Chapter 17: Chapter 17
"You go to the household department yourself." Li Duanjin signaled.

"According to the order."

After An Duo left, Li Duanjin took out a book from the bookshelf, and lay down on the easy chair to read as usual.

Normally, I would be able to immerse myself in the book very quickly, but tonight I felt a little bit less interested.

Not long after, An Duo brought in ten large boxes with someone, "Your Majesty, the portraits of a thousand beautiful girls are here."

Li Duanjin asked the eunuch to line up the portraits, and he identified them one by one.

An Duo piled up several portraits pointed out by Li Duanjin on the table, including Yu Shuangshuang, the empress dowager's niece, Shuyan, the queen of the Ministry of Industry, and Tian Shuhui, the daughter of Zhongyonghou.

Then, Li Duanjin picked out a few more paintings, but there was no joy in his eyes, and the selection speed was getting faster and faster.

Ando thought, I don't know whose portrait His Majesty is looking for.

Could it be that the girl I met in the imperial garden wasn't the girl the emperor was looking for for the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival?
"Pack it up and carry it down." Just when An Duo was in a daze, Li Duanjin finally found the painting he wanted.

"It's her?!" Li Duanjin saw the identity note on the side, and suddenly remembered a scene from a long time ago in his mind. The first emperor died, and the clan was crying. One of the little girls carved in pink and jade was crying very sadly, which was eye-catching. The little girl was only five or six years old, and her tears were falling like broken pearls, she looked more like her real son than him.

Li Duanjin watched the little girl being taken down to clean her face and asked her: "Why are you crying so sadly?"

He remembered that the girl said: "When I think of His Majesty's uncle who is as old as me, and lost his father at such a young age, it's so pitiful that I want to cry."

Li Duanjin froze in place, and it took a long while to come back to his senses.

Everyone was sad that the late emperor had gone west, but she was worried about him, and besides, she was called the emperor's uncle when she was only eight years old?Li Duanjin is still impressive! !

An Duo raised his head curiously, and saw a very vivid picture of a young girl smiling charmingly.

Next to the painting is Lin Youyi, the daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of War of the Princess's Mansion, who is thirteen years old.

An Duo noticed sharply that the person in the portrait had a white jade hairpin on his sideburns, and it wasn't the same one that the masked woman wore on the night of the Lantern Festival.

His Majesty was indeed looking for her.

Ando looked up, and saw His Majesty pursing his lips and shaking his head.

An Duo was suddenly at a loss, whether His Majesty's attitude, this Lin Youyi, is good or not.

Just when An Duo was in doubt, he heard Li Duanjin say disgustedly: "This painter is not good at learning."

It turned out that I was not dissatisfied with the person in the painting, but the painter.An Duo slapped his horse and said: "These folk painters can't even compare with a single finger of His Majesty."

Li Duanjin glanced at An Duo, "Okay, you can find someone to find out if the beautiful girls who entered the princess's mansion have left a sign."

"Follow the order." Ando was about to go out when Li Duanjin stopped him again.

"Forget it, forgive those eunuchs and they won't be so blank."

It's rare for Anduo to see His Majesty like this, and he seems to be worried about gains and losses.

But no matter what, it is true that His Majesty cares about the girl in the Princess' Mansion.

Cining Palace.

The queen mother learned that the emperor wanted a portrait of Xiu Nu from the household department.

"Your Majesty has grown up and knows how to care about your own affairs. Why do you have to worry about it?" Jing Yi, the personal nurse, said as she untied the Queen Mother.

"He was under my supervision to study since he was a child, and now he is finally in charge. I am worried that he will be fascinated by beauty, imitate his father, and forget the responsibility of the emperor." The queen mother said worriedly.

"Your Majesty grew up under your watch. You still don't understand his temperament. Your Majesty is very ambitious and won't indulge in women."

"It's going to the Royal Garden to see beautiful women, and it's looking for portraits of beautiful women. Oh, why don't I worry?"

"I am worried about his poor health, I am also worried about his poor studies, I am worried about disagreeing with the assistant minister, I am even more worried if he completely obeys the assistant minister, I am worried if he is not in charge of the government, I am still worried now that he is in charge of the government, and I am worried when he is not married. Nervous, now that the show girl has been arranged to enter the palace, I am still nervous." The queen mother sighed, "There is no time to relax."

"Your Majesty loves Your Majesty so much, don't worry, Your Majesty has never let you down before." Nurse Jingyi comforted, put down the phoenix hairpin, and gently pressed her head for the Queen Mother.

"That's right, the emperor has never disappointed Ai's family." The queen mother finally showed satisfaction, "Look, how about this year's show girl?"

"The Household Department received your imperial edict, so you must be very energetic. All the beautiful girls are selected from the best, and all of them are very good. It depends on who is the most compatible with His Majesty in the end." Jingyi said cleverly. explain.

"It doesn't matter if you fall in love with me or not. The empress is virtuous, virtuous, kind, and generous." The queen mother said, and ordered: "You ask the people from the household department to come back tomorrow and see whose portrait your majesty has left."

There are so many beautiful women left today, Chuxiu Palace deliberately opened all the palaces including the main hall as the temporary residence of the beautiful women.

When assigning residences, many people tried their best to squeeze into the main hall, and surrounded the deputy manager Cui Shanggong one after another.

Because the news about Wang Shuyan and His Majesty was widely circulated in the afternoon, Cui Shanggong set his sights on Shuangshuang and Wang Shuyan, "Please choose ten people from each of the two young masters to live in the main hall, and the rest will be allocated to each eight people freely. Please All young masters, choose a residence within a quarter of an hour and then gather."

The main hall is five rooms wide, and 20 people live in it, which is equivalent to a room for four people. After Cui Shanggong finished speaking, Chuxiu Palace became lively. Wang Shuyan and Yu Shuangshuang were immediately crowded with people, all of whom wanted to live in the main hall. of.

However, Wang Shuyan apologized in a very difficult way, and then pushed aside everyone and came to Lin Youyi, "Cousin, do you want to live in the main hall with me?"

Because of Wang Shuyan's move, many people's eyes fell on Lin Youyi, and then there were exclamations and gasps.

The show girls are all carefully selected, and all of them are not bad in appearance, but when they look at Lin Youyi at this time, they immediately understand that Lin Youyi is probably the most outstanding girl in this year's show.

If Lin Youyi has the family background of having an aunt as the queen mother like Yu Shuangshuang, or if she can win over the emperor like Wang Shuyan, then her appearance is the best weapon to gain others' attachment.

But she doesn't seem to have a good reputation, so this overly gorgeous appearance can most arouse people's jealousy.

Wang Shuyan noticed that many people around her were casting jealous or hostile looks at Lin Youyi, and she curled her lips in satisfaction.

Lin Youyi also noticed it, and it was exactly the same as in her previous life, but she never doubted Wang Shuyan at that time, so she never discovered Wang Shuyan's trick to bring hatred to her.

But in this life, everything is different, she will no longer foolishly run to Wang Shuyan's side as a foil, giving her a chance to assassinate herself.

"No need, I'll just live in the back hall." Lin Youyi said, "Also, because I fell into the water, I remember that we had a falling out. Could it be that you lost your memory?"

There is an irreconcilable conflict between Lin Youyi and Wang Shuyan. Wang Shuyan stabs secretly, and Lin Youyi exposes it.

"Cousin, you misunderstood, you fell into the water..." Wang Shuyan was about to explain, but Lin Youyi turned around and left to the apse.

(End of this chapter)

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