Chapter 49
"That's it?" Wu Qingxi was a little surprised.

"Otherwise? Sister, if you still don't feel at ease, let's swear a poisonous oath?" Wu Qingmu eagerly stretched out his right hand.

Wu Qingxi smiled: "Third brother, there is no need, I trust you."

At this moment, she really believed it.

"I'm just curious, you don't want to ask why I have this space?"

Wu Qinghe smiled very honestly: "Hahaha, what is there to ask, it must be my sister, you were chosen by the gods in the sky!"

Wu Qingmiao patted her on the back lightly: "Sister, don't think too much, this is a good thing, you are the chosen one."

The brothers took turns to comfort them, and they even ran out of words in the end.

Wu Qingxi didn't tease them any more, she said that she was ready to deal with it before.

If the family can accept it, she will naturally lead the family to live a good life.

If the family treats her as a monster, then she will take the child and fly away. Anyway, the world is big, and she can live well anywhere.

Fortunately, the three brothers did not let themselves down.

"You don't want to sleep to death tonight, I guess you still have work to do tonight." Wu Qingxi said lightly.

The three looked at each other and nodded heavily.

Obviously, they also noticed something was wrong.

This is the place where they lived for more than ten years, but this time they came back and felt creepy, and everything was wrong.

late at night.

Listening to the occasional chirping of cicadas and frogs outside, Wu Qingxi closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing silently.

Suddenly, there was a movement around him.

"Xiaoyan, what's the matter?" Seeing his son sitting up suddenly, Wu Qingxi asked softly.

"Mom, I want to pee." Xiao Yan said in a daze while half dreaming and half awake.

"Okay, mother will take you out."

Picking up his son, Wu Qingxi stepped out lightly.


"Keep down, don't wake people up." A man said quietly.

"What are you afraid of? The few of them and the few of us will be killed if the worst happens. This is not the first time." The tone of the speaker was bitter.

His name is Wu Ming, and he used to be a carpenter in the village.

Originally, the family lived peacefully and beautifully, but in the end, natural disasters and man-made disasters occurred, and the daughter-in-law and children disappeared.

In the process of fleeing, he became ruthless.

In the process of returning to the village, he met a group of bastards who had been idle before fleeing.

Everyone smashed and looted together, ate meat and drank together, and had a good time.

After returning to the village, they searched from house to house, and almost everything that was edible and usable was found.

Just as they were about to change villages, Wu Qingxi and the others came back.

In an instant, Wu Ming decided not to leave for the time being.

My own family was ruined, but Wu Qingxi's family had a lot of people, and they drove back with two carriages, and they seemed to be living well.

I don't know if it's out of jealousy or something, but Wu Ming just doesn't want to see them enjoying themselves.

"Wu Ming, why are you acting weird tonight?"

A sneer slipped across the corner of Wu Ming's mouth: "Is there any? I can tell you that this family has a surplus. From now on, whether we will eat meat and drink or eat bran-swallowed vegetables will depend on the harvest tonight."

When he said this, several people were instantly moved.

To be honest, let them go back to live a miserable life now, they must be one hundred unwilling.

Before everyone settles down, grab as many points as you can.

Skillfully climbing over the wall and entering, seven or eight people were lying on their bodies, holding short knives in their hands.

Wu Qingxi: "..."

Pressing his son's head in his arms, Wu Qingxi looked at the few people in the yard, not knowing whether to say they were lucky or not.

Take the child out to pee, and they can touch each other.

After clicking on the child's sleeping point, Wu Qingxi handed the child into Wu Qingmu's arms who heard the voice: "Third brother, let's wrap the child in and sleep first."

After Wu Qingmu agreed, he quickly ran in.

Wu Ming spat on the ground: "Brothers, since you've been discovered, let's go directly."

Wu Qinghe also ran out, and when she saw Wu Ming, she froze instantly: "Wu Ming, what are you doing?"

Apparently, he didn't expect that it would be people from this village who made trouble.

Wu Ming completely lost his previous appearance at this moment, his face was distorted: "What are you doing? It's just killing people."

Wu Qingxi was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, since he couldn't come up with anything nice to say anyway.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it directly." After Wu Qingxi finished speaking, he rushed up first.

After a not-so-intense fight, or Wu Qingxi's unilateral beating, seven or eight men passed out in the yard with bruised noses and swollen faces.

"Big brother and second brother, tie up everyone, and we will send it to the yamen at dawn."

The three brothers breathed a sigh of relief, it was good that the younger sister didn't kill them on the spot.

Although they knew that these people were very bad, they didn't want their sister to get too much blood on her hands.

Wu Qingxi yawned, if she knew it was such a thing, she wouldn't have to be on guard.

However, I just went to the Yamen tomorrow to find out the situation.

On the way back, she heard that a new county magistrate had been sent to improve people's livelihood.

After all, all industries in Minxian County are waiting to be flourished, and a truly capable person is needed to lead the common people forward.

Wu Qingxi was very curious, who would the imperial court send?
After all, doing a good job is indeed a merit, but if you don't do it well, I'm afraid you will be scolded by the world.

To put it bluntly, this job is very hot, and no one who is smarter will take it.

The next day.

Unavoidably frightening the family, Wu Qingxi, Wu Qingmiao and Wu Qingmu set off at dawn.

At the gate of the county government office, several people stood upright.

Wu Qingxi nodded slightly, feeling very good.

Although these people don't look very old, but their bodies are straight, they look like Lianjiazi.

"What's the matter?" As soon as Wu Qingxi's carriage approached, one of the men spoke out first.

Wu Qingxi briefly explained the matter, the man did not show any abnormality, opened the door curtain, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Seven or eight big men, like wood, were stacked neatly together, seven or eight heads together, how funny it looked.

Of course, he will never laugh, after all, he has been trained.

After beckoning, several other people quickly stepped forward and moved the people in the carriage out.

One of them breathed slightly, as if he wasn't dead.

Leading everyone to the inner hall, Wu Qingxi looked at the clean and tidy hall with some emotion.

The most tidy and clean place in Minxian County should be here.

"Please sit down and rest for a while, the master will come over in a while."


It's not the county magistrate, so these people were brought over by the new county magistrate himself.

It seems that the new county magistrate still has some family background.

Wu Qingxi picked up the tea in hand, took a sip, and put it down silently, it didn't taste very good.

After waiting for a long meeting, I heard the footsteps of three people from outside, one was messy and the other was heavy, only one person walked lightly, neither hurried nor slow.

(End of this chapter)

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