Chapter 112 You Have No Choice
Zhang Shuangzhu frowned slightly. He took Jiang Zhinuan to find all the places he could think of. Pingxi Town is such a big place, and he really couldn't think of any other places where people could shelter temporarily.

"Did we think wrong? Maybe they really lived in the inn, or should I go to the inn and ask?"

Jiang Zhinuan frowned and thought for a while, and finally shook his head. It is not a small amount to stay in a hotel, and they have stayed here for many days.

Based on her understanding of the original owner's uncle and aunt, she felt that they would definitely not stay in the inn.

There must be something missing.

Jiang Zhinuan frowned and thought about it carefully. The memory of the original owner was intermittent, and her memory of Pingxi Town was also intermittent. She couldn't think of any suitable place for them to stay temporarily.

After thinking about it, a place popped up in my mind!
Wong Tai Sin Temple!

The Huang Daxian Temple was abandoned after she made such a fuss last time, but the temple is still in place and has not been demolished, so they might find shelter there.

"Come on, let's go and see!"

The two of them didn't bother to take a rest, and took the time to walk to the Wong Tai Sin Temple.

This time it lived up to expectations, and when we approached the Wong Tai Sin Temple, we could already hear Cui Fen yelling at Qian Si'er.

"You are a wimp, you can't even handle your own niece. Tell me, I married you, and I have suffered so much with you. Now the three sons of our family have no money to marry a wife. Let me tell you, that fat man If we don’t get the ten taels of silver, we won’t be able to go back.”

Qian Si'er felt aggrieved: "When my sister was alive, you used to eat popular food and drink spicy food with me."

"You still have the nerve to mention your sister, you forgot the last time, your sister was driven out by us?"

"We can't rely on my sister for the rest of our lives. It's better to rely on ourselves than anyone else."

Seeing that he dared to retort, Cui Fen started to hit him with crackling hands: "Rely on yourself, rely on you, a waste? You are trying to make money, but you are marrying wives for your three sons, and you are giving your two This girl is looking for a good husband’s family! She is nothing, and dares to force Lai Lai in front of me. Let me tell you, if you don’t get the ten taels of silver this time, you can stay in Pingxi Town and live in this ruined temple. lifetime."

"Wife..." Qian Si'er's voice softened obviously.

What greeted him was a few more serious scratches on the ear, accompanied by Cui Fen's voice scolding him for being a coward.

Jiang Zhinuan paused as she was about to go in. Her uncle was having a hard time, and she felt a sense of pity in her heart, especially when Cui Fen yelled at the original owner's mother just now. Although she was afraid, she still spoke a few words for her mother.

One second, she was aggressively trying to settle accounts with them, but the next second she was thinking about helping her poor uncle.

Seeing her frowning slightly, Zhang Shuangzhu quickly whispered: "You don't mean to feel sorry for your uncle, do you? Let me tell you, this poor man must have something to hate, he is useless and can't do anything about it."

Jiang Zhinuan knew that Zhang Shuangzhu's words were fine, but she just couldn't bear it. She could help Zhang Shuangzhu, why couldn't she help the original owner's uncle?
"Brother Shuangzhu, don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, you wait for me outside first, if I can't handle it, I will ask you to come in."

Zhang Shuangzhu could only nod his head. After all, the two people in this temple were still relatives to Jiang Zhinuan. Even though they stole his father's things, he wanted to give Jiang Zhinuan some face.

The two people in the temple never noticed anyone coming in.

Especially Cui Fen went too far, her mouth was never idle, and all the nasty words were poured out of her mouth.

From time to time, a pair of hands would greet Qian Si'er a few times.

Qian Si'er shrank her neck and didn't dare to speak any more. While hiding from Cuifen, she turned around and saw Jiang Zhinuan walking in, her eyes widened in shock.

Cui Fen thought that Qian Si'er was staring at her, and her hands became even stronger: "You have become more courageous, you dare to stare at my old lady!"

Qian Si'er shook her head and pointed behind Cui Fen, Cui Fen frowned and turned around inexplicably, the moment she saw Jiang Zhinuan, she was not stupid, and quickly hid behind Qian Si'er.

Although Qian Si'er was a wimp and was beaten and scolded by his wife, he still protected her wife very much at critical moments.

"Girl Jiang, you you you... why are you here?"

"Uncle, I'm here to get things from Uncle Zhang's house. What you want from me is a matter between us. You shouldn't send ideas to Uncle Zhang's house, and you shouldn't steal Uncle Zhang's things."

As soon as Jiang Zhinuan said this, Qian Si'er blushed.

Cui Fen forced him to go to this matter, and they really had no choice, they had no money in their pockets, they were freezing to death at night, they had nothing to eat, and they couldn't find Jiang Zhinuan. With the door open, they sneaked in.

"We just took some food, but there are two quilts!"

"Go back."

Cuifen twisted Qian Si'er's arm hard: "Your niece doesn't care about our lives at all. If you go back, we will freeze to death and starve to death here."

Qian Si'er was a little embarrassed, but Cuifen was telling the truth.

Jiang Zhinuan also knew that what they were telling was the truth, but stealing something from someone is definitely not acceptable, it must be returned and corrected.

"Since you are here for me, you come with me. I really don't have money to ask for. I have built a house, but if my uncle doesn't mind it, I can stay here. I have work here and arrange him to do it. I will pay my uncle a month." Some wages are enough to support the family.”

Cuifen and Qian Si'er thought that Jiang Zhinuan was still here to trouble them, but they didn't expect that she would be honest and say that she would give her uncle a job.

But Cuifen didn't want to work, all she wanted was Jiang Zhinuan's ten taels of silver.

"You just built a house when you said it was built? We've already inquired. There are no new houses in Pingxi Town right now. You are lying at all."

"If you don't believe me, I'll take you to have a look."

Qian Si'er tugged on Cuifen's cuff carefully: "How about we go with her to have a look."

"This girl is so powerful. You forgot how we both suffered last time. How dare you go with her?"

Jiang Zhinuan shrugged: "Right now you have no choice, either follow me, or I will send you into the yamen. We should talk to the magistrate about stealing things."

As Jiang Zhinuan said, they really have no other choice.

In the end, he could only follow Jiang Zhinuan out of Zhang Daxian Temple with the quilt and food stolen from Zhang Abo's house.

Zhang Shuangzhu stared at them coldly as they took the things into their hands, and left before them.

Jiang Zhinuan took the two of them to Zhang Abo's house. Zhang Abo was quite polite, and he didn't lose face just because they came to steal something.

"Uncle Zhang, come here, I'll discuss something with you."

Uncle Zhang asked Jiang Zhinuan's uncle and aunt to sit in the yard, followed Jiang Zhinuan to the house, Zhang Shuangzhu put down his things, and stood in the yard coldly staring at the two of them as if guarding against thieves.

(End of this chapter)

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