Chapter 23 23 Silver Abilities

Lin Youyi recovered to breathe freely, and only then did she notice Tian Shuhui's strangeness. She saw that Tian Shuhui's gaze was still in the direction Li Duanjin was going away, and the gentleness and shyness on her face all showed that Tian Shuhui was emotional.

Falling in love with the emperor is destined to be a love affair of moths flying to the flame.

The identity of the emperor, it is doomed that his love should be shared by the rain and the dew, and cannot be given to a certain person, but if you fall in love with the emperor, and then see him hugging left and right as he enters and exits the palace of others, no matter how deep the love is, it will slowly fade away in disappointment and despair. perish.

In order not to repeat the same mistakes, Lin Youyi set herself the goal of cutting off love and love after her rebirth.

Lin Youyi didn't intend to persuade Tian Shuhui either, Tian Shuhui couldn't empathize with her without having experienced it.

Besides, after entering the palace, if you don't love the emperor, who else can you love?
Not everyone can be like her, not talking about feelings but only talking about the post.

Lin Youyi returned to Chuxiu Palace and met Heshun. Before that, Lin Youyi asked Heshun to find a way to replace Xiufang, the maid in her room. Heshun reported back and forth.

"This Ping'er, Lin Xiaozhu can rest assured that she is from my hometown, and her character can be relied on."

In fact, Ping'er asked Heshun to replace Xiufang after An Duo's investigation.

Lin Youyi thanked him and gave Heshun the purse again.

"Heshun, there is one more thing I want to trouble you with."

He Shun hurriedly said: "Your master has something to look down on your servant, please tell me, my master."

Lin Youyi told Heshun about Tu Kuan, and said: "Just pay attention first."

"Okay, my servant is awake." He Shun replied.

After returning to Chuxiu Palace, Lin Youyi saw Ping'er, an honest and stable girl.

When she fell asleep, Lin Youyi realized that the white jade hairpin was gone.

Because of seeing Wang Shuyan in the Royal Garden, the emperor was given good advice by the Queen Mother in the Palace of Compassion and Ning, and when he returned to the Palace of Xuanzheng, he took out a white jade hairpin from his sleeve.

If Lin Youyi were here, she would definitely recognize that this was the one she lost.

Thinking of him taking Lin Youyi's hairpin by accident, it is embarrassing enough to think about it at this moment.

It's just why I suddenly thought that way at that time, and then I did it.

He has always been well-behaved, thinks twice before acting, and has accumulated so many years of reputation and fame that the Queen Mother and the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty can rest assured that he will be in charge.

But when he met Lin Youyi twice in a row, he went out of his way. Thinking of this, the joy in Li Duanjin's heart disappeared.

He put the white jade hairpin into a golden nanmu box, where the answers to the lantern riddles written by Lin Youyi during the Lantern Festival were also stored.

Afterwards, he came to the table, spread out the rice paper, picked up a pen and began to practice calligraphy, hoping to calm down.

On the second day, after Li Duanjin went to court, he ran into Lin Youyi who came out to look for white jade hairpins on the road.

Lin Youyi also wanted to cry, but she wanted to avoid Li Duanjin yesterday, but she met him today.

"What are you looking for?" Li Duanjin left a group of attendants and approached Lin Youyi.

Lin Youyi subconsciously took a few steps back, keeping a safe distance.

"Return to Your Majesty, this servant is looking for a hairpin." Lin Youyi said.

"Cough cough." Li Duanjin clenched his left hand into a fist, and coughed twice when he heard the words, with a blushed expression on his face.

"It's just a hairpin. I think Wang Shuyan also has it. It's not expensive, so if you lose it, just throw it away." Li Duanjin said.

"That's not an ordinary hairpin, it's a gift from my grandmother to Jiji, and it's the only thing I didn't give to Wang Shuyan." Lin Youyi secretly put eye drops on Wang Shuyan in front of Li Duanjin.

"Then why does she have one too?" Li Duanjin wondered.

