queen she is not doing business

Chapter 43 Wait for me

Chapter 43 Wait for me
When Sheng Fengxue was speaking, Jun Yi happened to be untied by Gu Zhian, and before he got close to say a word, Sheng Fengxue passed out.

Gu Rangqing untied the small box, opened it and counted it. The 8000 taels of silver notes and the 2000 taels of silver amounted to exactly 1 taels.

"It's really 1 taels!" Gu Rangqing raised his head and said to Jun Yi.

"What's the use of counting that?" Jun Yi questioned.

"It looks like I have a fever, it's very hot," Gu Zhi'an looked at, this person was brought by Jun Yi, no matter if it's a maidservant or anyone else, they are not qualified to touch him, "Drew all the way It’s raining, I don’t know how far she has traveled.”

That's why they didn't tie Sheng Fengxue up before.

"Go and see a doctor." Jun Yi quickly ordered, a little anxious.

"Okay, the little one will go right away," Gu Rangqing replied, "It's under the mountain temple."

"It looks a little serious, and ordinary doctors may not be of much use." Gu Zhian probed and said.

"That's better than nothing!" Jun Yi spoke quickly, "Hurry up!"

"Yes!" Gu Rangqing responded hastily, pulled the brown horse and rushed down the mountain.

"Embrace her on the grass first, and lie flat." Jun Yi ordered.

Gu Zhian took two steps back.

"Do you want me to do it myself?" Jun Yi said in a bad tone.

He hadn't touched a woman for many years, not even the simplest touch.

"This is the person brought by you, Mr. Jun Yi, the younger ones dare not move rashly." Gu Zhi'an said with reason and evidence.

Jun Yi clicked his tongue, thought for a while, then stretched out her arms, picked up Sheng Fengxue's knees, let the back of her head rest on his arms, and carried her to the haystack.

Sheng Fengxue's body was very hot.

Jun Yi's skin was so hot that it hurt.

"Go and boil some water first." Jun Yi ordered without looking back, then knelt down on one knee and gently placed Sheng Fengxue on the grass.

The movements were extremely gentle, as if he would shatter if he used all his strength to blow the wind and snow.

Sheng Fengxue's whole face was flushed like a stove, her lips were so dry that she looked very scary.

Jun Yi touched her forehead with the back of his hand, and then his own, only to find that Sheng Fengxue's temperature was higher than he had imagined.

"I seem...to have gone too far." Jun Yi lowered her head, as if she was talking to Sheng Fengxue.

He didn't dislike Sheng Fengxue, on the contrary, he felt that the woman in front of him was the second most special woman he had ever seen, similar in character to the one he loved.

What he hates is actually Sheng Fengxue's current name, to be precise, he doesn't want others to use the name "Kongqin".

This name can only belong to the person he loves, no matter whether that person is alive or dead, the name "Kongqin" can only belong to the person he loves.

Kongqin can only be his beloved!
"...Wait, Nanxuan...Shan, wait for me...wait for me...Nan...xuan..."

Sheng Fengxue had a high fever and began to rave.

The whole body was torn apart, the pain was so painful that she couldn't breathe, and some force seemed to be pulling her with all its strength.

It was freezing cold.

Jun Yi was by her side, and there were only the two of them in the entire mountain temple, so even if Sheng Fengxue was raving, Jun Yi could still hear the general idea.

"What did you say?!..." Jun Yi suddenly raised his voice, and his body suddenly became stiff.

It's a pity that Sheng Fengxue couldn't answer his question, and she babbled a few more words before she fell into a deep coma again.

Nan Xuan is Jun Yi's original name.

Very few people know this name!

He was born in Nanxuan Mountain, that's why he was named Nanxuan. Junyi was given by himself. Compared with the name Nanxuan, he prefers the name Junyi.

Because his sweetheart likes it.

