On the wedding night, I beg Your Majesty to give me a soup

Chapter 2 2 The true colors of some people need to be revealed as soon as possible

Chapter 2 2 The true colors of some people need to be revealed as soon as possible
A majestic voice suddenly interrupted the warmth between mother and daughter, and then, a tall and majestic middle-aged man walked in, looking at his facial features, he looked a bit like Lin Youyi.

"It's up to you whether you want to enter the palace or not. As a citizen of Datong, you should put your majesty first. My son can't be willful."

Lin Youyi was stunned for a moment, "Father..." In the last life, my father was demoted from office, and was finally asked to be executed. It was an order from the emperor. Now, listening to his father's words of loyalty to the emperor, Lin Youyi feels for his father and for the Lin family. Wronged.

"Father is loyal to His Majesty, but His Majesty may not be worthy of your treatment." Lin Youyi said sadly.

"Shut up." Lin Heng looked distressed, "Is this hurting your brain? You can say such things!"

Although it was a reprimand in words, Lin Heng's eyes were full of concern, "It's disrespectful to talk about your majesty, how can you enter the palace like this."

Seeing Lin Youyi drooping her head, Wang Wan couldn't bear it, "Yi Bao has just woken up, and after being greatly stimulated by this, her mood is still not stable, why are you bothering with a child."

It's already thirteen, Lin Heng doesn't think that Lin Youyi is still a child, but his complexion softened after all, "The internal servant has taken away the Geng post, with your family background, talent, and appearance, you will definitely be selected, I don't ask you to win glory , but don't dishonor the family."

The girl from the official family is unwilling to enter the palace and shed tears in her boudoir. If this word gets out, she will definitely be condemned by her political opponents.

Lin Youyi knew that her father was loyal to the emperor and patriotic. Although she was born as a general, the righteousness of the emperor and ministers is above all else. She was also emotional just now, but she has figured it out now when she calms down, "I'm sorry, father, my daughter shouldn't be open-minded. "

"It's good to think about it." Lin Heng nodded, "Take care of your body with peace of mind."

Lin Heng left after a short stay.

After Lin Heng left, Wang Wan told his servants in a stern tone that what he had seen and heard today should not be spread out. Thinking of Lin Youyi's change in not wanting to enter the palace, she waved her hand to get all the servants to leave.

"Why don't you suddenly want to enter the palace?" Wang Wan was puzzled.

Lin Youyi thought that she must let her mother know that Wang Shuyan would harm their family, and she must be on guard.

The matter of rebirth is so mysterious that even my mother would not believe it when I told it, but I can say it in another way, "Mom, I had a dream, a very real and terrifying dream..."

After listening to Lin Youyi's dream life and the ending of their family, Wang Wan patted Lin Youyi on the back reassuringly, "Yibao is not afraid, dreams are the opposite."

Lin Youyi paused, her mother didn't believe it! !
Although Wang Wan comforted Lin Youyi at the time that it was just a dream, the details and logic of what Lin Youyi said were so intertwined that she couldn't help but fall in love with her.

That night, she asked Lin Heng for confirmation: "Is it possible that someone can predict the future through dreams?"

Lin Heng: "It's nonsense. You've read some books anyway, so why do you still believe it?" After finishing speaking, he paused again, "Who said that?"


No wonder his wife took it to heart, Lin Heng frowned: "In order not to enter the palace and tell such a lie, you need to be educated more."

Wang Wan also felt that Lin Youyi said that because she really didn't want to enter the palace.

Wang Wan glanced at Lin Heng, then thought of the eldest princess, if her daughter really didn't want to enter the palace, she had to find a way to help.

After all, Lin Youyi was young, and her health recovered quickly, and she recovered within a few days.Early in the morning, she took her maidservant to pay her respects to her grandmother, and lived a new life. In this life, she must protect her family well.

And some people's faces should be recognized and exposed as early as possible.

When Lin Youyi arrived, her mother, aunt, eldest sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, and cousin had all arrived.

