Chapter 265 Fried Chicken
It was still raining.

Looks like it's showing no signs of stopping.

Jiang Zhinuan went to the river to look again. Fortunately, the water level did not continue to rise, but she was also worried that if the rain continued like this, if the water level broke through the river bank, it would be fine to use the yard below, but Just a cabin and some wood.

But when they rushed into the reeds, her chickens would suffer.

Chicken coops are placed on the ground, if water gushes in, the chicken coops will suffer.

But it is raining so heavily, and it is not easy to move so many chicken coops. Jiang Zhinuan can only pray that the river will not continue to rise.

When the rain stops, the first thing to do is to raise the embankment and redesign the chicken coop.

The heavy rain kept digging into the ground, and Jiang Zhinuan couldn't do any work under the rain. He could only play with his two children in the house, and he had to go to the river to observe the water level from time to time.

Fortunately, when it was getting dark, Zhang Shuangzhu came down from the mountain, and the rain gradually subsided.

The two went to have a look together, and the water level was still there, but the river was not as rough as before.

"It's all right, don't worry, it's just the beginning of summer rain, it won't last long, besides, the mountain has been dry for a whole winter, and there is no water left, so there won't be any big water coming down, don't worry, wait until you wake up tomorrow morning , the water level will return to normal."

Jiang Zhinuan saw that the water was not too risky early in the morning, but she was also worried. After all, water and fire are merciless, and she was afraid that the water would rush across the embankment and take away her chick.

Hearing Zhang Shuangzhu's words now, he has confidence in his heart.

"Success, go back to the house and change your clothes."

Di Qing was already preparing to cook in the kitchen. Jiang Zhinuan came over and put the oil-paper umbrella aside: "The rain will stop soon."


"I'll cook."

"It's okay, you rest, I just made ginger soup, later you serve a bowl for brother Shuang Zhu to relieve the cold, and you also drink another bowl."

Jiang Zhinuan complied and did.

At noon today, the two half-sized chickens that were drowned to death by the rain were still thrown on the kitchen floor. Jiang Zhinuan boiled hot water and prepared to cook the chickens and eat them.

"Msanggong, simply stir-fry two dishes, and I will make fried chicken for you later."

"fried chicken?"

It was another dish that they had never heard of, how could Jiang Zhinuan cook so many dishes that they had never heard of or eaten?
Looking at the two semi-big chickens with feathers on the ground, Di Qing hurriedly said: "Then let me help you deal with the chickens first."

Zhang Shuangzhu came out of the house after changing clothes, and put on the coir raincoat again: "Let me come, I'll go to the river to get it."

Jiang Zhinuan didn't shirk it either. He boiled a pot of hot water to remove the chicken feathers, and then asked Zhang Shuangzhu to take it to the river to plan and kill it. Fear.

Taking advantage of his spare time, Jiang Zhinuan took the sheep from the sheepfold to the kitchen. It rained today and the goats have not been milked. Now that the lambs have grown up, they can eat grass on their own to fill their stomachs.

The three little milk dogs have already opened their eyes and can eat batter. After rhubarb has been supplemented, it can barely take care of its three puppies.

The ewe's breast milk was almost gone, and she could barely squeeze out a bowl for the two children to share.

Fortunately, when Uncle Zhang helped her put up the sheepfold earlier, he built a wooden shed for the sheep, otherwise they would have been watered by the heavy rain.

While milking the goats, Jiang Zhinuan thought, when the weather cleared and Zhang Shuangzhu went up the mountain to the bee farm, he would lead the two goats. The grass on the mountain was plentiful and tender. Tie a long rope and let them eat by themselves. That's it.

In this house, she has to mow the grass to feed her every day, and she can't spare time to herd the sheep.

When Zhang Shuangzhu killed the chicken and came back, Jiang Zhinuan brought it up.

"Okay, no problem, just let me lead the sheep. Anyway, I have nothing else to do with the beehive every day, so I let the sheep go by the way."

On the contrary, Jiang Zhinuan was a little embarrassed, and discussed giving Zhang Shuangzhu some reward for herding sheep.

Zhang Shuangzhu frowned after hearing this: "This bee farm is all yours. I just do some physical work and get paid. I'm here with you to eat, live and earn money. Isn't it just a sheep?" Well, I should."

Jiang Zhinuan was actually very sorry.

It has been almost a month since Zhang Shuanzhu came to the reed marshes, and he has helped a lot in the past month. Before the bee farm was finished, Zhang Shuangzhu went to the mountains to find beehives and collect beehives, and even built beehives at home. He did everything he could to help with physical work such as house farming.

Not only him, but also Zhang Abo.

The father and son helped her a lot in this reed marsh, which cannot be measured by money.

Although she knew very well that the bee farm was now operating normally, even if there were only ten beehives, according to the price of honey here, it would definitely not be a problem for Zhang Shuangzhu to earn a hundred taels of silver from it.

But these, for Zhang Shuangzhu, everything is unknown.

Jiang Zhinuan was very touched that he still trusted her so much without knowing the future.

"Brother Shuangzhu, thank you, don't worry, the hundred taels of silver I promised you for this year's bee farm will definitely not break my promise!"

Zhang Shuangzhu scratched his head naively. In fact, he never thought of earning this hundred taels of silver. When his father went to his house to talk about it, he didn't mention the hundred taels of silver.

At that time, the promise to the daughter-in-law and the father-in-law was that they could earn a dozen taels of silver and come back. Even the family of the ten taels of silver jumped up happily when they heard about it.

Don't say it's a hundred taels!

In this environment, it is not bad for an ordinary householder to earn a tael of silver after working hard for a year on the crops.

It's better, to start a small business and earn about ten taels of silver a year, that's already the envy of everyone.

Who doesn't want to make more money?
They didn't want to put any pressure on Jiang Zhinuan. If the bee farm really made as much money as Jiang Zhinuan said, everyone would be happy. Even if it wasn't so ideal, everyone could pool together ten taels of silver and go back to do business.

In the end, Zhang Shuangzhu only told Jiang Zhinuan that he believed her, and then led the ewes from the kitchen to the sheepfold.

The days of goat's milk are numbered.

Jiang Zhinuan was thinking in his heart that he still wanted to raise pigs and cattle, but right now, he didn't have much money. This plan can only wait for the shop to open next month. If he can earn some money back, he can carry it out. Own farming livestock.

The two chickens that have been killed are not too small, after all, they are half-sized chickens. They were raised wild in the reed marshes. They are strong and have a lot of meat.

Jiang Zhinuan prepared a batter, evenly hung the whole chicken on the batter, ready to be fried.

Seeing her googling and pouring all the oil from Uncle Zhang at home into the pot, Di Qing widened her eyes in distress: "Do you need so much oil to fry chicken? You just eat it in one meal. The oil is all poured out, what about our future?"

Jiang Zhinuan explained with a smile: "Don't worry, it's just frying after a while, the oil can be poured out after a while and you can continue to cook."

(End of this chapter)

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