The Vicious Fat Wife Dressed as a Disabled General

Chapter 325 Men Can't Say They're Fast

Chapter 325 Men Can't Say They're Fast
Everyone was very curious about the two big guys that Jiang Zhinuan had brought back, and watched for a long time.

"Brother Shuangzhu, second cousin, it's hard work for you two to go to the reed marsh. Let's catch two fat wild ducks and two chickens. After killing them, give them to me."

"Okay, leave it to us."

Jiang Zhinuan started to make seasonings for roast duck and roast chicken. In addition to honey roast chicken and honey roast duck, Jiang Zhinuan tried to mix an Orleans-style seasoning, and planned to try another Orleans roast chicken.

The style of this chicken rack is very simple, as long as charcoal is lit on the inside, then the grilled chicken is skewered on the rack, and the rack is artificially reversed so that the grilled chicken can be heated evenly.

It's simple, as long as Jiang Zhinuan marinates the chicken and skewers it on the rack, Di Qing can help roast it by sitting next to it.

But the roast duck stove is more troublesome. The place where the fire is lit is a cylinder in the middle, and there are horizontal bars around the cylinder. It is estimated that one oven can roast [-] ducks at a time.

Of course, this roast duck oven was designed by Jiang Zhinuan by referring to the modern roast duck oven, but the modern roast duck oven uses electricity, as long as it is plugged in, it will automatically rotate to let the duck inside Heats evenly.

Of course there is no electricity here, Jiang Zhinuan's first solution is to heat the body.

She designed the middle cylinder to be hollow, with a height of about 1.5 meters. Five partitions were made inside the cylinder, and five small doors were opened, so that charcoal can be added for heating separately, and it is also convenient for management.

For example, if only two ducks are roasted today, Jiang Zhinuan only needs to light charcoal in one of the partitions to heat it up, which can save a lot of fuel.

In addition, Jiang Zhinuan also designed these poles for hanging ducks. These poles go straight to the outside of the roast duck oven. You can rotate the poles reserved outside and wrapped with wood to make the ducks hanging inside rotate evenly. heat.

It's just that there are too many poles, and when they are baked, someone has to guard them and keep turning them one by one.

The most important thing is that the furnace wall of the modern oven is made of visual explosion-proof glass, which can directly observe the situation of the roast duck. At present, there is no such technology here, and the whole body is covered with iron sheets. look.

There is no way, Jiang Zhinuan is already very satisfied with the current technology that can make it like this. In the past, in the time it took to roast a roast duck, 20 roast ducks can be produced at the same time, and they can be roasted in circles. When one is sold, one can be added. , which saves a lot of manpower.

Looking at the roast duck oven, Jiang Zhinuan suddenly thought of grilled fish.

When the shop stabilizes and has time, she will research a fish grilling stove to expand her business.

You must know that the flavor of this grilled fish is not inferior to that of roast duck. This roast duck is somewhat greasy. Eating too much will burden your body, but grilled fish can't!

Unintentionally, Jiang Zhinuan discovered another way to make money, and he was in a happy mood.

The success of the roast chicken and duck made Jiang Zhinuan's mood peak tonight: "Our shop will open soon! Let's go to the ticket!"

When she was so excited, the word "piaopiao" came out.

Everyone could tell that she was very happy, but they didn't know what a vote was.

Jiang Zhinuan can only explain: "The silver ticket is for the silver, and the day for us to go to a well-off life has come!"

"What is Xiaokang?"

"Well, it's a good day, our good day is here!"

After eating the roast duck, it was already dark. Everyone was tired after a busy day. Everyone tidied up and went back to the house early to rest.

Jiang Zhinuan coaxed the two children to sleep and went back to the house.

Di Qing was already lying on the bed, and he hooked Jiang Zhinuan: "My lady is in a good mood today, can you be my husband?"

Jiang Zhinuan hasn't let Di Qing touch him since the last time Xie Xiaoyao San happened. You said this cat has tasted meat, but if you make him a vegetarian, can he succeed?
At the beginning, Di Qing was concerned about Jiang Zhinuan's body, fearing that he might hurt her by being too fierce that time, so he asked her to take a good rest.

But it has been delayed for several days. Jiang Zhinuan was alive and kicking during the day, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong. Di Qing finally couldn't bear it anymore. Taking advantage of Jiang Zhinuan's good mood today, he directly made a request.

Jiang Zhinuan was preoccupied with opening the shop, and Di Qing was really aggressive that day, which more or less cast a shadow on her mind, causing her previous expectations for this matter to become a little panicked. .

"Well, tomorrow I still have braised duck, shall we rest early?"

Di Qing's look of anticipation slowly grew, and his child-like eyes showed grievances, as pitiful as if he was rejected for asking for sweets: "My lady, I will soon."

"Um, a man can't say he's fast."

Di Qing was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the meaning of Jiang Zhinuan's words, he rushed over with his arms propped up: "Then lady, try, am I fast or not?"

"Do you want to be ashamed?"

"I want a wife."

Jiang Zhinuan pushed him away, very helpless: "You said it yourself last time, you hurt me."

"Sorry, not this time..."

Jiang Zhinuan wanted to say something, but Di Qing sealed her lips, the night was short, and the red candle flickered.


The shop opened three days later.

During these three days, Di Qing re-opened the storage cabinet and brought the bunk bed together with the help of the second cousin and brother Shuangzhu.

Jiang Zhinuan has been catching and killing ducks for the past few days, and asked Brother Shuang Zhu to help him buy twenty catties of beef and a pig's head.

Braised beef and pork head meat are also foods that can support half the sky of the deli, so they need to be arranged.

By the afternoon of the opening, Jiang Zhinuan no longer knew how many wild ducks he had killed. Anyway, there was a whole pot of duck feet, duck heads, duck intestines, duck legs, duck gizzards, and even the duck racks were sorted.

The baskets at home were no longer enough, so my uncle and Uncle Zhang also suspended the work of repairing the embankment, and helped Di Qing urgently weave a few new baskets to hold Jiang Zhinuan's ducks.

When the two cauldrons were boiled together, Jiang Zhinuan was finally able to catch his breath.

Di Qing was a little worried. Seeing so many things, if they couldn't be sold, they wouldn't be able to eat them all. The weather was already hot, so they couldn't let them go. Wouldn't it be a waste?

Jiang Zhinuan smiled at him: "Do you have no confidence in my thing, or do you not have confidence in me?"

To be honest, I have no confidence.

After all, Jiang Zhinuan was opening a shop for the first time. According to Di Qing, try to make a small amount first, and if it works, you can gradually increase the amount.

But Jiang Zhinuan wanted a good start, she took money for Zhang Shuangzhu in her pocket, and asked Zhang Shuangzhu to go to the town to help buy firecrackers, and wait for the opening tomorrow to have a good time.

The second cousin and uncle got into the reed marsh again. There were eight chickens left from the previous slaughter. At Jiang Zhinuan's request, all of them were slaughtered and marinated, waiting to be roasted on the shelves tomorrow.

As for the wild ducks, there were twenty of them in one furnace. Jiang Zhinuan thought to kill at least fifty of them first. This number directly shocked Di Qing, so he persuaded Jiang Zhinuan to try to kill twenty of them first.

According to her speed of killing ducks, even though there are tens of thousands of wild ducks in the reed marsh, she will kill them all one day.

It seems that the plan to catch wild ducks in other reed marshes along the river and raise them back has to be put on the agenda.

After getting everything ready, Jiang Zhinuan transported the grill and oven to the shop ahead of schedule in the afternoon, waiting for the grand opening tomorrow morning!
(End of this chapter)

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