The eldest princess is the aunt of Emperor Taiqian. She recruited Lin Youyi's grandfather, General Lin Sheng, as her son-in-law. The two had two sons and a daughter. Lin Youyi's father was the youngest son of the eldest princess and his wife.

The eldest princess's two sons gave birth to six more children. Lin Youyi's mother Wang Wan gave birth to two sons and a daughter, and her life was complete. Lin Youyi's aunt Shi Yurong gave birth to three daughters, and she was always jealous of Wang Wan's good life.

"My darling, this time I really suffered. Seeing that I have lost a lot of weight, I feel so sorry for my grandmother." As soon as the eldest princess saw Lin Youyi, she beckoned her to her side.

Lin Youyi had just finished greeting everyone when the eldest princess covered her little hand, "Look at this little hand is cold, drink a cup of hot tea to warm you up." The eldest princess signaled Su Momo to serve the tea.

Thinking of her grandmother's ending in her previous life, Lin Youyi's eyes became sour, and she took the opportunity to snuggle into the arms of the eldest princess, "Grandma treats me the best."

Shi Yurong already felt that she had given birth to three daughters and she was already inferior to the second wife, and the eldest princess was still biased, and she was already displeased, but she didn't show it in her expression, she just said, "Mother still has a sweetheart here." As he spoke, he pushed Lin Hanshuang, who was only ten years old, beside him.

The eldest princess paused and waved to Lin Hanshuang, "They are all my darlings."

Shi Yurong's eldest daughter and second daughter are both married. The second daughter was born with dystocia and hurt her body, but she still tried her best to have a son. Unexpectedly, the third child was still a daughter. For the sake of the third child, she used strong drugs back then. It is impossible to regenerate, and the only hope is that the third child will get married.

This time Emperor Taiqian selected women of the right age from 13 to 17 years old, but Lin Hanshuang did not meet the requirements. She was so angry that she smashed all the utensils in the room. Now Lin Youyi felt a little displeased.

"Youyi is going to enter the palace after all, mother, don't get used to it too much, there will be no room for arrogance when entering the palace in the future." Shi Yurong said.

This yin and yang tone made the eldest princess immediately displeased, and just now she gave Shi Yurong a go, but she pushed her nose and face, and she was about to get angry immediately.

"Sister-in-law is right, sister-in-law will teach her well." Wang Wan spoke.

Shi Yurong froze, but she was saying in disguise that she was not qualified to educate Lin Youyi and protect the calf.

Seeing this, the eldest princess turned her eyes to ask Lin Youyi what happened that day.

Even her biological mother would not believe the events of her previous life in the form of stories, let alone other people.Lin Youyi decided to change her strategy and first destroy Wang Shuyan's image in the hearts of her family.

"Grandmother, Wang Shuyan did it on purpose when I fell into the water that day. From the angle at that time, she couldn't hit me at all. You can ask the people who were serving in the yard at that time to find out."

What Lin Youyi said was the truth. She never doubted Wang Shuyan in her previous life, so she thought it was an accident, but it was actually carefully designed by Wang Shuyan.

After waking up in this life, I realized that there are actually traces of many things. Wang Shuyan has never been so sincere to her.

Sure enough, when the words came out, everyone's expressions were bright, and Lin Youyi's eldest sister, Jia Jiarou, said: "The gifts that the Wang family girl brings every time are a few handicrafts, but everything I take back from my sister-in-law is good. "She was pregnant, her belly was already high, and she was sitting beside Wang Wan.

That's because Wang Shuyan did a really good job of saving face, and every time she said it was her effort to do it with her own hands. Lin Youyi in her previous life never saw through it, and only thought that Wang Shuyan treated her wholeheartedly, and every time she put her most precious, Give her something she likes as a return gift.

Now that I think about it, so many good things were fed to the dogs, especially those things later became Wang Shuyan's capital to bribe the palace people to deal with her.

Wang Shuyan is the daughter of Wang Wan's eldest brother, her face darkened: "Really?"

The eldest princess believed Lin Youyi, so she immediately asked Mother Su to call the person who served that day, and after questioning, it really confirmed Lin Youyi's words.

(End of this chapter)

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