Chapter 21 Meet again
Intuition told her that what they were looking for should be the same thing as what she was looking for.

No matter who this Master Nan is, let's grab the things first.

Deliberately bypassing them, Wu Qingxi and the well-fed little Gu King sped up their progress.

"Are you sure it's here?"

Wu Qingxi looked at the steep cliff, even if he couldn't see the bottom of the cliff at a glance, a chill was still coming up.

Little Gu King pointed his tentacles, the meaning is self-evident.

go down! ! !

Wu Qingxi hesitated for a while, since she had agreed to King Saiyan, she seemed to have no reason to refuse.

"I really owed you in my previous life." Wu Qingxi poked Little Gu King's head, and silently took out the rope.

Not to mention it was deeper than I imagined, and the cold air became heavier as it went down, even penetrating into the bones.

Wu Qingxi went down calmly, knowing that the rope had reached the end, and she hadn't reached the end yet.

However, her vision penetrated through layers of fog and finally saw the bottom of the cliff.

A silver lake.

After visually measuring the distance, Wu Qingxi made a clever effort, the end of the rope that was originally firmly fixed on the cliff was loosened, and the whole person began to fall with the rope.


Falling into the water, Wu Qingxi shuddered from the cold.

She couldn't even stand the freezing water.

However, now is not the time to be squeamish.

Waving his arms, Wu Qingxi quickly swam towards the shore.

She must return to shore before her body freezes, or she will die.

While swimming in Wu Qingxi, I began to think, why didn't I secretly put a boat in the space?

Mistake, too much mistake.

Wu Qingxi swam very fast, because she felt that her body was getting heavier and heavier, and seemed to have a tendency to sink slowly.

There is definitely a problem with this lake water.

With all his strength, Wu Qingxi finally climbed to the bank when half of his body was about to be dragged down.

The moment she quickly took off the wet clothes on her body and wrapped her in the big raccoon dog, she finally felt a little warmth.

Looking at the silver-white lake surface, the lake water seems to be getting thicker and thicker.

In fact, as she expected, the moment the sun came out, the lake seemed to freeze.

Is it so amazing?

What is this lake?Where is that ghost hidden?

His stomach was rumbling and his hair was wet.

Wu Qingxi, who has always been fastidious, decided to solve her own problems first.

After a busy day, I finally had something warm to eat.

The little Gu King didn't know where he flew, Wu Qingxi didn't care too much, the little guy is smart.

It is estimated that he ran out mischievously, and he will come back later.

Obviously, this time she was too optimistic.

An hour or two passed, and the little guy was still nowhere to be seen.

Whether the lake is big or small, Wu Qingxi doesn't know where to start looking for it.


Chu Baijin didn't expect that his meeting with Wu Qingxi would come so soon.

Looking at the sleeping man leaning against the tree trunk, Chu Baijin silently put down the sword in his hand.

How could she be here?
Sitting on the side, looking at the person who seemed to be sleeping soundly, Chu Baijin suddenly reached out his hand out of nowhere.

Just when his palm was about to touch Wu Qingxi's face, a hand firmly grasped his wrist.

"What do you want to do?" Wu Qingxi opened his eyes without feeling sleepy.

"Are you pretending to be asleep?"

Wu Qingxi flung his wrist away. If she didn't want to socialize with this man, would she sleep in the same clothes?

Originally thought that he would walk away sensibly, but I didn't expect this person to be so ignorant.

"Why are you here?"

"I should ask you this, shouldn't you leave Xing County?" Wu Qingxi said lightly.

Chu Baijin sat aside and added another firewood.

He originally went to track down the grain and grass with his men, but he did not expect to encounter some strange things, and they also separated.

He found his way around in many twists and turns, and came to this lake.

Then, I saw Wu Qingxi.

It's really troublesome, Wu Qingxi complained in her heart, it would be much more convenient for her to act alone.

"And you, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for medicine, King Saiyan needs a medicine, I will find it for him."

Chu Baijin was excited for a while: "Is King Sai Yan finally going to treat you? Great!"

Wu Qingxi: "..."

Even if he wants to heal his illness, does it have anything to do with what he is so happy to do?

Although I don't understand it, seeing a man with a smile on his face is ugly, but it's still pleasing to the eye after getting used to it.

Without explanation, Wu Qingxi stared at the two small spots on the lake in a daze.

Chu Baijin followed her gaze, not knowing why.

The moment the moon came out, the surface of the lake was slowly rippling with waves.

The rising mist made this place look like a fairyland.

not good!

Wu Qingxi took the lead to cover his mouth and nose, took out a medicine bottle with one hand, poured out a green pill and swallowed it into his mouth.

Looking at Chu Baijin on the opposite side, he seemed to be immersed in it.

Looking at the empty bottom of the bottle, Wu Qingxi took out a few more bottles, but none of them were right.

"Hee hee~" Chu Baijin on the opposite side laughed foolishly.

Forget it, just feed two medicines and try.

Wu Qingxi poured out two balls, ready to stuff them into Chu Baijin's mouth.

As a result, he dodged away, muttering in his mouth: "Mother, don't, don't! Jun Qing is not sick, and I don't want to take bitter medicine!"

Wu Qingxi's hands froze, what did he just say?
"Say it again, what's your name?"

Chu Baijin caught off guard and reached out to touch Wu Qingxi's forehead, saying: "Mother is not sick, why don't you remember what your son's name is?"

Wu Qingxi didn't avoid it this time, she forced a smiley face: "Mother didn't forget, Mother wanted to test you, did you forget?"

"Oh, hee hee, my name is Chu Baijin, and my name is Junqing. My mother is the eldest princess, and my father is the most powerful general."

After Chu Baijin finished speaking, she looked at Wu Qingxi begging for praise.

His name is Junqing?

How could there be such a coincidence in this world?
"Mother? Mother, Jun Qing is so hungry!" Seeing Chu Baijin who spoke like a five-year-old child, Wu Qingxi let out a sigh of relief and took out a pancake for him.

"Wow, it's so delicious." Chu Baijin ate while shaking her head, looking a little more charming.

"Mother, you can eat too." A piece of pancake was stuffed into Wu Qingxi's mouth.

After eating and drinking water, Chu Baijin yawned and leaned against Wu Qingxi automatically.

"Mother, I'm sleepy, I want to sleep."

A large piece leaned over, and Wu Qingxi subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

However, looking at those eyes, she suddenly couldn't move.

Lying on Wu Qingxi's lap, Chu Baijin quickly fell asleep.

I don't know if it's because of the hard work these past few days, or because the mist emitted by the lake is too toxic, Chu Baijin slept soundly.

Wu Qingxi: "..."

Now she is in a complicated mood.

He tried to move Chu Baijin's head away, but he started to frown as soon as he moved, and Wu Qingxi gave up after several times.

Go to bed and sleep, Wu Qingxi is too lazy to bother.

(End of this chapter)

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