Chapter 201

"You just listen to me. I will take you here every few days to take a dip. This hot spring water is rich in minerals. It can not only relieve fatigue, but the key is to effectively relax muscles and activate blood circulation, and activate muscles and bones. , good for your legs."

"It's just a pool of hot water, can it have these effects?"

Jiang Zhinuan raised his eyebrows: "Hey, don't you believe it, this hot spring water can not only relax the muscles and activate the blood, but also beautify the skin. I will make more bubbles in the future, and maybe I will become a beautiful woman."

Although her words are a bit exaggerated, it is true that soaking in hot springs can improve beauty.

But she is still very fat now, afraid of high blood sugar, so she dare not soak too much, but she came out of the water in ten minutes, and concentrated on playing with the two children in the shallow puddle beside her.

Look at that big black again, letting go of himself directly in the water.

Daoteng pawed the water with four paws, swimming back and forth non-stop.

"Mother, the water is hot, it's really fun."

Jiang Zhinuan nodded with a smile, rolled up his sleeves and splashed the water, and helped the two babies take a good bath.

When it got down to the armpit, there was a burst of laughter like a copper bell: "Mother, mother, it's too itchy..."

"Be patient, mother will wash the incense for you."

About half an hour later, Jiang Zhinuan picked up the two children, helped them get dressed, and went to help Di Qing.

Sitting in the hot spring water, Di Qing fell asleep within a short while. The warm spring water swept away his fatigue from the continuous work of the past few days. When Jiang Zhinuan came to help him, he was very comfortable.

"Huh? Go back so soon?"

Jiang Zhinuan asked back: "Do you still want to soak for a while?"

"It's really comfortable."

"Don't be greedy for a good wine, a little drunk is better than a drunk, understand?"

Di Qing naturally understood, but he didn't understand the relationship between taking a bath and good wine.

"Although this hot spring is good, it cannot be soaked for a long time, otherwise it will increase the load on the heart and cause physical discomfort."

"And this one?"

Jiang Zhinuan supported him vigorously with both hands: "There is a lot of knowledge here, if you want to know, I will tell you slowly when you go back, put on your clothes first."

It was only then that Di Qing realized how ambiguous he was with Jiang Zhinuan in his trousers.

The tips of his ears were blushing quietly. I don't know if it was because of being in this cave, being steamed by the heat of the hot spring, Di Qing only felt hot, and the evil fire in his heart went there again.

He quickly sat in the wheelchair, distanced himself from Jiang Zhinuan, and quickly picked up his clothes and put them on.

This place is not bad, if it is a piano and a song, it is another kind of taste, but there are two milk dolls with fingers in their mouths, staring at them, Di Qing can only press down on the place where his head is exposed.

"Let's go back."

Di Qing thought in her heart that no matter what tonight, the two children should go back to their own rooms to sleep.

The fence was also built and the dog was raised. The two of them had no reason to be afraid anymore. Di Qing and Jiang Zhinuan were finally able to live in the world of two.

It's just that he didn't expect that the two children went back to their own room to sleep, but Jiang Zhinuan also followed.

He shook his wheelchair and followed to the door, but was driven back by Jiang Zhinuan: "I will sleep with them tonight, you go to rest, there are still things to do tomorrow."

"You sleep with them, what about me?"

"You? Go back to your room and go to sleep. You are such a big man, do you still need someone to accompany you?"

Di Qing's eyelids drooped. If he had known earlier, he would not have suggested letting the two children sleep by themselves. Who would have thought that An Bao and Ning Bao would kidnap his wife together.

Before, I was able to sleep with my fragrant and soft wife in my arms, but now I can only sleep on the cold kang by myself.

Oh, what a mistake.


The next day.

After breakfast, Jiang Zhinuan couldn't wait to try the awning boat.

The whole body of the black-covered boat is made of sun-dried bamboo, and it is not too heavy. She and her uncle can lift the boat and put it into the river.

"I'll try the boat first to see if there's any leaks."

As soon as the uncle opened his mouth, Jiang Zhinuan stopped him: "Let me go, I am good at swimming, and if anything goes wrong, I can handle it."

Uncle could only nod his head, watching Jiang Zhinuan board the boat alone.

She got on the boat with a weight of more than 200. The boat shook a little and then returned to stability without any downward trend. Jiang Zhinuan first carefully checked the boat.

The bottom of this boat is actually the same as that of a bamboo raft, and its airtightness is average. If it sinks heavily, it will definitely seep water.

However, it seems that there is no problem at present. The cabin is specially heightened. Even if there is water seepage, the cabin will not get wet.

There are also bamboo benches on both sides of the cabin. The benches are designed with slots. Usually, people can sit on both sides. If the children are sleepy, the benches can be joined together to form a small bed for the children to sleep and rest.

The cabin is also woven with thin bamboo slices, which is breathable and light-transmitting. The roof is made of linoleum, and opaque cotton curtains can be hung around it to achieve a shading effect.

Jiang Zhinuan walked out of the cabin again, picked up the wooden paddle on the side, and tried to paddle. The strength was heavier than that of the bamboo raft. After all, the weight of the bamboo awning boat was heavier than that of the bamboo raft, and it took a little more effort to paddle. strength.

This cabin is specially designed with high stools, which are fixed with hemp ropes. It seems that Di Qing specially designed them for the convenience of punting.

On this bamboo awning boat, Jiang Zhinuan was full of careful thoughts. She supported the wooden paddle and rowed for a distance of tens of meters, then turned around and turned back.

"How is it?" Uncle lay on the bridge railing, his face full of excitement.

Jiang Zhinuan went ashore to look for Di Qing's figure. The moment she met Di Qing's eyes, she nodded heavily: "Very good, very good, very good, I like it very much!"

Three sure, one like it!
It was enough for Di Qing to understand how much what he did was in line with Jiang Zhinuan's wishes.

Jiang Zhinuan parked the awning boat on the shore, and waved to Di Qing and the two children: "Come on, let's go to town today."

"What are you doing in town?"

"Bought some vegetables and came back, isn't there a banquet tomorrow, so prepare more."

That's right, there will be a banquet tomorrow, and the dishes haven't been prepared yet, so it's time to go to town, but Di Qing doesn't want to go, and he doesn't plan to let the two children go with him, after all, he is already a burden, I'm afraid It dragged Jiang Zhinuan's hind legs, wasting time and delaying things.

"It's better for you to go, and we won't cause trouble."

Jiang Zhinuan's face darkened: "Who said you are here to cause trouble? Finally, I have a little free time to take the children around. What's the point of staying in the reeds every day, and my uncle will go with me. "

"Me?" The uncle was stunned for a moment: "I won't go, I'm not getting better."

"Let's go together. When the time comes to buy something, I have to ask my uncle to help me get it together."

"Oh, if that's the case, let's go together." The uncle nodded.

An Bao and Ning Bao looked at Di Qing eagerly. Di Qing knew that the two of them also wanted to go to the town very much. The last time he took them out, the two of them were happy for several days.

Really couldn't bear to let the two children down, Di Qing could only agree: "Then let's go together."

"Come on board."

Uncle waved his hand: "You guys go first, I'll feed those dogs, I'll be here soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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