Chapter 477 Don't Be Kind

"Miss Jiang, this...what the hell is going on?"

"Before I went to Wangcheng, I met Lord Luo. Lord Luo was a good official and reported my deeds in Jinling to the king. The king gave me some rewards and titles, so Lord Luo was a little more respectful when he saw me."

"It should be, Miss Jiang is our great benefactor in Jinling." The village head echoed, and he was about to arrange for the chef in the village to prepare a banquet for Jiang Zhinuan.

"No, no, village chief, listen to me, this time I came back to visit my mother-in-law quietly, let's keep a low profile, we have to hurry home."

But the village chief insisted on making arrangements: "Last time we discussed about having a banquet for Miss Jiang, but Jiang Zhinuan left quietly. Do you want to leave quietly this time? No, we have to accept the invitation of the whole village. thanks."

"Village Chief, don't embarrass me. I will stay overnight at my mother-in-law's house. I will leave early tomorrow morning. Otherwise, when the baby in my stomach is born and I feel refreshed, come again and let you all take care of yourself." Invite a banquet for three days and three nights!"

Having said all this, the village head couldn't hold on any longer, so he could only respond: "Then Miss Jiang will have to come again in the future."

"Must! Thank you for today's work, everyone has worked hard to support me. It's getting late and the weather is hot. Everyone, go back and rest."

Only then did the village chief send everyone back. After the crowd dispersed, even the air became much cooler.

"Grandma, don't stand still, can we finish this meal properly?"

The mother-in-law just recovered from the shock: "Eat, eat, eat."

Jiang Zhinuan smiled: "I've said it all, I can solve this matter, so don't worry about it."


On the other side, after Luo Lie brought Young Master Li back to Jinling County, he put him in prison without saying a word.

"Go, go to Li's mansion to get ten taels of silver, and send it to others. Don't waste time."

It took less than half a cup of tea for the officials to leave, and Master Li and Mrs. Li hurried to the county government office.

"Brother, what's going on? I heard that you put my son in prison?"

Luo Lie hates iron but steel: "Sister, I told you not to spoil him too much and spoil him too much. Look what he has done outside?"

"No matter what he did, he is your own nephew, brother, if you let him out, if you don't face him, why don't you still bully him to outsiders?"

Luo Lie didn't bother to tell his younger sister that her younger sister was confused, and if she talked too much, it would hurt the relationship between siblings, so she just asked her wife to take her to the inner courtyard to coax her.

The remaining brother-in-law, Mr. Li, stood in the hall and did not dare to sit down: "Brother, what mistake did the dog make?"

Luo Lie told Master Li about this matter, and Master Li slapped his thigh angrily: "This bastard, I really didn't know he was going to snatch the formula like this!"

"That's all. He must be strictly disciplined in the future, and he is not allowed to go out and cause trouble."

"Yes, yes, I was negligent in discipline."

Luo Lie waved his hands and rubbed his temples with a headache: "For a while, you can take your sister back first, let him live in the prison for a few more days to reflect, and I will personally send the compensation to others."

After hearing that the other party was Jiang Zhinuan, Jinling's great benefactor, and the emperor's appointed wife, Master Li handed over the compensation of ten taels without saying a word.

"Brother, I'm sorry to bother you, please promise to Miss Jiang for me, and say that Gouzi will reform his mistakes in the future and never do it again."

As the county magistrate of Jinling, Luo Lie was a fair and honest official.

Although the Li family was also blessed by him, the business they did was legitimate, but they didn't expect to have a playboy like Young Master Li.

Under Luo Lie's repeated assurances, Jiang Zhinuan accepted twelve taels of compensation for her mother-in-law's family before sending him away.

"Mother-in-law, you can rest assured now. In the future, you will sell roast ducks here in Jinling and live a good life. Master Luo will take care of you."

The mother-in-law nodded again and again. A few days ago, she felt that life was really impossible, but now there is a big reversal.

She kept saying that Jiang Zhinuan was their family's lucky star, he came to save Jinling for the first time, and saved their family again when he came for the second time.

"I don't know how to repay you, Miss Jiang."

"Mother-in-law, what are you talking about? If you hadn't been kind enough to take us in at the beginning, all of this would not have happened. Good deeds will be rewarded. This is your blessing."

That's right, when she passed by here, she and Ding Simiao encountered a torrential rain.

After fainting, Ding Simiao took her to knock on several doors, only her mother-in-law welcomed them in.

The kindness of the mother-in-law came first, and then Jiang Zhinuan's return came later.

Everything in the world probably has a cause and effect.

Therefore, don't do evil because it is small, and don't do good because it is small.

The good deeds you have done will have blessings waiting for you.

And if you have done evil deeds, you will be rewarded for your evil deeds.

Jiang Zhinuan and his party stayed overnight at her mother-in-law's house, and it was only slightly bright the next day, so they took advantage of the cool weather in the morning and set off to continue their journey.

"A Miao, are you coming to Feng County soon?"

"It will take two or three days."

Jiang Zhinuan leaned on the carriage drowsy, and told the interesting things he talked about every day two or three times, and it didn't sound interesting any more.

Ding Simiao brought her some interesting scriptures, but the bumps of the carriage made her dizzy.

"A Miao, this is too boring."

"Auntie, you have searched all the new gadgets I brought, or I will catch crickets for you in the woods and let you play with them for a while?"

"No, I don't like that thing."

Sitting in the carriage every day on the road, every day is really boring.

After finally arriving in Feng County, Jiang Zhinuan finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Ah Miao, when we leave Feng County this time, let's buy some Pai Gow, it will be fun when we are bored on the road."

"Okay, I see. Shall we find an inn to settle down first? Or go to Su's house first?"

"Let's go directly to Su's house, I'm afraid Su Che will be in a hurry."

That's right, I met Feiying, the dead man of King Li on the back mountain of Wangcheng, and after recognizing him as Saburo of the Su family, I told him about the Su family.

Su Che learned that his family was suffering in Feng County, so he immediately went home to make decisions for his family.

Jiang Zhinuan was afraid that he alone would not be able to fight against the magistrate of Feng County.

Besides, the county magistrate of Feng County also had a feud with her, so she asked Su Che to go home and stand still, and wait for her and Di Qing to come back before making plans.

Now Di Qing is still in Wangcheng, and she is bringing the four brothers of the dark guard with her, as well as the yellow jacket bestowed by the king himself.

It should be no problem dealing with a county magistrate.

Ding Simiao drove the carriage directly to the door of Su's house, and just jumped out of the carriage, bumped into Song Qi who was running all the way over.

"Who? Running so fast, rushing to reincarnate?" Ding Simiao yelled, frowning.

Song Qi looked up and saw Ding Simiao: "Why are you?"

"Song Qi?"

It was only then that Ding Simiao realized that Song Qi was hurt and embarrassed: "What's wrong with you?"

"I came to report that the third uncle went to my house and fought with my father. He rescued me and asked me to flee first with others."

Jiang Zhinuan was anxious when he heard Song Qi's words in the carriage: "What's going on? Didn't I tell him to come back and stay put? Why did he go first?"

"My father married a new aunt who is really powerful. He bullied my mother. The third uncle couldn't bear it anymore, so he went to make decisions for my mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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