Chapter 464

Jiang Zhinuan heard the name familiar, and glanced back quietly, forgetting that he was still in the court at the moment.

He raised his hand very happily and said hello: "Lord Luo!"

"Miss Jiang, long time no see."

It is true that these two people know each other, but Di Qing didn't give them a chance to be in court for a long time.

"Ma'am, we can talk about the old days with Master Luo after the next court, so we can't talk too much now."

Luo Lie took a few steps forward, handed the booklet to the eunuch and presented it up.

"Your Majesty, what I have played has something to do with Miss Jiang, but I never thought that Miss Jiang is the wife of the general who protects the country. No wonder in Jinling, Miss Jiang sacrificed her life to save the people of Jinling. The common people are the kindness of saving lives, and the humble minister is here to ask for credit for Miss Jiang."


As soon as these words came out, Jiang Zhinuan was really embarrassed.

"Lord Luo, look at what you're talking about, and I didn't do anything."

The king had already read the memorial at this moment, so he realized that when Jiang Zhinuan passed by Jinling, he discovered the water situation and saved several villages, and then prevented the plague in advance, saving the entire Jinling.

No wonder, Di Qing has a soft spot for her, it turns out that Jiang Zhinuan is such a righteous person.

Luo Lie is here to take credit for Jiang Zhinuan.

Wang Shang felt unwell, covered his lips and coughed dryly a few times before saying: "I will be appointed as the second-rank lady, and I will give you a yellow jacket. If there is any injustice, you can cut it off first and then play it."

Jiang Zhinuan was dumbfounded by this reward.

My family, Di Qing, has resigned to serve the common people, so she can still be the second-rank wife?
But the yellow jacket made Jiang Zhinuan very happy.

With this thing, if you encounter corrupt officials in the future, you will not be afraid!

This thing can solve the dog officer in Feng County for her right now.

"Let's retreat."


Di Qing pulled Jiang Zhinuan back and shook her head at her. The king could no longer hold on, and if it continued, all the civil and military officials in the dynasty would have to know about the king's physical condition.

Jiang Zhinuan could only nod his head, exchanged pleasantries with Luo Lie, and then followed Di Qing back to the Duke's residence.

"Sir, the gold medal given to you by the king and my yellow mandarin jacket are of some use, but isn't it inappropriate for me to be the title of Madam?"

"It's really not appropriate."

"Then you go and tell the king and let him take it back."

Di Qing smiled helplessly. This is above the court, in front of the title given by civil and military officials, so it can be taken back casually.

It's just a title, granted by the king, if it doesn't fit, it has to fit.

"It's okay, it's just a title, and no one will know when we leave the royal city."

"That's true. I'm just a country woman after I left the king's city. Who would have known that I had met the king and received a reward. It's such a legend that no one would believe it if I told it."

"Go back and pack up, let's go back to Pingxi Town early tomorrow morning."

The smile on Jiang Zhinuan's face disappeared, and his expression became solemn: "Well, it's time to go back, Mr. Gong, you should come earlier, I can't bear you, and the children miss you too."

Di Qing nodded heavily: "I'll go back when the king recovers a bit."

This night, Jiang Zhinuan cooked the food himself, sat down at a large table, and even the Duke's wife, who usually didn't leave the room, came to the restaurant.

When Jiang Zhinuan came to the Duke's mansion, he met the Duke's wife only twice.

She is a gentle woman who is very similar to Di Qing in her eyebrows and eyes, except for the gray hair on her temples, the years have hardly left any traces on her face.

Later, Jiang Zhinuan found out that it was because of the swollen face, which flattened some of the wrinkles.

Mrs. Guo took off the jade bracelet she had been wearing all the time, and personally took Jiang Zhinuan's hand and put it on her.

"Mother, this is too precious..."

Mrs. Guo Gong only slightly hooked the corners of her lips and smiled: "This is a family heirloom of the Di family, only passed on to the daughter-in-law, and now I'm entrusting her to you, you have to wear it carefully, and pass it on from generation to generation. "

This is the recognition of Jiang Zhinuan. Jiang Zhinuan nodded heavily with red eyes: "Okay, mother, you have to take care of your health. I will come to see your grandson after my father resigns in two years."

Mrs. Guo gently stroked Fujiang Zhinuan's stomach and responded: "I will."

This meal was a family banquet for Jiang Zhinuan, and it didn't last long, the Duke's wife couldn't hold on, and Di Qing was reluctant to waste all his time on eating.

The month is getting older, and Di Qing specifically asked the doctor that it is possible to live a proper married life.

During this day and night, he slowly hugged Jiang Zhinuan and gently held her protruding pregnant belly to blend with her.

"A Nuan, my baby, wait for me."

"My dear, you must take care of yourself."

Jiang Zhinuan raised her head and kissed the bridge of his nose: "Okay."


Early the next morning.

Di Qing personally sent Jiang Zhinuan out of the city, repeating the instructions several times.

"Okay, sir, go back, there is A Miao here, and there are four other brothers from the dark guard, so you can rest assured."

It's not that Di Qing is worried, he's just reluctant.

If he hadn't felt ashamed of the king, he would have abandoned everything and left with Jiang Zhinuan at this moment.

After all, he wanted a pair of sons and daughters from the king, and selfishly chose to keep Anbao and Ningbao by his side. Besides other things, he should make up for some more.

It is necessary to say goodbye after sending you off for thousands of miles. No matter how much Di Qing and Jiang Zhinuan feel reluctant to part with each other, they have to temporarily separate at this moment.

"Sister, why don't you let my aunt go back with me? It's not a problem to keep locked in the yard."

"It's okay. When I go back, I will take her with me. It's not safe for her to be crazy with you now."

Jiang Zhinuan could only nod his head after hearing this. After returning home, he still didn't know how to explain to his uncle.

I can only tell Di Qing: "Take good care of my aunt. Although she has done something wrong, her cousin is gone, so she has been punished."

"Do not worry."

Di Qing held Jiang Zhinuan in his arms, and kissed the top of her hair: "Let's go, be careful."


When the carriage gradually disappeared in front of Di Qing's eyes, he turned around and returned to the royal city.

There were four hidden guards following him, and he wasn't worried about Jiang Zhinuan's consolation. Right now, he could only devote himself to selecting useful ministers for the king, and deal with the affairs here as soon as possible, before he could go home and reunite with his wife and children.

And Jiang Zhinuan also had sadness about parting, but not much.

After all, last night was noisy for most of the night, and she woke up early again today. After a few minutes of mourning, she couldn't hold on anymore, and fell directly on the soft big cotton quilt spread on the carriage and fell asleep.

When he woke up, the carriage had already driven a long way out of the royal city.

"Amiao, what time is it?"

Ding Simiao turned back with the carriage outside and said, "It's already past noon."

"No wonder I'm hungry, find a place to stop, let's rest for a while and have some food."

Now she is a brother with four hidden guards, so she can't let people go on the road with them hungry.

The big meat buns prepared earlier have been wrapped in a thick cotton cover, and when they were taken out, they were still warm.

"Brothers, let's make do with something to eat. Let's find a town to rest at night and treat you well."

"What is the madam talking about, we are not here to be entertained by the madam, you just treat us as servants to order."

Jiang Zhinuan frowned: "How is that possible? If you want to say that, then I won't let you follow."

The dark guard brothers were honest and honest, and they immediately became nervous when they heard what she said.

(End of this chapter)

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