After Nangong Ye's children's shoes were ignored, she felt a little sad.But still kept his handsome smile.

The girl who had been kicked twice by a certain Chun came up from the pool again, and she was in a panic at the moment.It seems that because Mouchun kicked suddenly twice, so that he drank a few sips of water... It seems that the sleep in the swimming pool is basically mixed with urine... Thinking of this, Mouchun felt happy.

"Why are you up here again? There will be a fee to send you into the pool!"

The girl took a deep breath and told herself in her heart that she must calm down.She looked at Nangong Ye and Ye Luocheng with obvious nympho eyes, but when she saw Xiao Zhi and Xiao Chun, her face was full of anger, "The one who is taller!" She pointed at Xiao Chun, Then he said: "Don't you know that before you kick someone, you have to find out who they are? Do you know what will happen to offending Miss Ben!"

Nangong Ye smiled.Since she is Ye Luocheng's fiancée, the little pure beauty must have a good family background...

Hearing this, Mou Chun showed an extremely innocent smile at this moment, "I never ask who the other party is before I kick someone, because he will become an ant that everyone will step on in a short time." You can play her to death, even if you come to a guy whose family background is ten times better than this crazy guy, she can still kick her.Who made this idiot not know how to use his brain to speak!There is a price to be paid for saying that she has mental problems!

"You really think you are number one in the world?" The girl blushed with anger.

Sorry, sister, I am not the number one in the world, but the distance is not far away... Mouchun thought very pure in her heart... Well, she is pure, so I deliberately didn't say this. If I say it, no Are you trying to scare her to death?Look at what a kind person she is!

"Is it important to be number one in the world? As long as your family background is better than yours?" Xiao Zhi also spoke at this time.Using family background to oppress others... Although she has always been disdainful, it doesn't mean she won't.There must be different ways to treat different people. For example, if a certain pure treats this girl out of her family background, she will not feel disgusted... because this girl's brain is originally flawed, so there is no need to care so much about neurosis.

"Okay! You want two people to bully me, don't you?" She put her hands on her hips, posing like a shrew cursing...

"Don't talk nonsense. Beauty, what qualifications do you think you have for this lady to bring someone else to bully you? Do you need two people to bully you? Sister, I always bully people without bringing guys to attack directly! Like You are so weak, sister, I can fix you in three seconds!" Mou Chun smiled and said to Mou Cheng: "That's right, my dear."

In an instant, a certain Zhi was in a mess, why did this guy keep saying dear... Even if they have a good relationship, they don't need to be so obvious... Bullying her and a certain night are single...

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