Chapter 272
The parents were originally struggling with whether to call the police, but now they heard that the video would be exposed online, they excitedly refused without thinking.

"Don't worry, everyone, the video involves children's privacy and will not be exposed online!"

"I will just hand it over to the police as evidence when I call the police. If you agree, I will take a photo of the police report receipt and the verdict and post it online to publicly expose Lin Shunqi's crime!"

When Wang Ji heard that the parents were so excited, he felt that the result might not be good, but he still tried to comfort and persuade them.

"Can't this matter be resolved privately? Teacher Lin is a teacher at the base, and now that such behavior has been exposed, others can easily guess which children are responsible for it!"

Xiaoyu and Xiaoming's parents were still thinking about what Wang Ji said, when another woman came in at the door, who was Xiaoya's mother.

Xiaoya's mother dressed very smartly, wearing a white turtleneck sweater with a brown woolen jacket on the upper body and a black long skirt on the lower body.

Her hair was all combed up, she was wearing a pair of silver-rimmed thin-rimmed glasses, and her brows were slightly furrowed, making her feel like she was back in middle school facing her class teacher.


Xiaoya ran over to her mother immediately when she saw her, but instead of jumping into her arms like Xiaoyu and Xiaoming did, she stood quietly beside her and only reached out to gently hold her hand.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoya. Mom will solve this matter perfectly."

Xiaoya's mother looked serious, but was very kind to her daughter. After hearing this, she reached out and patted the top of Xiaoya's hair, then put away her smile and looked in Wang Ji's direction again.

"Director Wang, my daughter is 12 years old this year. She is in sixth grade. She will be promoted from primary school to junior high school next year. Most of the students who are promoted to junior high school are assigned according to the school district, and 70.00% are from the same primary school."

"I am also a middle school teacher. I know very well what it is like for adolescent students to talk about their classmates. That is school bullying. I don't want my daughter to go through this because of what happened today!"

Xiaoya's mother said word for word to Wang Ji and also to other parents.

After all, if a parent of a young actor at the same time stepped forward to expose the matter without authorization, her daughter would also be led to speculate.

"Mom Xiaoya, the matter is not as serious as you said. I think..."

"Director Wang, I think Xiaoya's mother is right. Otherwise, we should keep this matter private!"

"It's okay to keep it private, but first tell us where Lin Shunqi is. He bullied my daughter, and I must beat him up!"

Wang Ji didn't expect Xiaoya's mother to be so good at talking. When he was about to refute, he was interrupted by other parents. Apparently they were all persuaded and agreed to keep it private.

"It's no problem to keep it secret. Lin Shunqi discussed with me the money to keep it secret from the beginning. He was willing to compensate everyone for 100 million in mental damages, as long as we didn't call the police or expose it."

"But in this way, he will continue to film and teach in the industry. If your children don't quit the industry, they will most likely meet him again."

Wang Ji was silent for a while and then said.

"It's too cheap for this beast to continue filming and become a teacher, but I also have to consider my son's reputation and future."

Wang Ji's words made several parents look unhappy, and they all looked at each other without saying a word. Two minutes later, Xiao Ming's mother spoke first, breaking the silence.

"I also have to think about Xiaoyu. Even if we can't avoid meeting Teacher Lin in the circle in the future, as long as we protect our daughter from having any contact with him, it will be fine."

Xiaoyu's parents also agreed, not to mention Xiaoya's mother, who suggested keeping it private. "But have uncles and aunts asked my brothers and sisters for their opinions? They want to stand up and expose Teacher Lin!"

Wang Ji smiled bitterly when he heard this, and was about to say something. Xiaotuanzi, who had been sitting in the living room with his parents, observing the movement outside through the glass, suddenly ran out from inside and spoke first.

"Who are you? Are you also a young actor in the crew?"

The sudden appearance of Xiaotuanzi startled several parents. After they calmed down, they looked at her carefully and found that her face was both unfamiliar and familiar.

"Yuanyuan is not from Uncle Wang's crew. Uncle Zhang asked her to come here for training. But Yuanyuan and Sister Xiaoya are friends!~"

Xiaotuanzi shook his head when he heard this, and said "taking classes" very confidently.

"Since it's not from our crew, the nature is different. There's no need to call the parents over. Director Wang, please handle it."

Xiaoya's mother heard Xiaotuanzi say that she was not a young actor in this crew, so she lost interest in talking to her and looked directly at Wang Ji and asked him to take the child away.

"Mom! How can you say that? Yuanyuan is here to help us! I have discussed it with Xiaoyu Xiaoming and Xiaoxuan. We have to stand up and expose this matter online!"

Hearing Xiaoya's mother's rude words, Gu Guoxing in the living room was about to stand up, but He Qingshu reached out and pushed him down.

The latter motioned him to look to the other side, and then saw Xiaoya and the other three children standing up to express their position.

"Are you crazy? This is not a glorious thing. Even if you don't post the video and only expose the text, your classmates and teachers will talk about it, and it will also have an impact on the career development of child stars!"

Xiaoya's mother could barely keep calm at first, but when she saw her daughter coming forward and saying she wanted to be exposed, she immediately lost her composure and raised her voice.

"This is bad, but it's not our fault. It was Teacher Lin who did something wrong!"

"Brother Xiao Ming is right, it's all Teacher Lin's fault. If our classmates and teachers talk about us because of other people's mistakes, that's their problem!"

"I, I don't think it's our fault. I want the police to arrest Teacher Lin!"


As soon as Xiaoya's mother said something, there was no need for Yuanyuan to refute her. The children refuted her words one by one.

"Yes, it's not their fault. The children are not afraid, so what should we be afraid of!"

When Xiaoyu's mother saw that her introverted daughter was brave enough to stand up, she immediately figured it out, joined her child's side, and agreed to be exposed.

"But what Xiaoya's mother said is right. There is a lot of bullying in schools now. That's what we think. But it would be bad if they bully our children because of this incident and cause problems in the children!"

Xiao Ming's mother still disagrees. In her opinion, it is a small matter for Teacher Lin to go to jail and learn a lesson, but her son's future is a big deal.

My son now agrees to be exposed, but after it is exposed, he will be criticized and criticized by his classmates. It is easy to suppress the problem, and it will be too late to regret it by then!
"If you don't let bad people go to jail, they will be more likely to develop problems. Look at this news. This child's name is Miao Wanqi. She committed suicide by jumping off a building a month ago."

After Wang Ji heard what the parents had said, he stepped forward and handed them a piece of news on the phone screen.

(End of this chapter)

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