Because of him, he never got his sweetheart from the beginning to the end!
Gu Zhi'an boiled water, and carefully brought it over in a clean big thick bowl, Jun Yi turned to look in the bowl, and then looked up at Gu Zhi'an: "Where's the spoon?"

"As Master Junyi said, there is no spoon." Gu Zhian scratched his head and replied.

"Didn't you still eat porridge under that stone?" Jun Yi asked, feeling that Gu Zhian was lying.

"We drank it directly from the bowl." Gu Zhi'an said, fearing that Mr. Jun Yi would be angry, he quickly added: "We drank the porridge we boiled after two gurglings."

There are only pots, bowls and chopsticks here, which were brought by the two brothers Gu Zhian.

Jun Yi was speechless, and couldn't find a reason to get angry.

"Get out and watch!" Jun Yi roared, Gu Zhi'an shrank his neck, and he continued: "If you dare to peek, I will dig out your eyes and make wine for you to drink."

"...Yes." Gu Zhian lowered his head, trembling with fear.

"No one is allowed to come in." Jun Yi said again.

Gu Zhian hurriedly agreed again and left quickly.

Jun Yi looked at Sheng Fengxue's small mouth that was so dry that it was about to crack, and then at the steaming boiling water in the nearby bowl, clicked his tongue, hesitated again and again, then took off the white mask and threw it aside, leaning over Give Sheng Fengxue water by kissing.

Gu Zhian didn't dare to look back, but judging from the current situation, even if he didn't look back, he could still guess what happened inside.

Wearing a clown mask is good, it can cover up your embarrassment and embarrassment.

"Exciting, really exciting!..." Gu Zhian thought in his heart.

Even Qili, Lingluo and Xueji are not treated like this!
When Gu Rangqing led the horse and brought a mother and daughter up the mountain, Jun Yi and Gu Zhi'an had already stood together.

Gu Rangqing complained first, and after getting Jun Yi's silence, he let the mother and daughter go in to treat Sheng Fengxue.

Gu Zhian went over to help take the things on the horse into the mountain temple and put them away.

A mat, a semi-old but clean quilt, a set of coarse clothes, a square towel, and a basin.

The medicine box is carried on the mother's body.

The daughter was about seventeen or eighteen years old. She went in to have a look at Sheng Fengxue, then came out quickly, and said to the three men outside the door: "You guys go to boil the water first, stinky men are not allowed to come near here."

"How is she?" Jun Yi asked.

The girl glanced at him: "All of you are wearing masks, we thought we had encountered bandits."

"It's about the same. After all, I brought so many things up." Gu Zhian went to boil water again, and it was Gu Rangqing who answered the conversation.

"She must have been drenched in the rain all night, and then she developed a high fever, riding bumpy all the way, with injuries all over her body."

The girl pointed to her buttocks, and said again: "The injury is the most serious here, and I can't get out of bed for the time being. If I want to ride a fast horse, I have to wait for three months."

"Is that serious?" Gu Rangqing asked.

"Nonsense, she is just a weak woman, how can she stand such a torment."

The girl rolled her eyes at Gu Rangqing, turned around and went in, while walking, she continued to babble: "I don't know why she is so anxious about it, it seems like she is desperate! Sigh——"

That faint sigh hit Jun Yi's heart, Jun Yi stood up, thought about it seriously, and then told Gu Rangqing beside him: "I'll leave her to you first."

"?" Gu Rangqing looked up blankly.

"I still have things to do," Jun Yi said, "I will come back again."

"If this girl wakes up..." Gu Rangqing hesitated to speak.

"You just let her wait for me here, and tell her that I will come back to pick her up." Jun Yi said, paused for a moment and continued to add: "She is not allowed to leave here."

"What if she insists on leaving?" Gu Rangqing hesitated for a while before asking.

"Then my lord will break your dog legs." Jun Yi's words were as cold as ever.

Gu Rangqing twitched his lips, and hurriedly went to find Gu Zhian.

(End of this chapter)

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