The Vicious Fat Wife Dressed as a Disabled General

Chapter 156 Want to take a mandarin duck bath with her?

Chapter 156 Want to take a mandarin duck bath with her?

Jiang Zhinuan could only tell Di Qing about Dahei desperately protecting Dahuang and the cub in Dahuang's belly.

"They are also life. Now that I have met them, I can't ignore them. I also know that there are so many dogs in the dog meat market that are about to be slaughtered. I have no ability to rescue them all, but at least I have rescued the big black rhubarb. and their children."

Jiang Zhinuan explained, his eyes were red, and Di Qing couldn't empathize.

To him, dogs were no different from the chicken, duck, cattle, sheep, and pigs they ate, because in their day, dogs were really nothing special, and they had no special affection for dogs at all.

For her reluctance, Jiang Zhinuan spent six hundred Wen, which indeed touched Di Qing's bottom line.

He carefully put away the money bag that Jiang Zhinuan handed over: "I have already bought it, since you like it, then keep it, but I will keep the money for the time being, after all, we still need to live, you need money I'll bring it to you when the time comes."

Jiang Zhinuan could only nod.

Di Qing no longer trusts her when it comes to spending money, as she expected.

It's okay for her to hand over the money to Di Qing, she just hopes that Di Qing can accept the dog with heart, since she brought the dog back, she doesn't want it, Di Qing has a grudge because of the money issue.

Fortunately, Di Qing didn't say much. Seeing that she was hanging her head down unhappy, she raised her hand and rubbed her shoulder: "It's fine if you like it, but we have to live now, and there are many places where money will be used in the future. You make money It's also very hard, if I have the ability to make money, I won't let you do all the work inside and out by yourself In the end, I'm still dragging you down."

Jiang Zhinuan shook his head quickly: "No! I forbid you to say that, you never dragged me down, you saved me."


Jiang Zhinuan had no choice but to tell a white lie: "If it weren't for you, I might have fallen forever. I have to thank you, thank you and the children, for giving me a home, our family, stay together and live hard. "

Dinner was still eaten by the river, the kitchen was not covered, and the cooking was always next to the cabin below. Di Qing set up a simple table here, and the masters usually came here for lunch.

Although it has been completely moved to live above, before the kitchen is built, Jiang Zhinuan decided to make do with cooking and eating below.

When the meal was ready, Jiang Zhinuan called his uncle to bring An Bao and Ning Bao down.

She took another wooden basin to serve as food bowls for the two dogs, and told everyone to throw all the bones into the wooden basin after eating the meat, and she would serve it to the dogs later.

When An Bao and Ning Bao heard that the dog still wanted to eat, their little heads pressed together, wondering what they were talking about.

Jiang Zhinuan looked at the two of them as if they didn't eat the meat on purpose, leaving the meat on the bones and throwing it into the wooden basin. Seeing this, his uncle told them, "Don't waste food."

An Bao whispered: "There is no waste, Dahei and Dahuang will eat it later."

Jiang Zhinuan smiled. It seems that the two children, like her, love dogs very much. They are kind-hearted and willing to share food with dogs.

"It's okay, there are so many of us, we'll give the dog the leftovers later, you two have to eat well, mother promises to you, you won't starve the dog."

"Okay then, mother, Rhubarb is pregnant with a puppy, it must be very hard, you must feed it more."

Jiang Zhinuan nodded in relief.

After dinner, my uncle was helping to clean up and wash the dishes, and the two children couldn't wait to carry the wooden basin up together. Jiang Zhinuan went to the reed marsh to pick two wild duck eggs, and directly beat them in raw to supplement rhubarb. Nutrition.

Wait for the food to be delivered to the two dogs.

They were dumbfounded and didn't dare to move for a long time. In their dog lives, there were only a handful of times they could eat enough, let alone eat meat and bones.

These things in the wooden basin are unthinkable for them. Dogs are not stupid, they have a heart, and they feel very lucky to be brought back by Jiang Zhinuan to avoid being slaughtered. It is a gift to them, and they dare not even think about these bones and flesh.

The two children were not afraid of their two big dogs at all. Pushing the wooden basin forward, they said to them in a crisp voice: "Eat, eat."

The two dogs huddled together for a long while and did not dare to move, even though the corners of their mouths were drooling.

They raised their heads to look at Jiang Zhinuan, and seeing Jiang Zhinuan nodded and told them to eat, they dared to step forward and lower their heads to eat slowly, looking up at Jiang Zhinuan after every two bites.

"Eat, you won't be hungry in our house in the future."

When my uncle pushed Di Qing up, it was already dark, Jiang Zhinuan hung two lanterns in the courtyard above to light up, and lit another lantern to go with my uncle to see the bathroom and toilet that the masters helped build today. .

The two rooms behind the main room are exquisitely built, and Jiang Zhinuan and the others can solve their daily needs here in the future.

The bathroom and toilet next to the cliff are much simpler. Jiang Zhinuan frowned just now, and his uncle hurriedly said: "I am an old man who lives a rough life. This is already very good. I told the masters to keep it simple. Free up time for other pursuits."

The uncle said so, and Jiang Zhinuan couldn't say anything more, so he just told his uncle that if he wanted to take a bath, he had to boil the water below.

"The water has just been boiled. You are not here today. Di Qing built a new big wooden barrel for you. I will carry it up for you later. You can use it tonight."

"Big wooden barrel?" Jiang Zhinuan was so focused on the dog when he came back that he didn't notice it at all.

Uncle nodded: "Yes, it was specially ordered for you. It's really lucky for you girl to meet a young man like Di Qing who is wholeheartedly thinking about you."

Jiang Zhinuan couldn't care less about listening to his nagging, she couldn't wait to see the bathtub that Di Qing specially made for her: "I'll go and see!"

Uncle followed behind her: "Why are you so anxious?"

How could Jiang Zhinuan not be in a hurry, Di Qing surprised her again, the dressing table was last time, and so is the bathtub this time.

Almost trotting all the way, Jiang Zhinuan saw the big bathtub before he got there. This bathtub must be tailor-made for her. When I was in the thatched cottage, there was a bathtub that adults could use. But Jiang Zhinuan's physique couldn't be squeezed in.

The one in front of her was twice as big as the one she had seen before, let alone Jiang Zhinuan, even if Jiang Zhinuan and Di Qing were together, they would be able to let it go!

"Come on, I can't lift it alone, and Di Qing can't help. We can only lift it up together when you come back."

Jiang Zhinuan couldn't hide the smile on his face: "How much water does such a big bathtub have to hold? It's too much effort to lift the water up."

"Uncle, I'll take care of this for you. Isn't it just to carry a few buckets of water? It will be convenient when the kitchen is moved up in the future."

"That's hard work uncle!"

Jiang Zhinuan walked dozens of kilometers back and forth today to buy a dog in a neighboring town. These two calves were sore and tight. He wanted to soak his feet at night, but he didn't expect to be able to take a bath directly.

Waiting for the barrel to be put into the bathroom behind, Jiang Zhinuan rolled his eyes. Didn't Di Qing do it on purpose so big?He wants to take a mandarin duck bath with her?
(End of this chapter)

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