The Vicious Fat Wife Dressed as a Disabled General

Chapter 407 Di Qing's letter, return indefinitely

Chapter 407 Di Qing's letter, return indefinitely
It has been more than half a month since I came to Yongning County from Pingxi Town. Jiang Zhinuan stayed for three more days after Big Brother Zhao's four shops started trial operation, and brought Ding Simiao back.

During this period of time, although her daily life was very busy, she missed her children at home and her husband who was far away in Wangcheng in every moment she had spare time.

Even though Brother Zhao and his wife tried to persuade them to stay, Jiang Zhinuan still decided to rush back to Pingxi Town without stopping.

"Brother Zhao, sister-in-law, as long as you follow the formula I gave you, you won't go wrong. If there is any problem, just send a message to Sister Hongxia, and I will come over in time when I see it."

Su Mei handed over some dry food that she had prepared: "Okay, I wanted to stay with you for a few more days, but I have been in Yongning County for so long, and I haven't taken you for a walk. I'm busy running around for the shop every day. Knowing that you are thinking about your children, next time you come, bring your two children with you, and I will treat you well."

Jiang Zhinuan agreed and bid farewell to Brother Zhao and his wife.


Three days later, Jiang Zhinuan's carriage arrived at Pingxi Town.

Before the children finished school, she took the time to go to the market to buy some snacks and toys that the children liked.

Taking advantage of the time, I went to the shop to have a look. I haven't been there for more than half a month, and the shop is well-organized by Cousin Suhua.

When she arrived, it was already afternoon, and the shop was no longer busy.

Seeing her coming back, Qian Suhua immediately went up to meet her: "Have you eaten yet?"

"I ate some dry food, I'm very thirsty."

Qian Suhua hurriedly took Jiang Zhinuan to sit down inside, and poured water first: "Cousin A Nuan, you and A Miao drink water first, I will cook some noodles for you right away, there are still fresh noodles for lunch today .”

"Thank you, cousin."

"It's not hard."

While cooking the noodles, Qian Suhua chatted with Jiang Zhinuan: "You came back here, but Aunt Su just left. During the few days when my cousin was away, Aunt Su came to help every day, and she didn't go back until the afternoon when she was not busy."

Jiang Zhinuan silently wrote it down in her heart. She had always felt that she would give Aunt Su a salary, but she didn't expect that she would not be in Pingxi Town anymore, and Aunt Su would still come to help in the shop unshakably.

Perhaps it was the previous incident, Aunt Su felt sorry all the time, so she tried every means to make up for it.

Jiang Zhinuan smiled helplessly: "Cousin, if I'm not here in the future, at the beginning of a month, you can use the money in the shop to send Aunt Su two hundred Wen as wages, and she must accept it."

"okay, I get it."

"Cousin, I'm not here these days, what's wrong with the shop?"

"no problem."

After Qian Suhua cooked the noodles and served them, she went to the bed in the back room and took out the ledger. She couldn't read a few words, but she could still write the numbers.

It is densely recorded, from the first day Jiang Zhinuan left to the present, the daily turnover.

It's almost the same as when Jiang Zhinuan was there.

Seeing that his cousin and his wife managed the shop very well, Jiang Zhinuan was relieved, and he didn't have to worry about the shop at home when he went out in the future.

"Cousin, since you are back, tomorrow we..."

"Cousin, the two of you will take care of this shop from now on. As I said before, we will pay ten taels of silver a year, and then we will give some pocket money every month, and the rest will be settled at the end of the year."

"What about you, cousin?"

"Oh, I'll be back for a few days, maybe I'll go to other places later."

The two chatted casually, Jiang Zhinuan asked Ding Simiao to rest in the shop, and went to the grocery store to visit Zhao Hongxia who was pregnant with her child.

Zhao Hongxia was also very happy to see her back.

The two sat on the bed holding hands and chatted. As they talked, Zhao Hongxia suddenly remembered: "Your Di Qing wrote a letter. Have you read it? What did you say in the letter?"

"A letter?"

"That's right, someone sent it to your shop, I heard what Suhua said."

Jiang Zhinuan couldn't sit still: "Really? She didn't tell me just now, I'm leaving, I'll go back and have a look!"

"All right, all right, let me tell you why you couldn't bear to say anything. It turns out that you haven't seen it yet, so hurry up."

Jiang Zhinuan ran away from Zhao Hongxia like a gust of wind.

After rushing back to the shop, he was panting heavily: "Cousin Suhua, did Di Qing send you a letter?"

When Qian Suhua heard this, she immediately stopped what she was doing, and patted herself on the head: "Look at my brain, why did I forget such an important thing, in the resting room, under the pillow of the bed below, I will immediately Go get it for you."

"No need, cousin, I'll get it myself!"

Jiang Zhinuan was so excited that he ran into the room, not caring that Ding Simiao was sleeping on the bed, and grabbed his pillow.

Ding Simiao woke up startled: "What's wrong, Auntie?"

"It's okay, I took something!" After saying that, he stuffed the pillow back for him: "Go to sleep, continue to sleep."

After being tormented by her like this, Ding Simiao couldn't sleep.

I saw Jiang Zhinuan holding the envelope in his hand and looking at it carefully.

"Ah Nuan personally opened it!" Jiang Zhinuan murmured, carefully opened the envelope, and took out the letter inside: "Don't read it, it will never return!"

There were only these five big characters in the letter, nothing was explained, only that there was no return date!

What do you mean?
Jiang Zhinuan was a little dazed, he searched the envelope several times, and after confirming that there was only this letter inside, he collapsed.

When Di Qing left, he also said that he would come back as soon as possible.

It's only been half a month, why would such a letter be sent back.

What is Wu Nian?

What is also called indefinite return?

Jiang Zhinuan staggered a few steps, and fell heavily on the bed, the letter in his hand drifting away with tears from the corners of his eyes.

On the way back from the grocery store, she was thinking about what Di Qing wrote in her letter.

Maybe it was to tell her how he missed her, or to tell her what he saw and felt when he returned to Wangcheng, or maybe to tell her that the matter will be settled and the return journey can be expected...

There are so many possibilities, but she never expected that Di Qing would send her a letter, don't read it, it will never return!

What happened to him, what made him return indefinitely?Isn't this worth explaining clearly to Jiang Zhinuan in the letter?

Could it be that, as Zhao Hongxia said at the time, this Di Qing already had wives and concubines in Wangcheng, and now he left them behind when he went back?
Otherwise, why didn't they bring their wives and children back with them when they went back?

Jiang Zhinuan believed in Di Qing, but how could she believe in this letter without beginning and end without explanation?
Ding Simiao saw that Jiang Zhinuan was emotionally broken and tears were flying, so he quickly got up and picked up the letter that fell on the ground and read it again and again.

After a while, he really saw some clues.

Since An Bao and his two younger brothers went to the academy together, they helped to correct their homework every night. Ding Simiao had seen Di Qing's handwriting, and it was by no means what it said in the letter.

Something is wrong!

"Auntie, please don't cry. Something is not right. If you look carefully at the font, it doesn't seem to be written by my uncle."

Jiang Zhinuan froze for a moment, took the letter into his hand, listened to what he said, and observed carefully, Jiang Zhinuan also found the clue.

Just now at the grocery store, she heard that Di Qing had a letter back. She was too excited. When she saw the letter, she didn't care about the font at all. If Ding Simiao hadn't reminded her, she wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Di Qing's handwriting is strong and powerful, but the words are softer and more delicate, as if written by a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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