On the wedding night, I beg Your Majesty to give me a soup

Chapter 277 276 Would you like this kind of life?

"Girl!" Zhang Chenjun wanted to carry Lin Youyi to the fire, but at this moment, his face was as pale as paper, big beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his strength was withdrawn at this moment.

Zhang Chenjun successfully carried Lin Youyi to the fire with great effort, and the sweat on his head was already falling like rain.

His eyes stayed on Lin Youyi's clothes. In such a cold weather, if the clothes were not dried quickly, the consequences would be disastrous.

Just when he was hesitating whether to untie Lin Youyi's clothes, Lin Youyi slowly opened his eyes.

Zhang Chenjun breathed a sigh of relief and asked softly: "How do you feel?"

Lin Youyi blinked, trying to wake himself up. She felt cold, but the warmth of the fire gave her some sense.

"I...I'm fine, thank you, senior brother." Lin Youyi's voice was a little weak.

Zhang Chenjun nodded with a smile and reached out to gently touch Lin Youyi's forehead. It was still very cold, "You should get closer to the fire. It's best to take off your wet clothes and dry them. I'll go outside to protect you."

Lin Youyi looked at Zhang Chenjun gratefully. She knew that without him, she might have frozen to death in the ice and snow.

But Lin Youyi was already Li Duanjin's queen, and it was already inappropriate to live alone with Zhang Chenjun, let alone change and undress in front of others.

Zhang Chenjun saw Lin Youyi's scruples, his eyes darkened, and he advised, "It's cold, and your health is the most important thing. There's no one here, no one will know."

Zhang Chenjun looked at Lin Youyi, feeling a vague sadness in his heart. He knew that he had missed the opportunity to be with Lin Youyi.

However, he did not show his emotions, but walked outside silently to block the cold wind for Lin Youyi. Lin Youyi looked at Zhang Chenjun's back and felt a little moved in his heart.

"Senior brother, thank you." Lin Youyi said softly.

Zhang Chenjun paused slightly, turned his back to Lin Youyi and said, "Silly girl, you call me senior brother and still be polite to me."

Lin Youyi smiled slightly. The wet clothes on her body were so cold that her teeth chattered. Under Zhang Chenjun's persuasion, she slowly took off the outer cotton clothes, which was just this cotton clothes.

Then, Lin Youyi's eyes fell on Zhang Chenjun's thin body. She saw Zhang Chenjun trembling slightly in the cold wind, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of concern in her heart.

"I'm fine, senior brother, come here to keep warm, don't get frozen." Lin Youyi said softly.

Lin Youyi's concern made Zhang Chenjun's heart feel as sweet as honey. He looked at Lin Youyi and felt an impulse in his heart. He wanted to be close to her, wanted to feel her warmth.

Zhang Chenjun stepped forward and walked towards Lin Youyi step by step. His heart was beating faster and faster, as if it was about to jump out of his chest. When he walked across from Lin Youyi, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, making it difficult to move.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. In the end, he sat opposite Lin Youyi. Only then could he calm down his violently beating heart.

Zhang Chenjun carefully organized his words, hesitated for a long time, and couldn't help but asked: "Are you happy now?"

His voice was low, as if only he could hear it.

However, Lin Youyi heard it clearly. She raised her head and looked into Zhang Chenjun's eyes, and saw that his eyes seemed to be filled with a thousand words.

Lin Youyi was about to reply when Zhang Chenjun said again, "If you want to leave, I can take you..." Before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Lin Youyi.

"Brother, I am very happy." Lin Youyi thought of her first acquaintance with Li Duanjin, such an outstanding person who gave her endless warmth and support.

Li Duanjin used his carefulness and patience to enter Lin Youyi's inner world bit by bit. She appreciates his talent and character, and is grateful for his dedication and support to her. By Li Duanjin's side, Lin Youyi felt extremely relieved and happy.

Zhang Chenjun's face was dark and he hesitated to speak, "Girl, you..."

Lin Youyi raised his head and looked into Zhang Chenjun's eyes. "Brother, what do you want to say?"

Zhang Chenjun took a deep breath and finally asked, "Even if your infertility has something to do with him, do you not mind?"

Lin Youyi was shocked when he heard Zhang Chenjun's words, and his face instantly turned pale.

She stared at Zhang Chenjun with her eyes widened, and asked with a trembling voice: "Brother, what do you mean?"

"Why do you mean that my infertility has something to do with him?" Also, her infertility is so secret, "You...how did you know about it?"

Zhang Chenjun couldn't help but feel pity in his heart when he saw Lin Youyi's reaction. He sighed and said softly: "Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm. I know because someone told me."

Lin Youyi's face turned even paler. She grabbed Zhang Chenjun's arm tightly and asked, "Who told you? How could anyone know about this?"

Zhang Chenjun gently patted Lin Youyi's hand and comforted: "Don't worry, I will tell you everything today."

Zhang Chenjun said, "Li Duanjin is not the Queen Mother's biological child."

Lin Youyi forced himself to calm down, but still nodded in a panic, "I know about this."

Zhang Chenjun shook his head, "What you don't know is that the Queen Mother has a biological son, and the throne should be his."

"What?!!!" Lin Youyi's eyes widened in disbelief. "You...are what you said true or false?"

Zhang Chenjun knew that Lin Youyi was too shocked to question this, but he still couldn't suppress the sadness in his heart, "Senior brother, have you ever lied to you?"

Lin Youyi looked at Zhang Chenjun blankly, feeling confused in his heart. She naturally believed in Zhang Chenjun, but this matter was too unbelievable, how could she accept it so easily?
Zhang Chenjun said, "Someone used Hanbing Powder, a special poison of the Southern Barbarian court, to prevent you from having children."

Shocked to the extreme, Lin Youyi calmed down, "So, I was poisoned?"

Zhang Chenjun nodded.

Lin Youyi shook his head, "If it's poisoning, why can't the imperial doctor check it out?"

"The powerful thing about this poison is that it is invisible to people. It is poison but not poison. It only makes people diagnose body cold." Zhang Chenjun explained.

"Then why do you say this has something to do with Li Duanjin? What reason does he have to harm me?"

"I am also suspicious, because the large amount of this cold ice powder will be easily detected by others, especially since you are quite proficient in medical skills. If you want to hide it from you, naturally you can only take it in small amounts over many years. Think about it, I can poison you unknowingly in the palace, or for a long time. Who else can do it besides the people around you?" Zhang Chenjun analyzed, "No matter who the person behind this is, it is related to him and the palace. If you are a queen, you will inevitably have to face these discords."

Zhang Chenjun recalled that the little girl said to him with high spirits, "My dream is to travel all over the country and eat all the delicious food from all over the world."

"Would you like this kind of life?" Zhang Chenjun said leisurely.

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