Chapter 327 The grand occasion
But it's not too late to know now, they have a shop now, and there are ready-made tables outside the shop, and after a few days when the business of the shop stabilizes, he can really stand at the door of the shop, watch the shop and earn some extra money at the same time.

Jiang Zhinuan seemed to see through Di Qing's thoughts at once: "It's ok, my husband's calligraphy is so good, if he doesn't show it, he will be buried, let's set up a stall at the door in the future, and help people write and read letters, okay?" ?”

This can be regarded as helping Di Qing find his own value. In the future, he will not feel that his legs are inconvenient and he can't do anything, and he won't make money.

A touch of emotion flashed in Di Qing's eyes, Jiang Zhinuan had already said what he had just thought about for him.

She seemed to be able to think what he wanted all the time.

The name of the shop written on the red paper was pasted by the second cousin on a wooden ladder. More people came and went on the street. My uncle and Uncle Zhang were always in charge of turning the roast chicken and duck in the oven.

The fragrance permeated the air, gradually attracting some people to come and have a look.

Jiang Zhinuan nodded towards Zhang Shuangzhu: "Brother Shuangzhu, let's light the firecrackers."


The second cousin carried An Bao and Ning Bao out, carrying one on each shoulder, and everyone formed a half circle around Jiang Zhinuan's shop, and when the crackling firecrackers sounded, it was very lively.

Zhao Hongxia was a businessman, and as soon as the sound of firecrackers subsided, she started yelling: "Roast chicken and duck, all kinds of marinated and cooked food, the taste is excellent, I want to eat it once, everyone come and buy it."

"Is this the braised goods that were delivered free at the door of the grocery store last time?"

"Yes, the taste is amazing. I have been waiting for what I want. I can buy it today. This shop is opened by my sister, and I can guarantee the quality!"

Jiang Zhinuan looked at Zhao Hongxia gratefully.

Zhao Hongxia pushed her: "What are you doing in a daze, go inside quickly and see what everyone wants, I'm going to pack it for everyone."

"it is good."

Jiang Zhinuan pushed Di Qing to the shelf, she was in charge of selling, and Di Qing was in charge of collecting money.

Soon some people who had tasted braised goods before came forward to buy them: "My son ate this duck leg that day and said it tasted good, so pack three of them for me."


"I want that duck paw."

"I want a duck head."


Everyone gathered around and bought the stewed goods that they tried for free last time. Jiang Zhinuan was selling them while recommending his own stewed beef and pork head meat.

The cost of these two items is a bit higher, and the price is naturally higher than that of braised duck products. They are not sold much, but some are also sold incidentally.

The Orleans grilled chicken with honey sauce sizzling on the grill looks very tempting.

Uncle turns on the roast duck oven from time to time, and the aroma of the roast duck is even more compelling.

"What is this? How did you sell it?"

Jiang Zhinuan quickly introduced: "The ones on the shelf are honey roasted chicken and Orleans roasted chicken. In this oven is crispy roasted duck. The roasted chicken costs eight cents each, and the roast duck costs five cents each."

The price is very affordable, especially the roast duck, which is big and affordable.

Although the roast chicken is a little smaller, it has to cost, and the price must be more expensive than the roast duck. If you make a little less, the roast duck can make up for it, but you must not lose money.

Jiang Zhinuan's idea is to rely on quantity to win. Eight pennies eat only roast chicken, and ordinary families can eat it once or twice a month. This family's conditions are slightly better, so there is no burden.

Everyone looked at the sizzling roast chicken and roast duck, and smelled the unique aroma, and couldn't stop drooling.

At this time, the family of the master thought that he helped build the house in the reed marsh squeezed in: "I'll have a roast chicken and a roast duck!"

"We have to wait for a while."

"Okay, I went there when your house was warming up and tasted your handicrafts. I can't forget it. Finally, when you open the door, you bake first. I have to run around and tell everyone. Everyone is thinking about it."

"Thank you."

Jiang Zhinuan knew that the previous advertisements were not in vain, no, the business came to him on his own initiative.

The outside of the shop was already full of people, Jiang Zhinuan called everyone to line up to buy in an orderly manner, no matter how much you bought or how little you bought, she would give some more as appropriate.

This grand occasion lasted until noon, when all eight roast chickens were sold out, and there were only two roast ducks left in the oven.

After seeing off the last customer, Jiang Zhinuan raised his hand and stretched.

"The situation is better than expected. We still have too little preparation for this thing."

Zhao Hongxia gave her a thumbs up from the side: "It's already very powerful. In other words, there has never been a shop in Pingxi Town that has achieved your grandeur. It has already created a miracle."

Jiang Zhinuan chuckled: "It's hard work for you two. In order to cheer me up, my own store didn't even open."

"What's the so-called, you just opened, you should."

"There's no one around right now, and there aren't many of these things left. I plan to collect them for a while and go back early to prepare. You and your brother-in-law should go back early too."

While talking, Jiang Zhinuan took out a duck from the oven, wrapped it in yellow paper and handed it over.

Zhao Hongxia quickly shied away: "No, no, you keep the selling money."

But Zhang Quan grabbed her over and said, "Lady, take a look at how much she sells this day. We've been helping all morning. I'm so tired that my back hurts. It's not too much to eat a roast duck."

"Yes, yes, it's not too much, brother-in-law, hold it carefully, and quickly take Hongxia back home, we pack up and prepare to close the door and go back to the reeds."

Zhao Hongxia poked Zhang Quan in the head, and then said goodbye to Jiang Zhinuan and went back to the grocery store.

Uncle and Uncle Zhang were exhausted, sitting on chairs panting.

Seeing that Jiang Zhinuan said he was going to close the door, he hurriedly said, "It's only noon, wait a minute, all of these will be sold out in the afternoon."

"I won't sell it anymore. I'll pack these up later and ask Brother Shuangzhu to send them back so that my family can taste them."

Zhang Shuangzhu hurriedly waved his hand but was interrupted by Jiang Zhinuan: "Don't refuse, we made these things ourselves, take them home and give them to our family to taste, besides, you haven't been home for many days, you and Uncle Zhang this afternoon Just rest at home for a while, and don’t rush back to the reeds.”

Jiang Zhinuan wrapped up the remaining roast duck and other duck products and handed them to Zhang Shuangzhu.

Uncle Zhang smiled: "Alright, let's go home and have a look."

Right now there are only some stewed beef and pork heads left on the shelf, Jiang Zhinuan asked his second cousin to pack them up and bring them back to Luweidang to eat by himself.

After cleaning the door, and moving the tables and chairs back into the store, just about to close the door and leave, Jiang Zhinuan turned around and saw three children standing opposite.

It was the boy who stole Jiang Zhinuan's purse that day and brought his two younger brothers over.

They looked at Jiang Zhinuan eagerly, as if he had been hungry for a long time, Jiang Zhinuan was taken aback, and quickly waved to them: "Come here quickly."

She cut off a large piece of stewed beef and pork head and put it on the table, telling the three of them to eat quickly.

That little Douding looked at the meat on the table and swallowed greedily, but held back and didn't move. Jiang Zhinuan knew that the two of them were waiting for the boy to speak.

"Eat, let your two younger brothers eat quickly."

"I'm here to thank you. You said you would open a shop here. I've been here for a few days, and I just ran into you today."

Only then did Jiang Zhinuan remember and asked, "Is your brother alright?"

"Use the money you gave to hire a doctor and get the medicine. I'm done. I'll find a way to return the money to you."

(End of this chapter)

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