ox!Fleeing famine with the future emperor's cub

Chapter 24 So She Didn't Want to Hug Me

Chapter 24 So She Didn't Want to Hug Me
Wu Qingxi sneered, either he died or he died?

That's really good, then let him be with his younger brother.

The last time he was allowed to run, it was because he was destined to run fast.

Today, even if King Yan came, she would kill him first.

Not because of anything else, but because he is not pleasing to the eye.

Chu Baijin has already sat up, but both legs are pierced with holes, so it is difficult to stand up now.

Wu Qingxi frowned, this man's fate seemed to be too much.

"Hmph, it's such a time, and you're still distracted. It looks like you don't know how to write dead characters!" Ma Dahu rushed forward, like a mad bull.

Wu Qingxi frowned, this man really has no sense of beauty at all.

With a slight dodge, Wu Qingxi cleverly dodged his attack.

It is the best policy to use softness to overcome rigidity, but Wu Qingxi doesn't think so.

Just when Ma Dahu thought she was going to dodge around with her body, Wu Qingxi rushed forward with her red-tasseled tungsten iron gun in her hand.

Seeing this gun, Ma Dahu felt his stomach tighten.

Last time, he suffered a big loss on this.

This time, he was already prepared.


It's one thing to think you're ready, but when it comes to fighting, it's a bit careless.

Wu Qingxi fired a gun, and Ma Dahu seemed to have been hit hard on the back, and he staggered and almost knelt on the spot.

"Bah, you bitch, I'll kill you!" Ma Dahu was furious, turned around and slashed at him with a big knife.

"Kill me? Let alone this life, you won't have a chance in the next life." Wu Qingxi was at ease, but some people were already out of breath.

In the last fight, Wu Qingxi still needed to deal with him well.Now, it's almost like playing~
After dozens of rounds, Ma Dahu obviously realized this.

Angry and annoyed, but there is nothing to do.

Wu Qingxi hit him on the head, and Ma Dahu fell to the ground with a muffled sound, his whole body was bombarded, and finally fell to the ground dying.

To cut the weeds is to get rid of the roots, which is the purpose of her work.

The point of the gun was aimed straight at his throat, ready to pierce his neck directly.

"How dare you!" A shrill female voice came instantly.

Wu Qingxi didn't pause to look back as she expected, but directly threw the whirling knife.

The revolving knife flew straight towards the direction of the woman behind her, and she dodged subconsciously.

When she looked over again, a hole the size of an egg had appeared on Ma Dahu's neck, and dark red blood flowed out.

Wu Qingxi turned around with a smile, wanting her to stop, is she worthy?
The 30-year-old nun is average-looking, with small eyes, a flat nose, and a big mouth.

"Big Hu? Did you kill my husband?"

Are you a husband?It turned out to be a family!
A bandit is paired with a nun, who will believe it if it is said, it is simply off the mark.

"Isn't it obvious? Do you need me to repeat it again?" Wu Qingxi said nonchalantly.

"I'll kill you, you poisonous woman!"

Uh, Wu Qingxi is a little helpless, the plot is exactly the same, is it going to be a revenge drama again?
"What are you doing in a daze, don't forget who gave you food and taught you kung fu, let me do it together!" The woman is obviously smart, and she doesn't rush to let others die.

Wu Qingxi was suddenly a little impatient, she didn't like to watch such vulgar dramas.

A sudden chill in the neck...

The nun clutched her neck in disbelief, and the warm blood rushed forward.

Before she died, she finally saw it.

It was a very small rotary knife that killed him.

Although small, it is more than enough to cut the neck.

How could this be?
Wu Qingxi took back the little guy, and said to himself: "Who said I only have a whirling knife?"

She likes revolving knives very much, and just happened to find another good piece of iron ore, and she simply asked someone to beat more than ten large and small ones in one go.

The leader died, and the rest of the nuns were stunned.

Obviously, the most powerful people here are the master and his wife. Now that the couple have both died, they are a little at a loss.

"I'll give you a stick of incense to leave here, and if I meet you later, you will die worse than them!"

Wu Qingxi was carelessly happy while wiping the blood stains on the tip of the gun.

Almost without hesitation, these young nuns rushed out.

Wu Qingxi shook his head, it's ridiculous to pretend to be a nun instead of doing something wrong.

"You shouldn't let them go. If someone goes to report the news, wouldn't it be..." Chu Baijin originally wanted to say that she was asking for trouble, but she swallowed the words.

Wu Qingxi had put away her weapon and returned to her usual gentle appearance.

"Don't worry, these nuns should have no contact with the outside world. As for the men in the dark, I have already dealt with them."

On the way she came, she killed all those men along the way.

Seeing how relaxed she said it, Chu Baijin felt ashamed.

Compared to Wu Qingxi, he felt a little weaker.

"Can you go by yourself?"

Chu Baijin nodded, tried three times forcibly, and finally stood up staggeringly.

Although every step seemed to be on the tip of a knife, his self-esteem did not allow him to call it painful.

Wu Qingxi frowned, and walked over directly, as if to hug him.

This frightened Chu Baijin, she took two steps back subconsciously, and said in her mouth, "Don't...don't come here!"

As a result, he tripped himself and fell to the ground again.

Wu Qingxi wondered, she just reached out to hand him a bottle of medicine, why was he so excited?
Forget it, since he doesn't like others to be close to her, she won't be too hard on others.

"Hey, I'll go out first, and you apply it on the wound on your leg." A white porcelain bottle was thrown into Chu Baijin's arms, and Wu Qingxi walked out silently.

Chu Baijin: "..."

It turned out that he wanted to give himself medicine instead of hugging or carrying him. While he was relieved, he also felt that something was weird.

After a long time, I have to admit that the storybook is indeed a lie.

In a courtyard in Kyoto, the woman who was writing a story book suddenly sneezed.

Wrinkling her nose, she was writing a beautiful picture of the hero saving the young lady and finding that the young lady was injured, so she used her strong and strong arms to pick up the young lady with one hand.

Is someone scolding yourself?
Shaking her head, the woman continued to sway her pen and ink.


After waiting for less than one lamp to be removed, Chu Baijin came out.

Wu Qingxi stood in the yard, looking up at Mingyue, wondering what he was thinking.

Chu Baijin subconsciously looked at the white porcelain bottle in her hand, he was the one who knew the Wu family background the most.

The firing process of this porcelain bottle can be regarded as top-notch in Kyoto, why does Wu Qingxi have it?
It is still used so casually, as if it is an object that can be seen everywhere.

There is also the medicine powder inside, which stops the bleeding as soon as it is poured on the wound, and he feels that the wound has tightened a lot.

Was this medicine given by King Saiyan?
(End of this chapter)

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