Chapter 272 Picking Mulberries

Jiang Zhinuan sighed.

Thinking about this pair of pillars wandering around here in the mountains and forests every day, if he has never seen this mulberry fruit, there is a high probability that he will have to find it in another mountain.

"Why are you looking for mulberry fruit?"

"This mulberry fruit can be made into fruit wine. It's sweet and sour, and it's delicious. I want to try it." Jiang Zhinuan is still worried about the dam. Now there are no mulberry fruits on this mountain, and she doesn't plan to waste them. In time, I am going to go a little farther and go to other hills to find it.

Seeing that Jiang Zhinuan was about to leave, Zhang Shuangzhu quickly stopped her: "Are you leaving now?"

"Ah, I'll go to another mountain to look for it."

"This mountain is so big, why don't you look for it carefully. There may be such a wild fruit tree somewhere."

"But didn't you say you haven't seen it?"

Zhang Shuangzhu smiled: "Girl, I mean I haven't seen it before. I was so focused on the honeycomb before that I didn't pay attention to it. Now I'm looking for mulberry fruit. Will the effect be the same?"

Jiang Zhinuan could only nod when he heard that: "Okay, I'll just look for it on this hill."

"Wait a minute." Zhang Shuangzhu stopped her again: "You say that the wind is the nature of the rain, so you can't listen to me?"

Jiang Zhinuan was stunned for a moment, and quickly moved a stool to sit down: "Cheng, brother Shuangzhu, tell me, I'll listen."

"Mulberry trees like the sun, and generally grow in sunny, ventilated places. If you want to find them, you should look for them on sunny slopes. The chances are higher."

See Jiang Zhinuan nodded.

Then Zhang Shuangzhu waved his hand: "Come on, you go, you go there, after I finish eating, come this way, let's look for it together."

"Success, then thank Brother Shuangzhu first."

Jiang Zhinuan stood up and was about to leave when Zhang Shuangzhu stopped him.

"Uh, Brother Shuangzhu, what else do you need?"

Seeing that her eyes seemed to be faintly impatient, Zhang Shuangzhu quickly confessed: "It's not safe for you to go up the mountain alone, take Dahei with you."

After all, Jiang Zhinuan once fell into a cave, which almost frightened everyone. Jiang Zhinuan went into the mountain by himself, Zhang Shuangzhu did not dare to take it lightly. If something happened again, how would he explain to Di Qing?

Dahei was also willing to stay with Jiang Zhinuan, and when he heard that he wanted him to be his companion, he had already rushed to Jiang Zhinuan's side wagging his tail.

Jiang Zhinuan rubbed its big head: "Okay, I'll take Dahei with me."

One person and one dog walked to the distance along the narrow path in the mountains.

Zhang Shuangzhu said that the mulberry tree likes the sun, and there is little sunshine on the back slope, so there is no need to go, go directly to the sunny slope to find it. It is now at noon, and the sun is shining hotly. Although it is not as hot as summer, it is like this On the mountain, after walking for a while, Jiang Zhinuan's clothes were already drenched with sweat.

Fortunately, there was no one on the mountain, so Jiang Zhinuan took off the cumbersome outer shirt and put it on her hands, and she rolled up the sleeves, revealing her white and tender arms.

Such a large mountain, when did Yaao find it?

Jiang Zhinuan sat down in the shade of a tree, and patted Dahei's head: "I said, it would be great if you were a god dog. The kind that God passes through, I don't have to suffer here."

As soon as the words fell, Dahei suddenly barked towards the sky.

Jiang Zhinuan looked up and was stunned. He immediately hugged Dahei and stroked his hair vigorously: "Are you a god dog? Are you really a god dog?"

She searched for so long, but couldn't find mulberries.

Unexpectedly, just after complaining to Dahei, Mulberry appeared!

It's on the tree behind her, why didn't she find it just now?

Jiang Zhinuan was very excited. The mulberry tree was very tall, but it grew very luxuriantly, and the branches opened very low. Standing on tiptoe and raising his arms, he could barely reach it.

