In stark contrast to the liveliness and festivities of Jiaotai Hall was the side hall of Chuxiu Palace. Wang Shuyan sat in front of the vanity mirror with empty eyes, combing her hair unconsciously with a jade comb.

There was no expression on his face, but he was dressed festively.

"Is Jiaotai Hall going to rest?" Wang Shuyan asked leisurely.

The little maid who was assigned to wait on Wang Shuyan thought about it: "Looking at the time, it should be."

Wang Shuyan took out a gold hairpin from the jewelry box and handed the jade comb in her hand to the little palace maid, "You have taken care of me all these days, this thing rewards you."

The little maid was surprised: "Your Majesty, you still have to keep this comb to comb your hair."

Wang Shuyan waved her hand: "No need."

The little maid felt more and more weird, and after receiving the reward, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that the empress's behavior today was very strange.

After the maid left, Wang Shuyan took out a white silk and hung it in the room.

Now she has nothing and has become a laughing stock in the palace, the only thing left is her life.

But it's good that this life can make things difficult for Lin Youyi.

On the wedding night, the queen's cousin hanged herself in the harem.

"Lin Youyi, this is my wedding gift for you." Wang Shuyan said softly with a sinister smile, and then kicked off the stool under her feet.

At night, the bridal chamber is filled with flowers and candles, creating a warm atmosphere.

Li Duanjin and Lin Youyi ate the longevity noodles together, and then all the palace officials withdrew. At this time, there were only two people left in the room, and Lin Youyi's body, which had been straight all day, finally relaxed.

"Are you tired?" Li Duanjin cared warmly.

Lin Youyi smiled, "It's really tiring, but luckily it's only once."

Lin Youyi, who is so natural and agile, is exactly the same as Li Duanjin imagined.

Li Duanjin smiled: "Several times people have seen you as a dignified lady, but it is different in private."

Lin Youyi gave Li Duanjin a white look, maybe she never expected to get Li Duanjin's love, so she never put on an air in front of him, but he saw it clearly.

At this time, the two of them were getting close, and Lin Youyi noticed Li Duanjin's strangeness, "Your Majesty, why are you a little black and blue, did you not sleep well?"

Li Duanjin still smiled, "I haven't slept well these days."

Lin Youyi was a little suspicious. The minister was worried about the wedding, so the emperor wouldn't be very tired, maybe it was a matter of government affairs.

Lin Youyi asked another doubt in her heart, "Did His Majesty encounter any obstacles in personally welcoming the bride?"

Thinking of the civil and military officials standing up one by one to second the proposal, "Your Majesty, please put safety first, take the ancestral system first, and take back the order." Li Duanjin shook his head, and answered naturally, "Of course the Queen Mother and all the civil and military officials have opinions."

Lin Youyi laughed immediately, and asked curiously: "Then how did His Majesty break through the many obstacles? Seeing His Majesty at home made the ministers and concubines very surprised."

Li Duanjin said eloquently, "The Empress Dowager is naturally understanding and moving with reason. As for those old men..." He paused, pointing to the black eyes under his eyes, "Didn't you ask me what is going on? gone?"

"Old man?" Lin Youyi looked up, at Li Duanjin's age, he was indeed a little younger than the ministers, "Could it be that the ministers are making you sleepless?"

Li Duanjin shook his index finger and dragged Lin Youyi to lie back.

"Ah", with an exclamation, the two fell on the happy bed, Li Duanjin looked at her sideways, and there was only an arm's distance between them.

Lin Youyi raised it heartily, but saw that Li Duanjin didn't make any further moves.

"I stayed up all night reading books by myself, and those old men almost pointed at my nose and said that I am self-willed. I don't follow the precedent. I can't lose my dignity when I am a ninety-five-year-old, and I am ashamed of my ancestors. Height, I have to return it?" Li Duanjin raised his tone unconsciously as he thought about the way the ministers were gesticulating one by one, "I am an emperor, and I have to marry someone else to marry a wife, and I have to be coerced by civil and military officials. The world?"

Seeing his arrogance and arrogance, Lin Youyi smiled, "Your Majesty has worked hard, they really manage leniently, don't be angry, it's not worth it to be angry." Lin Youyi comforted in a warm voice, thinking, Li Duanjin is right Since she is so good, what she asks will definitely annoy him later, and she can't bear it for a while whether she will repay her kindness or not.

When you disagree with others, what you want most is not others to judge whether you are right or wrong, but the understanding and support of others. It is best to stand on your side.

Lin Youyi's words undoubtedly made Li Duanjin very gratified, feeling comforted, seeing Lin Youyi's eyes became more gentle, but he smiled meaningfully: "It's not me who is angry."

Lin Youyi was curious: "What did you do to them?"

Li Duanjin took it away, pretending not to care, and said: "It means that they are blushing, embarrassed, and collectively dumb." After a pause, he continued: "Two of them fainted."

Lin Youyi's beautiful eyes widened and she smiled.

"How can Your Majesty do this?" Lin Youyi cupped her hands in admiration, "It's not a loss to stay up all night."

It's quite a bit of a hero who sees the same thing, and Li Duanjin also thinks it's not a loss.

"But I still have to make up for it. Tomorrow, a concubine will make Baihe, yam, and bird's nest porridge for His Majesty." Lin Youyi said pitifully.

Little did he know that Li Duanjin's face suddenly changed due to her caring, pity and words.

Li Duanjin turned around and covered Lin Youyi's body, with his hands on his sides so as not to overwhelm him, but his eyes were quite dangerous, "I still need mending?"

As soon as Lin Youyi's exclamation fell, Li Duanjin's face turned red instantly after being stared at by Li Duanjin.

The two breaths intertwined, the temperature gradually rose, and an ambiguous atmosphere followed.

Lin Youyi was very confused, but her mind was very clear.

Li Duanjin was very kind to her, and she couldn't deny that she was very touched, and also a little moved.

But in the last life, she learned at the cost of her life that loving the king is like moths to a flame.

So in this life, if Li Duanjin can't make her feel safe, she will definitely not start her relationship.

The sense of security is nothing more than two aspects. One is a couple for a lifetime. Obviously, as Li Duanjin, he can't afford it.Then the only thing left is not to have children. Having a child means having weaknesses and desires. Once one’s emotions are influenced by something, just like in the previous life, death is not far away.

Moreover, she really couldn't accept that he had children with those concubines, and she would also fall into it in the future. It would be better if she could use this to avoid serving the bed.The last thing she wants is for the Lin family to be involved in the struggle for the throne, and she must protect the Lin family in this life.

It seemed like he had thought about it for a long time, but only for a moment, a pair of soft and boneless hands rested on Li Duanjin's chest, "Your Majesty, I have something important to ask."

Li Duanjin listened to Lin Youyi's serious words, endured it, and said, "What's the matter?"

Lin Youyi paused, but still asked, "Does Your Majesty want a concubine as a wife or a queen?"

Li Duanjin didn't speak, and his ink eyes stared at Lin Youyi with a good look, as if he wanted to find out the purpose of what she said.

Thank you shallots and old popsicle pudding for your support.

I found that the readers of this book like diving as much as I do. Haha, it’s the recommendation period again. Please keep reading the article for the next two days. , Thank you friends.

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