The dishes were still the same, and everyone looked as usual.

Xiaoyan held his mouth slightly, and suddenly felt extremely wronged.

It's very strange, obviously it was like this before, but this time he just felt very uncomfortable.

He lowered his head, and the tears fell down.

The little shoulders shrugged, looking extremely pitiful.

Wu Niang's eyes were also red in an instant, she touched her grandson's head, and choked up for a moment.

It's not that she doesn't remember what day it is, but her daughter doesn't allow them to celebrate the child's birthday every time.

After arguing twice, they remembered.

Although I feel that I have wronged the child, after all, my daughter is also a piece of meat that fell from my body.

She didn't like it, and they didn't want to make her sad again.

"Xiaoyan, grandma made your favorite leek eggs today, and two chicken legs, one for each of you and Huzi, be good!"

Hearing grandma's gentle voice, Xiaoyan cried even harder.

"What's wrong with Xiaoyan? Has someone bullied you?" Wu Qinghe asked loudly.

Wu Qingmiao glanced at his brother and sighed silently in his heart.

What else can I do, I miss his mother!

The whole family was a little embarrassed. The child was crying so sadly that they couldn't eat anymore.

Huzi held the drumstick between his legs, hesitated for a moment, and put it down: "Brother, why don't I give you both drumsticks, I won't eat it, so don't cry!"

As soon as Wu Qingxi entered the yard, he heard voices inside.

Xiao Yan raised his head suddenly, got up and ran outside.

"Why is this child..."

Before Father Wu finished speaking, he heard Xiaoyan's excited voice outside: "Mother?! Mother, you are finally back!"

Wu Qingxi picked up the child, although his face was a little tired, but there was a smile in his eyes: "That's for sure, today is your birthday, why is mother absent?"

"Okay, stop crying, mother is back, be good!"

Wu Qingxi comforted a few times gently, and the child finally calmed down slowly.

The whole family is very happy, Wu Qingxi returned safely, it is really great for the family.

"Third brother, the souvenir I brought back is still tied up, please help me get it out."

Wu Qingmu left quickly, and came in with a big package in a short while.

Wu Qingxi opened it and divided up the gifts for his family.

Xiaoyan watched eagerly, but in the end he was not there.

The eye circles were red again, and he was instantly aggrieved.

"Why, are you sad?" Wu Qingxi was a little amused, and patted his head, "Don't worry, your birthday gift is still coming, and you can receive it tonight."


"That's natural. When did my mother lie to you?"

Xiaoyan didn't speak, but couldn't help muttering in his heart: Not now, didn't he often lie to himself before?

Wu Qinghe finally came to his senses and slapped his thigh. It turned out that the child was unhappy because of this.

Damn, he, the uncle, forgot, really shouldn't.

"Xiaoyan, I'm sorry, Uncle forgot that today is your birthday, Uncle promises that he will never forget in the future."

The family chatted about it for a while, and the matter was over.

Xiaoyan's eyes were shining brightly, and she was lying by the window waiting for the dark, and looked back at her sleeping mother from time to time.

When does it get dark?

He is looking forward to the gift from his mother, this is the first time he has received a birthday present!

When Qin Mian got the news, he ran over immediately.

He wanted to chat with Wu Qingxi about some things, and get some news by the way.

"I'm sorry, my sister was too tired from the journey and just fell asleep. Can General Qin San come back at another time?" Wu Qingmiao said politely.

Qin Mian sat in the living room with a smile: "It's okay, just wait."

That's fine, Wu Qingmiao can only helplessly accompany her.

Anyway, he is a great general, so he can't drive people away.

"How about, let's play the next game." Seeing the chessboard on the tea table, Qin Mian suggested.


As soon as Wu Qingxi woke up and opened his eyes, he saw a pair of dark pupils light up instantly.

"Mother, you're finally awake!" Xiao Yan was a little happy, and her tone was a little more lively.

Wu Qingxi suddenly found that after returning this time, his son seemed to be a little more outgoing.

Stretching his waist, looking at the dim light outside, he reckoned that it might be getting late.

Xiaoyan hesitated to speak, wanted to ask but didn't know how to speak.

"Don't worry, wait for mother to wash up, and the gift will arrive in a while." It is estimated that the agreed time is about the same.

"Hmm!" Xiaoyan's tone rose a little, obviously very excited.

At dinner time, Wu Niang knew that Qin Mian hadn't left yet, so she specially cooked a lot of dishes, which were almost as rich as the Chinese New Year.

"It's all commonplace, little general Qin, don't dislike him!" Father Wu said politely.

Qin Mian smiled slightly: "I'm the one who bothered you. This dish looks delicious, much richer than what we had in the camp."

Wu Qingxi didn't pay much attention to their side, anyway, their women and children were sitting at the other table.

As soon as I finished the meal, there was a lot of noise outside.

"What's going on?" Mrs. Wu put down the bowl and was about to go out to have a look.

"Sister-in-law, you can continue to eat, I'll go." Just as Wu Qingxi stood up, Xiao Yan also put down the bowl and chopsticks and stood up.

He is really in a hurry, the meal is finished, the gift hasn't arrived yet, and he will wash up and go to bed later.

Opening the gate of the courtyard, a dozen people stood outside with smiles on their faces.

"Come in." Wu Qingxi led the people in, and these people began to arrange them in the yard in an orderly manner.

"what happened?"

Wu Qingxi clapped his hands: "Come over after eating, today is Xiaoyan's birthday, I specially invited the hottest acrobatic troupe in Xing County to come over."

After the sound of gongs and drums, the neighbors who had finished eating outside came out one after another to watch the fun.

Xiaoyan was very excited, he didn't expect that the birthday gift his mother mentioned was to watch acrobatics.

He had never seen it before, and it was strange to see anything now.

As a little birthday star, he was pulled up several times to cooperate with the performance.

From being cautious and cautious at the beginning to showing the molars behind the smile, it looks really happy.

Wu Qingxi folded her arms with both hands, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"This birthday gift is really special." Qin Mian said softly when he stood beside Wu Qingxi at some point.

His eyes seemed to be a little empty, and he didn't know what he thought of.

Wu Qingxi gave a "hmm" and didn't speak.

The bustling performance lasted for an hour, and ended with everyone's reluctance.

"It's my sister who has an idea!" Wu Qingmu sighed happily, thinking that Xiaoyan would definitely like it on this birthday.

The fact is indeed the case, Xiao Yan, who played like crazy for an hour, is extremely tired, but mentally extremely excited.

It seemed that all the unhappiness in the past disappeared at this moment.

Mother still loves him, he can finally be sure at this moment.

"You're tired, wash up and go to bed quickly. The gift your mother gave you is under the pillow, remember to read it!"

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