Naturally, the Jiji gift that the eldest princess made would not be an ordinary item on the bad street. Even if Wang Shuyan had one, it shouldn't be exactly the same as Lin Youyi's.

Of course Lin Youyi guessed where Wang Shuyan's hairpin came from, and Li Duanjin would guess it sooner or later, but she shouldn't be the one to reveal it, especially at this time.

"She also has one? Why haven't I seen her wearing it before?" Lin Youyi said, and then teased: "Your Majesty still has good eyesight."

Li Duanjin was hoarse, how could he hear something unusual from Lin Youyi's words.

"Look at the familiar hairpin and let it go." After Li Duanjin finished speaking, he felt uncomfortable, as if he was clarifying something to Lin Youyi.

Lin Youyi didn't expect to insert willows unintentionally, and originally suspected that Wang Shuyan used the hairpin to pretend to be her identity to seduce Li Duanjin. At this time, he inadvertently revealed the reason, which made Lin Youyi more affirmed her guess.

"Your Majesty doesn't need to explain to the servant, the servant still has something to do, so I will leave first." Lin Youyi said, saluting and leaving.

Li Duanjin was uncomfortable at first, but he was aroused by Lin Youyi's indifferent and eager to get rid of it.

"and many more."

Li Duanjin subconsciously stopped him, and when Lin Youyi's clear eyes looked over, he couldn't find a reason for a while.

So he talked about the hairpin, "Aren't you looking for a hairpin? If you are willing to copy a Buddhist scripture for me to worship before the Buddha, I will find it for you." Li Duanjin said.

Lin Youyi lowered her eyes, the emperor's request, even if she didn't find a hairpin for her, she had to copy it, "How can I give it to His Majesty after I copy it?"

Li Duanjin thought for a while and said, "Leave it to Heshun."

Lin Youyi is very smart, with just this sentence, Li Duanjin knew that Lin Youyi had already guessed that he was the person behind Heshun.

Sure enough, seeing Lin Youyi's eyes wide open, as if surprised, Li Duanjin thought wickedly, might as well surprise her even more, he took a few steps forward, and said softly, "Miss Bai Yuhan, haven't you recognized me yet?" ?”

It says "I" not "I".

The corners of Li Duanjin's lips curved into a smile, and before Lin Youyi could answer, he walked away leisurely, but the expression on his face was obviously in a good mood.

Lin Youyi was really surprised, but her surprise was not as surprised as Li Duanjin expected because she suddenly found out his identity, but she discovered that Li Duanjin had such a naughty and childish side.

Now that Li Duanjin has revealed his identity, Lin Youyi no longer has to force himself to act, since acting is tiring.

Back at Chuxiu Palace, Ping'er brought in a meal. Since Ping'er came, Lin Youyi handed over the contact with Heshun to Ping'er, which saved her a lot of trouble, especially since she was safer.

Open the lid, the aroma of the food wafts out, and the smell is delicious just by smelling it.

The Empress Dowager rewarded each beautiful girl in Xiulixuan with a golden hairpin for the embroidery, and the beautiful girls in Xiulixuan can now admire Lin Youyi.

Tian Shuhui and Liu Li raised Lin Youyi's status to a higher level in their hearts, and other beautiful girls also came over from time to time.

They ate with Lin Youyi, Lin Youyi could only ask Heshun to prepare a little more, and gave him a thick purse as usual.

Tian Shuhui joked, "Torture to extract a confession, how did you do it, and there are meals delivered by the imperial dining room, not much better than Xiunu's meals."

Liu Li nodded softly, "I want to know too."

Lin Youyi is funny, it's better to pass Minglu, so as to save Wang Shuyan from spreading weird rumors, the empress dowager doesn't like it.

Lin Youyi took out a purse and handed it to Tian Shuhui, "The secret is here."

Tian Shuhui opened it and found that there were silver nudes inside.

"Silver ability." Lin Youyi concluded.

Tian Shuhui and Liu Li burst out laughing, and the others laughed too.

(End of this chapter)

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