The Vicious Fat Wife Dressed as a Disabled General

Chapter 413 Mother, I want to help her

Chapter 413 Mother, I want to help her
Jiang Zhinuan saw that the boy was dressed unusually, so he should not be a servant of this mansion.

Hastily chased after a few more steps: "If you want to eat, I will give you one."

"I don't eat your baked goods. I have a family and have children, but I agree to remarry. I have no shame!"

After hearing what he said, Jiang Zhinuan knew that this boy would definitely help her.

So, she chased after her and explained: "You misunderstood, I agreed only as a last resort, and I'm trying to escape right now."


"Of course it is true! Since you have been hiding there for a long time, you should have seen that I have always refused before. Is there any way for you to help me escape?"

The boy looked at her for a while, then frowned and said, "What can I do? You think too highly of me."

Jiang Zhinuan handed over the roast duck in his hand: "Anyway, I have already figured out a way to postpone the bridal chamber with Mr. Laoshizi for a few days. If you want to help me, remember to come and find me, and I will return the roast duck for you."

The boy looked at his roast duck, then at Jiang Zhinuan, and finally left without saying anything.

When the butler came back after delivering the roast duck, he saw that Jiang Zhinuan was not there and immediately became anxious. Just as he was about to call for someone to look for him, he saw Jiang Zhinuan coming out of the corner.

"Is the housekeeper looking for me?"

"What are you doing?" The housekeeper looked suspiciously at the direction Jiang Zhinuan was coming from.

Jiang Zhinuan shrugged and said helplessly: "I'm anxious, I found a place to solve it."

"Hurry up, are the rest baked yet?"

"Okay, the housekeeper just takes it away."

The butler responded and called the old mother in the mansion: "The master said, the bridal chamber tonight, hurry up and take the girl down to prepare."

Jiang Zhinuan turned around to look in the direction the boy had just left before leaving with the old mother.

The old nanny led her around a corridor and into a small yard, where several maids had prepared hot water and were waiting in the room.

"Girl, my old body will wait for you to take a bath and change clothes."

Jiang Zhinuan entered the room, looked around pretending to be curious, but quietly took out the handkerchief that was just stained with duck blood.

"Ouch~" Jiang Zhinuan pretended to have a stomachache, and yelled while clutching his belly.

The old mother frowned: "Girl, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Zhinuan blushed a little, twisting the handkerchief in his hand: "It seems that menstruation is coming."

After finishing speaking, regardless of the old mother in front of her, she raised her skirt and reached in to wipe it off, then shook the veil stained with duck blood and held it in front of the old mother.

"I didn't come here until a few days ago, maybe I was so nervous today that I moved it earlier, Madam, do you have a menstrual belt, I will bring it with me when I go out."

The old mama has never seen such a shameless person, she even touched a handful of blood in front of her, she was extremely unlucky, and quickly stepped back: "I will report to the master, you have been here for a few days Stay in the small courtyard and serve the master after the menstrual period is over."

Seeing the old mammy retreating, she hurriedly shouted: "Mommy, menstruation belt..."

"A girl will bring it to you later!"

Watching the old mother leave, Jiang Zhinuan got up and closed the door of this small room, raising his eyebrows: "Cut, old man, you can be my father, and you still want me to serve you? Do you have a big dream of spring and autumn?" go!"

But with this method, she can only delay herself for four or five days.

She had to take advantage of these few days to find a way to escape with Ding Simiao.

In an unfamiliar place like Feng County, if she was trapped in this mansion, even if she took out the jade token that Di Qing had left for her, she would have no choice but to deny it to the magistrate.

Right now, she has only two hopes.

One is to hope that they still want to eat their roast duck, as long as she is asked to go out to catch ducks, she will have a chance to escape with Ding Simiao.

The second is to hope that the boy today will come to help her.

If she guessed correctly, that boy should be the young master of this family, and he was the kind who looked down on his father the most.

If he is rebellious, then her matter will have a turning point.

Sure enough, as she expected.

That boy is indeed the young master of this mansion, he is the son of the magistrate and his first wife, named Song Qi.

After getting the roast duck from Jiang Zhinuan, he went back to his mother's yard.

"Mom, come and eat, it's still hot."

"What is this?" Madam smelled the fragrance, and looked at this strange thing: "Like a chicken?"

"I heard from that person that it's roast duck. Anyway, the people in the house have been eating this for the past two days, so I went and brought you one too. You should try it."

The madam only smelled it, and finally shook her head: "Forget it, you can eat, mother has no appetite."

"Mother, father is going to take a concubine again today."

Madam's eyes darkened, and she sighed silently: "Forget it, let him go, mother doesn't care."

"But the woman didn't want to, she was forced."


Song Qi said again: "It's the woman who makes this roast duck. She's married and has given birth to two children. Just because she's pretty, my father will force her to stay."

Madam's face became more gloomy, but she sighed again.

"Mom, she begged me to let her go!"

"What?" Madam's eyes became tense all of a sudden: "Did you agree?"

"No, but she sent me a roast duck."

"You want to save her?"

Song Qi nodded solemnly: "She said she didn't want to stay here, she begged me to save her."

"But what can you do? Now my mother has lost power in this mansion. Even though you are the son-in-law, the servants in this mansion have not respected you. How can you save her?"

Song Qi shook his head, he really didn't know how to save her, and begging his father to let this woman go was simply not feasible.

But Jiang Zhinuan told him and asked her to find him.

After she said it, she managed to deal with it for a few days, so she was probably a smart one.

Song Qi thought about it for a while and finally didn't say anything more to his mother, he just said: "Mother, I have a sense of propriety, I just try it, if it works, I save it, if it doesn't, it's her own good fortune."

"You must not be brave, and you must not anger your father. Now we are struggling in the house. For the sake of your grandfather's family, we can't make trouble anymore."

"Mother, don't worry, I understand."

Madam knows her son's temperament, and also knows that he is not a reckless person.

That girl is poor, if she can be saved, she will be saved.

Song Qi coaxed her to eat half of the roast duck before getting up and leaving the yard.

Although he is an unfavored young master, he is still the eldest son of the family, and it is convenient for him to walk around the house. When the housekeeper's servants saw him, although they didn't say they respected him very much, they didn't dare to do anything to him.

He only walked around the mansion for half a day before he figured out the room where Ding Simiao and Jiang Zhinuan were.

Seeing that Jiang Zhinuan's small courtyard was unguarded, he dodged and slipped in.

The door of the room was knocked lightly, Jiang Zhinuan frowned and asked, "Who?"

Outside the door, Song Qi didn't answer, he just pushed the door in, and quickly closed the door.

"It's you!"

"What? You begged me to help you. If you are not welcome, I will leave now."

"Little brother, don't go, don't go, the welcome is tight, but if you come so hastily, will it affect you?"

Song Qi shook his head: "In this mansion, I am free to act, but you say to help you, but I don't know how to help?"

"Are you the young master of this mansion?"

Song Qi nodded: "I am the direct son of the magistrate, Song Qi."

"My name is Jiang Zhinuan. If you don't mind, you can call me Aunt Jiang."

"Don't take advantage of me! If it wasn't for the sake of that roast duck, I wouldn't come, you just say how I can help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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