She picked a few off, put them near her mouth and blew the dust on them, and put them directly in her mouth.

With this bite, the sauce bursts in the mouth, sweet and sour.


This mulberry is ripe, sweet and sour, not too toothless, just right for wine making.

She stuffed a few pills into Dahei's mouth, and the thick purple juice dripped from its mouth onto her hands, and the palms were all dyed.

Jiang Zhinuan found a big rock at the side and moved it under the mulberry tree, then tied his outer shirt around his waist, leaving a pocket-like space in the middle, and started pick.

Mulberry is very small, it is easy to pick, but it is a bit cumbersome.

Jiang Zhinuan picked it with his head up for a long time, so long that his neck was so sore. The clothes pocket was only half full, but it should be enough to make a small jar of mulberry wine.

Jiang Zhi jumped off the rock in a warm mood, and hurried home with Dahei excitedly.

She has to hurry up and brew it for a try. If it really succeeds, it shouldn't be a problem to sell it for another ten taels of silver.

When we returned to the bee farm, the door of the cabin was closed. Two sheep, one big and one small, were tied beside the cabin. A lot of grass was thrown on the ground. It seemed that Zhang Shuangzhu hadn't returned from looking for mulberries.

Jiang Zhinuan patted Dahei's head and let him guard the bee farm, so that when Zhang Shuangzhu came back, he would know that she had gone home.

"I'm back!"

Jiang Zhinuan swept away the haze of the morning with a brisk tone. When he got home, he didn't bother to enter the house, so he went directly to the kitchen and carefully poured the mulberries in the pocket of his clothes into the wooden basin.

While An Bao and Ning Bao were still sleeping, Uncle Zhang and Di Qing greeted them from their rooms.

"Oh, that's amazing, you really found this mulberry fruit?"

Jiang Zhinuan nodded excitedly: "That's right, there is nothing difficult in the world if you put your heart into it." After finishing speaking, Jiang Zhinuan picked out a bowl in the basin, washed it with clear spring water, and handed it over: "Try it."

Uncle Zhang just waved his hand: "I'm old, my teeth can't work, and my teeth will be sore!"

"Sweet and sour!"

Jiang Zhinuan directly stuffed two into Di Qing's mouth, and after he chewed and ate, he quickly asked, "How is it? How does it taste?"

"What kind of fruit is this? It tastes sour and sweet, and it tastes really good."

Jiang Zhinuan raised his eyebrows proudly: "This is called mulberry, which is what Uncle Zhang called mulberries. It is not only delicious, but also very nutritious. I want to use it to make fruit wine, and I will buy a wine recipe for money. "

She handed the bowl to Uncle Zhang again: "Taste it, it's really not particularly sour. You said it was sour before, it should be because it wasn't ripe when it was picked, but this one is already ripe."

Uncle Zhang picked one up, put it in his mouth and nodded after tasting it. It tasted good, but he refused to eat any more, asking Jiang Zhinuan to keep it for brewing.

"Ham~ Those in the pot are enough. Besides, I found the tree right now, just pick it after it's used up. There's a whole tree full of fruit. It's definitely no problem to pick a basketful."

Even though she said that, Uncle Zhang waved his hand and asked her to keep it for the two babies when Anbao and Ningbao woke up.

Jiang Zhinuan didn't force herself, she didn't pick much this time, so she would go there early in the morning tomorrow, and take advantage of the cool weather in the morning to pick more, so that everyone could eat enough.

This wild thing doesn't cost money, so why not save it?

Di Qing saw that she looked a bit embarrassed, the sweat on her forehead had already wetted her hair, and her outer shirt was casually hanging on the table, and the clothes were stained with a lot of purple mulberry juice.

He hurriedly boiled the water, and told Jiang Zhinuan to take a shower and change his clothes. After all, there were elders in the family, so it was a bit outrageous to walk around in only underwear.

(End of this chapter)

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