"You said Xiaohu's things have been packed away? Are they still playing at the nearby delicacies?"

The staff member thought so and said it out loud. After hearing what he said, Gu Guoxing was also a little confused and repeated in confusion.

"Yes, Xiaohu has a phone watch. The watch has the WeChat messages of several of our staff and teachers. When he was out for half an hour, I asked him how he was having fun, and he took a photo of the food court for me. They should Right there.”

The staff member nodded when he heard this, and after speaking, he checked his WeChat to confirm.

The food court is very close to here, only ten minutes away. It was 02:30 when I received the WeChat message, and it was 10:[-] when Xiaohu’s mother and Teacher Li sent a text message saying that they were going back. What happened to these [-] minutes? I can't walk very far either.

"Maybe I was really anxious and forgot about it. Let's go to his dormitory first and let's sort things out."

He Qingshu on the side just picked up Yuanyuan from the pile of children. She happened to hear the conversation between her husband and the staff, so she came over with her daughter in her arms and said.

People are always in a hurry when they are in a hurry. Although it was a convenient way to drive out of the city from the food court, Xiaohu's grandfather had an accident and they were not familiar with Beijing. It was normal for them to forget in a panic.

"Then go and have a look first."

Gu Guoxing nodded when he heard his wife's words. He thought he might be overthinking, so he followed the teacher towards the dormitory.

Xiaohu's dormitory is on the third floor, and he lives with three boys of about the same age.

The four children are all very young. Except for Xiaohu, who is seven years old, the other three are five, six and eight years old respectively.

Children of this age are often the naughtiest, but the dormitory is not as messy as Gu Guoxing imagined. Instead, it is clean and tidy, with everything neatly placed, even the quilts are folded beautifully.

"These children have suffered too much and are much more mature and sensible than children of the same age outside. The most common daily necessities given out by the rescue station are cherished and never left in a haphazard manner, let alone those given by Mr. Gu and other donors. It’s a gift.”

The staff is in charge of the boys' dormitory area. These little boys, who at this age were originally so lively that they would hate dogs, are so well-behaved that it is unreal. The dormitory is kept clean and tidy than the teachers without anyone reminding them!

"Give me another list of the remaining children in order of age. Although they haven't found their relatives yet, they can't delay going to school. They need to settle in the orphanage and go to school as soon as possible."

Gu Guoxing listened to the staff's story, and then saw an old first-grade Chinese textbook placed on the nearest table. He thought for a few seconds, then turned to the staff and told them.

They have been working hard to help the children find their families during this period, but not all parents who have lost their children are willing to find their children. Some of the children were even abandoned by them themselves. Since he has decided to sponsor, he must make second-hand preparations and cannot let them go. The long search for relatives delays children’s education.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, I will ask Teacher Li to make a list right away and send it to your email."

The staff member immediately nodded in response after hearing this, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Teacher Li, conveying Gu Guoxing's request to her.

"Yuanyuan, you look unhappy? Are you having a conflict with other children?"

The dormitory was very small. After walking around, they returned downstairs. Gu Guoxing put Xiaohu's luggage in the car. When he returned to the hall, he saw his daughter sitting alone in the corner, frowning, looking a little sad.

Gu Guoxing had been chatting with the staff just now and ignored his daughter's condition. When he saw Yuanyuan's unhappy look, he immediately stepped forward, knelt down and rubbed her little head and asked.

"No, Yuanyuan is a little worried about Brother Xiaohu." Xiaotuanzi shook his head after hearing this and denied in a low voice.She had felt something was wrong since she arrived at Brother Xiaohu's dormitory. It wasn't that there was something wrong with the dormitory, but that a bad premonition arose in her heart for no reason.

She had never felt like this before, and there was no mention of such a situation on the bamboo slips. She didn't know what was going on, but she felt a little uneasy because of it.

"No wonder you weren't very interested when the kids came to play with you just now. It turns out you were worried about Xiao Hu."

At this time, He Qingshu also came from the small kitchen in the distance with some washed and cut fruits. Following her was Old Mrs. Zhang, helping her carry the plate.

Mr. Gu and Mr. Zhang went to the second floor after coming down from the dormitory. Knowing that many of the remaining children were old enough to go to school, they were also ready to help. They wanted to directly convert this temporary rescue center into a welfare home, so they went to other places. Floor tour.

Mrs. Zhang and her daughter took Yuanyuan downstairs to play with the children. During this period, they left Yuanyuan under the supervision of the teacher at the rescue station and went to the small kitchen to cut fruit.

As Yuanyuan's mother, He Qingshu had long noticed the change in her daughter's mood. She originally thought she was just tired from playing. But then she heard the conversation between the father and daughter and realized that she was worried about Xiaohu.

"There is nothing to worry about. We have prepared all the gifts. We will fly there tomorrow morning. Brother Xiaohu will be very happy to see you visiting his home!"

Gu Guoxing thought Yuanyuan was having a conflict with the child, so he breathed a sigh of relief and comforted her with a smile.

"Yes, Xiaohu now has parents who love him. It's a good thing that he goes home with them. You don't have to worry." He Qingshu also advised him.

"Yuanyuan understands what her parents said, but Yuanyuan is still worried. The banging, banging, banging here is very loud!"

Xiaotuanzi's frown did not relax after hearing this. Instead, he became even more distressed. He pointed at the position of his heart and said depressedly.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Mom, please take you to the hospital for a checkup!"

Hearing what their daughter said, He Qingshu and Gu Guoxing looked at each other, stepped forward and picked up their daughter.

Xiaohu found his relative and had a paternity test done. The identity and address of the other party were also checked. Except for the poor conditions, there were no problems.

They had all told Yuanyuan about this. Logically speaking, she shouldn't be worried like this. Maybe it was because she felt unwell that her heartbeat accelerated and she felt panicked.

"Yuanyuan is not sick, so don't go to the hospital!"

Hearing this, Xiaotuanzi kicked his short legs, struggled to jump out of He Qingshu's arms, and took out a few coins and a turtle shell from his small schoolbag.

"You, are you trying to tell fortunes??"

Seeing Yuanyuan take out the fortune-telling tools from her schoolbag, Gu Guoxing and his wife were both stunned and said in surprise.

"That's right, my old apprentice said that if you don't think clearly about many things, you can solve them with a fortune telling. Since Yuanyuan has no reason to worry about Brother Xiaohu, let's do a fortune telling for him and see the result!"

Xiaotuanzi nodded, stuffed the copper coins into the shell, and assumed a fortune-telling posture.

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