Chapter 460

Hearing what Jiang Zhinuan said, the father-in-law quickly waved his hands, and the guards rushed forward and brought all four of them from Chunxiyuan to Zhengtai Hall.

Seven or eight imperial doctors came in and out of the hall with nervous expressions.

After a while, the queen rushed out of the hall in a hurry, ignoring everyone's obstruction, and rushed directly in front of Di Qing.

"What about the antidote? Di Qing, you grew up with the king, and you are like brothers and sisters. As long as you take out the antidote, I can guarantee that the king will not blame you!"

The queen was so panicked that her voice trembled a little, but she stretched out her hand to face Di Qing and insisted on asking him for the antidote.

"Queen, I didn't poison you, how can I get the antidote!"

"I know that you feel dissatisfied because of the marriage, but your father asked for the marriage, no wonder the king, I beg you, hand over the antidote, and I will guarantee you to leave the royal city safely."

Di Qing frowned. It seemed that the king was seriously poisoned, otherwise the queen would not have come to beg him for an antidote.

It's a pity, they didn't inflict this poison at all, he really has no antidote.

An imperial doctor came out from the palace: "Queen, the situation is not very good, you should stay with the king and see you for the last time."

After hearing this, the queen trembled all over, and knelt down to Di Qing almost subconsciously: "The antidote, please, I will promise you whatever you ask for, and I only want the antidote."

Di Qing also subconsciously knelt down and supported the queen, he was also impatient: "Queen, I really didn't poison you, if you trust me, let us go in, maybe we can save the king."

Jiang Zhinuan looked at Ding Simiao, although Ding Simiao didn't want to take this muddy water, but right now, they were already in the muddy water, and he had no choice.

Seeing Ding Simiao nodding, Jiang Zhinuan helped Di Qing to lift up the Queen: "Queen, my nephew has some medical skills, maybe I can let him see it."

"No queen! They are the ones who put the poison on you. They can't be allowed to get closer to the king!"

The queen seemed hesitant too.

The first time she saw Jiang Zhinuan, Jiang Zhinuan didn't look as rude and savage as in the legend, and Jiang Zhinuan's eyes were very sincere.

Looking back at Di Qing again, the worry and anxiety in Di Qing's eyes were not false.

Seeing her hesitation, Jiang Zhinuan quickly said: "Queen, there is no longer any delay. Now those imperial doctors have nothing to do. Let us go in. The worst result will not be worse than now."

Yeah, the worst outcome couldn't be worse than it is now.

The queen made a decisive decision: "Come in with me!"

"Queen!" the father-in-law shouted anxiously.

"Shut up! Get out of the way!" The queen led Jiang Zhinuan and the others into Zhengtai Hall.

Lian Xiang was originally with them, but when she went in with her, Ding Simiao stopped her: "You are not allowed to enter."

"Why? The queen agreed, why don't you let me in!"

Ding Simiao insisted on blocking the door.

Jiang Zhinuan paused and looked over: "A Miao..."

"She will come in and I won't come in!"

Jiang Zhinuan quickly looked at the queen: "A Miao must come in."

The queen let someone take Lianxiang out with just one look. Lianxiang looked at the closed door very unwillingly. Outside the door, her father, the Prime Minister, and Di Qing's father, the Duke, rushed over after hearing the news.

The two gathered around: "How is your majesty?"

Lianxiang could only shake her head, she was kicked out just as she stepped into the threshold of Zhengtai Hall, and she never saw the king at all, so naturally she didn't know what was going on inside.

However, what the imperial doctor meant was that there was more bad luck than good luck.

No one saw it, but there was a sly smile in the prime minister's eyes, as if everything was under his control.

"Wang Shangji has his own aura, everyone, don't worry, just wait patiently outside."

The prime minister covered the joy in his eyes, and said with a trace of sadness on his face, everyone outside the palace could only wait.

But after a while, all the seven or eight imperial physicians in Zhengtai Hall were kicked out.

The Duke quickly went up to meet him: "What's going on?"

The imperial doctors just sighed and shook their heads: "Your Majesty, the poison is coming so fiercely, we have nothing to do, now we can only depend on God's will."

Naturally, they didn't believe the young boy who just went in, but the queen ordered him to try it, and these imperial doctors only thought that the queen wanted a dead horse to be a living horse doctor.

In the hall, the situation is also very anxious.

Ding Simiao checked the king's pulse. It can be said that if he is not here today, the king will definitely die.

"How?" Jiang Zhinuan was also a little nervous.

Ding Simiao said lightly: "Take the antidote within half an hour and you will be saved."

When the queen heard that she could be saved, her eyes were filled with joy: "Then what are you waiting for, give the antidote quickly."

"We didn't inflict this poison, and we don't have the antidote."

In one sentence, the queen was stunned on the spot again: "What do you mean by that?"

Ding Simiao looked at Jiang Zhinuan, obviously he wanted to tell her something.

Jiang Zhi Nuan understood, and pulled him aside: "A Miao, can you cure this poison?"

Ding Simiao nodded: "Yes."

"Do you have something to hide? Since you heard that the king was poisoned, your expression is not quite right."

Jiang Zhinuan never suspected that Ding Simiao had administered the poison, but she knew that Ding Simiao must know something.

But now, he wanted to tell her.

"Auntie, I know who the poisoner is."


Ding Simiao seemed to be hesitant, but he still said, "Prime Minister."

"Prime Minister?" Jiang Zhinuan was a little puzzled, since the prime minister is not in Chunxi Garden, could it be his daughter Lianxiang?But Lianxiang has never touched the roast duck from the beginning to the end, and she has been under her nose all the time, how could she have the chance to poison it?
Could it be that the roast duck was poisoned after being taken out of Chunxi Garden by the father-in-law?

And how did Ding Simiao confirm that the person who poisoned him was the prime minister?

Jiang Zhinuan has many questions, waiting for Ding Simiao to answer them.

"The roast duck is not poisonous. I took a pulse. Your Majesty has been poisoned for a long time. It just happened to happen today."

Ding Simiao told Jiang Zhinuan about recognizing the guard next to Lianxiang.

Back then, the guard brought people to their home and asked their parents to make a strange poison. The poison must be colorless and tasteless, and the most important thing is that it must be chronic poisoning, and it must be undetectable before the poison is released.

Although the parents are good at making drugs, they don't want to use poison to harm others, so they flatly rejected this matter.

The identity of the victim is extremely important, that's why they killed Ding Simiao after Ding Simiao's parents refused.

In the past, Ding Simiao only knew that the people they wanted to kill must be very powerful people in Wangcheng.

It was only today that it was confirmed that the person they wanted to kill was the king!
As for why the prime minister wanted to kill the king, Ding Simiao didn't know, what he knew right now was that the prime minister was the enemy who killed his dearest relative!

Jiang Zhinuan was shocked after listening to Ding Simiao's narration. It is a big deal for the prime minister to murder the king. It is a capital crime of treason.

"Amiao, listen, this matter is too big for us to solve, we must tell Di Qing and the queen about it."

Ding Simiao nodded: "I listen to my aunt."

"You can detox the king's poison, you can prepare the antidote first, and leave the rest to us."

There were medicine boxes of the imperial doctors in this hall, Ding Simiao rummaged through them one by one, and quickly got together the medicinal materials needed to make the antidote.

Jiang Zhinuan told the queen and Di Qing about these things.

After all, the queen is a woman. Hearing this, her legs were so frightened that she couldn't even stand still.

(End of this chapter)

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