Chapter 10 Chapter 10

"Second brother, do you regret not getting the Lantern King?" Lin Youyi asked.

Lin Xiuran glanced at the round moon above his head, "I want to win the Lantern King because I want to have good memories with you. No matter how good the Lantern King is, we can't be together."

"So, no regrets, my little sister's demeanor today is enough for me to remember forever."

The moonlight is very gentle and not dazzling at all, but Lin Youyi can't help but feel sore eyes.

"Why, can't walk anymore? Come on, second brother will carry you." Lin Xiuran squatted down.

Lin Youyi didn't care about her feelings, and said in embarrassment: "Second brother, how old am I?"

"No matter how old you are, she's still my little sister. If you didn't enter the palace, you would have asked me to recite it when you got married. Now it's too early." Lin Xiuran said.

Lin Youyi looked at Zuo Shan, Zuo Shan smiled and said, "You don't know your brother's stubbornness, so you should help him fulfill his wish."

Lin Youyi climbed onto Lin Xiuran's back, and Zuo Shan followed, "The first time I met your second brother, he told me that there was a sister who was like a fairy at home, and that he would treat me like him when I got through the door." Hello sister."

It was the first time Lin Youyi heard Zuo Shan talk about this, and she was a little surprised, "It's just the first time we met, and the second brother is sure that you will marry him?"

"Your sister-in-law has been staring at me for several garden parties, and I've come to propose marriage, and she still doesn't seize the opportunity?" Lin Xiuran said proudly.

Lin Youyi chuckled, "Then sister-in-law really fell in love with second brother first?" Lin Youyi was curious.

"Sister-in-law is not afraid of your jokes. There are so many people in the garden party. I just fell in love with your second brother. At that time, I thought that if I could marry him, I would be satisfied in this life." Zuo Shan's eyes kept falling on On Lin Xiuran.

Hearing this, Lin Xiuran smiled triumphantly, and looked at Zuo Shan with gentle eyes.

The second brother and the second sister-in-law really have similar temperaments and similar interests, no wonder they have a good relationship.

Lin Youyi was envious, but she didn't know where her lover was. If she didn't enter the palace, would she be able to find someone who would treat her wholeheartedly?
Seeing that the person on his back was silent for a long time, Lin Xiuran comforted him: "Your Majesty is the most stalwart man in the world, and my little sister is not bad."

Lin Youyi sighed, "Second brother, I don't want to enter the palace."

Zuo Shan was startled when she heard the words, "Sister-in-law is still looking forward to your early entry into the palace to help elder brother, elder brother..."

Lin Xiuran glared at Zuo Shan, and Zuo Shan quickly stopped talking.

"What's wrong, big brother?" Lin Youyi sensed something was wrong.

"Brother said that when you enter the palace, he will come back and marry you off his back." Lin Xiuran changed the subject, Ren Lin Youyi couldn't ask any questions.

In the evening, after Lin Youyi took a bath, Zhixia dried Lin Youyi's hair with a cotton towel.Seeing the constant smile at the corner of her mouth, she asked curiously, "What is the girl thinking?"

"I feel happy." Lin Youyi was thinking about the second brother carrying her back. The second brother has always been responsive to her requests, but he has never done such extraordinary things since he taught himself to behave.

Yingge put on Lin Youyi's face and said, "Madam and Young Master are so kind to the girl, I feel happy when I see it."

Therefore, Lin Youyi has to protect such family members even more, and not let them suffer any harm because of herself and the palace fight. It is best not to enter the palace by herself, so as to avoid the tragedy of the previous life.

Coming out of Baoqing Tower, Li Duanjin should not delay any longer, otherwise he would miss the curfew.So even if Wang Shuyan's calculations were not completely destroyed tonight, it should be almost the same.

According to the trajectory of the previous life, tomorrow, Wang Shuyan will come to ask her for the white jade hairpin. In this life, they have turned against each other early. I don't know if she will come to ask for the white jade hairpin.

Earlier, she guessed that there might be some connection between this white jade hairpin and Wang Shuyan and Li Duanjin.

Reminiscent of Li Duanjin calling her the white jade hairpin tonight, could it be that Wang Shuyan plans to approach Li Duanjin with the white jade hairpin?
To her, Wang Shuyan was not only a betrayal, but also a hatred of destroying her family.

Since God gave her a chance to do it all over again, then in this life, she, Wang Shuyan, would not even think about it.

But don't be careless, Wang Shuyan is not so easy to fall, she has suffered losses twice in a row, how will she fight back?

At this time, Wang Shuyan was furious because her plan against Lin Youyi and Li Duanjin failed at the same time.

As soon as Wang Heyi got home, he went to Zuiyuxuan, and found a place to stay on the messy ground that Wang Shuyan smashed, "I've finished what you asked me to watch. Wearing a mask, but why are you paying attention to such small things?"

Wang Shuyan's anger finally dissipated, and she glanced at Wang Heyi, she needs an alliance now, so she said to Wang Heyi: "This is not a trivial matter, I missed the meeting with His Majesty today, so naturally I must find a way to catch his eyes, Lin Youyi see Your Majesty wore a mask from beginning to end, which means that Your Majesty has never seen her, so I can 'Li Daitao stiff'."

Wang Heyi was stunned, and then realized, "Don't worry, we are siblings." This is an alliance in disguise, "But are you sure this will not be discovered? Lin Youyi is also of the right age, her face, If there is no accident, you will definitely enter the palace, and your lies will not be exposed immediately."

"As long as the plan is good, no, so now I want you to do three things." Wang Shuyan said.

"Okay, don't say three, even three hundred is fine." As long as her sister enters the palace and becomes the queen, wouldn't he be able to walk sideways in the capital?

Lin Youyi whispered three things in Wang Heyi's ear. Wang Heyi's eyes lit up after hearing this, "Sister, you are really a master."

After going to bed, Lin Youyi didn't fall asleep immediately. She thought carefully about the details of today's answer with Li Duanjin, and carefully compared the memories of her previous life.

Because she has doubts, in this life, she already knows the answer, why Li Duanjin can keep up with her speed.

She remembered the rumors about Li Duanjin, Emperor Taiqian of Datong, it is said that he was able to write poems at the age of three, write policy theory at the age of four, read the classics at the age of five, ascended the throne at the age of eight and debated with the courtiers and was invincible, at the age of 13 he killed the courtier Dong Rui cleared away the obstacles to pro-government, and the 14-year-old Wenyuange University scholar Min San wrote a letter asking Emperor Taiqian to be in charge of the government, and the emperor began to be in charge of the government.

If today is Li Duanjin's true talent and learning, then there is only one explanation, he hid his strength in his previous life.

As for why he hid his strength, it is still unknown.

At the same time, Li Duanjin didn't sleep in the Xuanzheng Hall. He took the note that Zhang Bin asked for from the shopkeeper of Baoqinglou, and carefully looked at the ink on the paper.

There are three pieces of paper in total, one is a few numbers, one is a few words, and the last one has only one word.

Li Duanjin was fascinated by the content that was clear at a glance.

If Lin Youyi were here, she would definitely find that these three notes were written by her when she was answering questions in Baoqinglou.

But Li Duanjin asked Zhang Bin to bother to get it.

"You can write well at a young age." Li Duanjin commented, he didn't realize that Lin Youyi was only one year younger than him.

It was rare for Li Duanjin to pay attention to it. Seeing this, An Duo tentatively asked: "Your Majesty, do you want your servant to find out which family this girl belongs to?"

(End of this chapter)

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