this chapter)

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