Lin Youyi obviously didn't think of this level, and she was still thinking, if he touches the person he loves in the future, I hope he will remember what he said today.

Seeing that Lin Youyi didn't think about that, Li Duanjin was relieved and at the same time a little disappointed.

If it was someone else, I would have been very happy.

On the second day, Aunt Jingyi came to the Changchun Palace, "Next, please take care of the empress."

Jingyi came to teach Lin Youyi the rules and etiquette under the order of the Empress Dowager Yi. Lin Youyi hurriedly said, "Thank you, Empress Dowager, for your concern. Mammy, please take care."

Aunt Jingyi's teaching rules are stricter and more demanding than those in Chuxiu Palace. Although Lin Youyi learned the rules well since she was a child, she was a little bit tired after half a day.

Fortunately, it only takes half a day to learn the rules, but in the afternoon, Andrew, the head of the respect room, came.

"I would like to report to your empress, the concubines in the harem have been canonized. It stands to reason that your majesty will be able to enjoy the harem, spread the rain and dew, and extend the heirs. This servant is here to ask the empress about the green head card." He said, and presented a tray with the green head card to Lin Youyi. .

Looking at the tray, Lin Youyi's expression turned cold in an instant. Andrew is the chief manager of the respect room, and he can be regarded as the No. 1 servant supervisor. He has not obtained the Phoenix Seal, so he should go to the Queen Mother for instructions.

Yesterday, the palace affairs were dealt with. It was the Queen Mother's order. This time, there was palace affairs again, but Andrew didn't mention the Queen Mother at all.Lin Youyi speculated that this was another trial by the queen mother, if she immediately dealt with the green card issue without asking, she might be judged as "greedy for power" and "unruly" by the queen mother.

Moreover, this person's salute just now was quite untrue. The first time he met the queen, it was expected to be three prostrations and nine kowtows, but Andrew only bowed his hands in a simple salute.

Could it be that the eunuch wants to test herself, if she is soft-tempered, she will be easy to handle in the future, and she will be obedient and obedient.Whether it's for controlling the harem in the future or shocking the people in front of her, she can't let it go lightly.

After Andrew finished speaking, he didn't wait for Lin Youyi to speak out for a long time, so he couldn't help peeking out of the corner of his eye.

But seeing Lin Youyi looking at her with a half-smile, her voice was rather cold: "Director An calls me the Empress Empress, I'm afraid he doesn't have much respect in his heart, so please return to Director An."

Andrew was surprised. He is the head of the fourth-rank respected room appointed by the emperor himself. He has served two emperors. He has countless servants and maids under his management. Even if Lin Youyi was angered once they met, it was just a verbal beating. I never thought that Lin Youyi's attitude would be so domineering.

Without any explanation, he named him a disrespectful queen, and drove him away. If he really went out like this today, I am afraid that the name of disrespectful queen would be confirmed. After thinking about it, Andrew realized that he had underestimated the queen. It hit the iron board.

He suddenly knelt down in front of Lin Youyi and pleaded guilty: "The empress has been wronged, and this servant has absolutely no disrespect."

Lin Youyi snorted coldly, "Then why do you see that this palace can't be generous? Do you think it's wrong for His Majesty to make this palace your empress? Or have you been in the high position of the head of the respect room for a long time and forgot what the rules are?"

Asked three times in a row, the voice was neither loud nor heavy, but each sound was like a drum beating on Andrew's heart, and the echo made his heart tremble.

At this moment, a chill rose from the soles of the feet, and there seemed to be cold sweat on the back, and there was a feeling of facing His Majesty.

"Slave... I don't dare." Andrew had long since lost the carelessness he had before, and only thought that he would pass the current test no matter what, and not offend the queen, otherwise there would be no good fruit in the future.

"I think you are very brave!" Lin Youyi suddenly raised her voice, "I haven't obtained the Phoenix Seal, but you submit the palace affairs to me, in order to instigate me to disrespect the queen mother to fight for power, to provoke me and the queen mother It's hard to tolerate the sinister intentions of a concubine's friendship."

With a "bang", Andrew was almost paralyzed with fright, his head hit the ground heavily, and his whole body trembled.Lin Youyi said that if this charge is established, he, the chief manager of the fourth-rank respected office, will come to an end, and it is hard to say whether he will survive or not.

Could it be that the empress has someone she wants to support, and he is rushing to send the handle to the empress?Andrew didn't dare to think about anything at this moment, he just kept begging for mercy, "The empress is merciful, this slave is guilty, this slave will never dare again, I beg my empress to spare this slave's life."

Andrew begged for a long time, Lin Youyi saw that it was almost done, and then said: "Grandpa An came here for the first time, I think I don't know my temperament, I have always disliked people who do not do things well, I will take care of you if you do well. Promotion rewards, if you don't do well, I will give you a chance to make up for it, if there is still no change, you can change anyone in any position."

"Slave...Slave must seriously correct her mistakes, I beg the Empress to give me a chance." Andrew no longer looked down upon her.

"This green card incident..." Lin Youyi said slowly.

"My servant, please go and ask the queen mother for instructions, so I don't dare to be unruly." Seeing that Lin Youyi wanted to let go, Andrew immediately expressed his opinion.

"So, you go."

Andrew kowtowed, and then respectfully exited Changchun Palace before turning around. Looking at the sun outside, he felt as if he had seen the sun again and was born again.

He half turned his head to look in the direction of the Changchun Palace, and couldn't help but feel terrified in his heart, thinking to himself, when he went to do business in front of the empress in the future, he must be cautious in his words and deeds, and do things in a down-to-earth manner.

After Andrew left, Lin Youyi didn't move for a long time. She abandoned love and never loved in this life, but she didn't want to be affected by these things, but in this life, Li Duanjin treated her better than ever in her previous life, and she also felt the emperor's warmth. So almost intoxicated.

The incident of the green head card made her feel a little sore, but it also reminded her in time that the emperor's favor is only temporary, and after a flash in the pan, her eyes will only be desolate. She must not repeat the same mistakes and end up in the end of her previous life.

Li Duanjin was about to take a rest after dealing with the day's business, and An Duo brought a tray in front of him, and saw many wooden plaques with green silk ribbons on the tray, and the names of many concubines were written on the wooden plaques.

"The Empress Dowager tells Your Majesty that since Your Majesty has conferred the title of concubine, you should spread the rain and dew widely, extend your descendants, and continue the royal bloodline." Anduo said.

Li Duanjin frowned, thinking of Lin Youyi, he waved his hand to ask An Duo to remove the green card, "The wedding is less than a month away, and I will arrange bedtime after my wedding."

An Duo hesitated, worried: "Where is the Empress Dowager?"

"You report back according to my words." Li Duanjin said, Lin Youyi is the queen he personally chose, and he is willing to give her this respect.

"Slave complies with the order." Ando immediately went to the Palace of Compassion and Peace.

"Wait," Li Duanjin asked when the wedding was mentioned, "How far has the wedding progressed?"

An Duo naturally inquired about the important affairs of the emperor, "The Ministry of Rites will arrange for acceptance tomorrow."

Li Duanjin pondered for a moment, and said: "Let Ouyang Chun, Minister of Rites, come over."

"According to the order."

Special thanks to the February ticket supported by Black Kikyo.

Thank you for your support dear onion

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