Chapter 256 I Love You
Di Qing's plan to have an in-depth exchange with his mother-in-law was interrupted by Jiang Zhinuan on the grounds that he was busy.

He could only resign himself to his fate and accompany Jiang Zhinuan to cook beeswax together, one by one to light the fire and one to stir it. As the saying goes, it is not tiring to work with a man and a woman, especially a couple, the taste is very delicious.

Of course, it would be more beautiful if there were no swarms of bees invading later.

The honeycomb brought back this time Jiang Zhinuan didn’t have time to pick out honey, so she put it in the pot and boiled it directly. She forgot that her bee farm is not far from here, and the smell of cooking the honeycomb was soon caught by the bees in the bee farm. Smell it.

The sweet and greasy smell of honey attracted swarms of bees before Jiang Zhinuan and Di Qing noticed it. The two had no time to hide in the room. Fortunately, Jiang Zhinuan reacted quickly and quickly pushed Di Qing into the room. The cabin next to it.

The small wooden house that Di Qing built to accommodate their family of four at the beginning was only half the height of a person, and it was very cramped. Di Qing sat in a wheelchair and could touch the roof with a slight lift of his arm. Jiang Zhinuan could only do it inside. Sitting on the dry grass beside.

Through the gap in the wooden house, Jiang Zhinuan was stunned!

The bees outside are about to directly surround the pot and stove. These bees only know to look for the smell to collect honey, but they completely ignore the high temperature.

In just such a short time, the bees that were killed by the high temperature had already fallen all over the ground, and some even lost their wings due to the fire.

"What's going on? The wild bees came too fast, and the number is scary."

Jiang Zhinuan looked at the situation outside, and they couldn't get out for a while.

Di Qing also frowned, and he pressed against the wooden door tightly, fearing that bees would take advantage of the loophole.

"I really regret it. If I had known this, I should have put on a protective suit. The fire is raging right now. It will take at least an hour to extinguish it. The sweet smell of roasted honey may not disappear overnight. We're probably going to sleep here all night."

Jiang Zhinuan is not afraid to make do with it all night, the key is that there are two children in the room above.

If An Bao and Ning Bao woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't find them, they should be in a panic.

But today, they are the only ones at home.

Right now, I'm afraid that every day should not be called, and the earth and the earth will not work.

"Did this recruit the bees from the apiary?"

When Di Qing spoke suddenly, Jiang Zhinuan was taken aback, and suddenly slapped his forehead: "How did I forget about this?"

The apiary is so close to the reeds, and the beeswax is boiled here, and the honey has not been picked out, so the bees from the apiary must be recruited!
Thinking that these bees were all from his own bee farm, Jiang Zhinuan took off his outer shirt, hugged his head, and was about to run outside.

"Di Qing, let me go."

"What are you doing now? If you go out now, you will be stung to death by bees."

Jiang Zhinuan was helpless and anxious: "This fire can't be extinguished for an hour. If it continues like this, many bees will die. I rushed out and ran back to the room to get the protective clothing. It doesn't matter if I sting a few times at most."

She thought about putting on protective clothing to put out the fire and cover the pot. When the smell slowly dissipated, the bees could go back to the apiary and die less.

But Di Qing was determined not to let her go out!
Jiang Zhinuan had been stung by bees twice before, the first time he was stung by a bee in a thatched cottage, his face was covered with pain, and he recovered from the pain for a long time, and the next day he was stinging in the reeds, and he was also stung in the head.

There were few bees in the first two times, and the stings were repeated twice, and the pain could be healed in a few days at most, but it is different now, the outside is densely packed with bees.

Because of the aroma of the honey and the high temperature, the bees were already driven crazy. If Jiang Zhinuan went out at this time, he would probably be surrounded by bees.

Even if she covered her head with clothes, she couldn't resist it.

Therefore, Di Qing firmly blocked the door, refusing Jiang Zhinuan to leave the cabin.

"Di Qing, I know you're worried about me, but it's not an option for you and me to hide here. Anbao and Ningbao are still sleeping in the room. Think about it, if they wake up and can't find us, if they come out and encounter a swarm of bees, there should be some How dangerous, so I have to go out!"

But no matter what Jiang Zhinuan said, Di Qing refused to open the blocked door.

He can't let Jiang Zhinuan go out to take risks, if he has to go out this time, then he will go!
Jiang Zhinuan is his woman, so he should be protecting her. In such a dangerous situation, he should rush forward.

It's just his legs...

Annoyance and self-blame flashed in Di Qing's eyes, he clenched his fists and pounded his legs heavily, but raised his head after a while, his eyes were full of determination: "I'll go!"

"Stop joking, how are you going?"

But Di Qing said very firmly: "I'll go! You put the clothes on my head. I'll rock the wheelchair slowly, but I can. I'll bring you the protective clothing."

Jiang Zhinuan looked at his serious appearance, and instantly understood his mind. She sat on the hay and approached Di Qing, then leaned her head on Di Qing's lap and raised her head to meet his eyes.

"You're trying to protect me, aren't you?"

The tips of Di Qing's ears turned red, which is nothing to admit, he nodded heavily: "You are my woman, so naturally you should be protected by me!"

Jiang Zhinuan was very moved, his eyes were red, and he was affectionate.

She knew that Di Qing wanted to protect her, but in this situation, knowing that he would be stung by bees when he went out, and his legs were inconvenient, he decided to let him go out.

Jiang Zhinuan suddenly laughed.

The small brackets are raised, and the pupils are flying.

"Master, I really like you more and more."

Her sudden confession was unexpected, and Di Qing was stunned for a long time before she understood the meaning of Jiang Zhinuan's words just now.

She said she liked him!

"Hey, are you stupid?" Jiang Zhinuan saw that Di Qing hadn't moved for a while, and couldn't help raising his head to ask him.

But the moment she raised her head, Di Qing leaned over and kissed her tightly.

It wasn't a light kiss, but a deep one, the kind that wanted to swallow Jiang Zhinuan into his belly. In the cramped cabin, the atmosphere instantly became charming and ambiguous.

"Silly girl, close your eyes."

When Di Qing took a breath, he petted Jiang Zhinuan's wide-eyed eyes.

"You... um..."

Jiang Zhinuan's legs were weak, and she couldn't sit still. Di Qing who heard the confession was very different from before, at least the kiss was different. She didn't want to be as gentle and loving as before, but with a domineering Love swept towards her fiercely.

Jiang Zhinuan soon couldn't stand it any longer, and leaned against Di Qing's leg. Di Qing's arm was very strong, and he supported her so that she sat on his lap facing Di Qing.

The moment the kiss rushed forward again, Jiang Zhinuan even felt that Di Qing was going to take him in this cabin.

"Um... no..."

Jiang Zhinuan tried to push him, but Di Qing remained motionless, and the hands around her waist even tightened a little.

"Hey, I can't help it."

"Bang bang bang!"

The door of the small wooden house was smashed loudly, and even the small wooden house shook three times, which almost didn't scare Di Qing's brother out of his wits!

Jiang Zhinuan suddenly pushed Di Qing away, stood up and looked out the door: "Who is it?"

"Zhi Nuan, are you and Di Qing in there?"

It was Zhang Shuangzhu's voice!
Jiang Zhinuan quickly responded: "I'm here, I'm here!"

Through the gap, Jiang Zhinuan saw Zhang Shuangzhu in protective clothing, she turned her head happily, her eyes were full of surprise: "It's saved!"

But he didn't pay attention to Di Qing's resentful eyes, he whispered: "I don't come sooner or later, why come at this time! What a crime!"

(End of this chapter)

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