Seeing An Duo, Li Duanjin asked, "What's wrong with the queen?"

"The maids of Kunning Palace only said that the empress invited you to come." Ando said.

Without any useful news, Li Duanjin quickened his pace.

Ping'er was waiting outside Jingren Palace, and soon saw His Majesty approaching quickly.

"How about the queen?" Li Duanjin asked.

Ping'er didn't dare to tell the truth, he hesitated for a while, and then said, "You'll know after you've seen it."

After she finished speaking and looked up, she realized that Li Duanjin couldn't wait to go far.

At this time, it was completely dark, and Ando had no choice but to remind, "Your Majesty, be careful and slow down."

He also instructed the little eunuch beside him to follow quickly, "Protect Your Majesty."

At this time, in Kunning Palace, Lin Youyi was lying on the bed, muttering unceasingly, "Your Majesty...why are you?"

There were still tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

Seeing Yingge, she became more determined in her choice.

As everyone knows, at this time Lin Youyi is immersed in the nightmare of the previous life.

She seems to have returned to the time when she was hiding her love for Li Duanjin, but she was so poisoned that she dared not see anyone.

Every time she saw Li Duanjin, she wanted to see her but dared not. She could only hear from Wang Shuyan how Li Duanjin loved her, and Lin Youyi felt very sad.

How many times she hid in the corner to see his handsome demeanor, how many times she hid behind the crowd to see him in high spirits.

She had imagined countless times that if her voice wasn't hoarse, she would stand in front of him bravely and confess to him.

During the Lantern Festival that year, he had already walked into her heart.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

Her full of emotions can only turn into a heart full of sorrow.

Difficult to appease...

I'm so upset...

The young man she fell in love with at the first sight seemed to appear in front of her eyes with tears in her eyes.

Is it a dream?
She couldn't help reaching out, but the touch was so real.

Li Duanjin came in a hurry, thinking that something had happened to Lin Youyi, he rushed all the way into Dongnuan Pavilion, not even paying attention to everyone's greetings.

But he didn't want to see the stunning beauty with flushed face, misty eyes, smell of alcohol, and kept murmuring his name.

Seeing this, Ando immediately stopped in his tracks and ordered everyone to back off.

Lin Youyi, who was dressed in a snow-white tunic under a red quilt, a red gauze curtain, and a snow-white tunic, was soft and rolled into a ball. The black and satin-like black silk made her rosy face look extremely charming and full of allure.

Li Duanjin just felt something explode in his heart.

His heart was drunk all of a sudden.

The fire in the chest and abdomen went straight to the brain, and an impulse that had never happened before immediately invaded all the nerves.

He involuntarily approached Lin Youyi, his red lips were full of temptation, Li Duanjin couldn't help but leaned over.



Two perfect lips touched each other lightly, and a satisfied sigh overflowed from Li Duanjin's mouth.


not enough.

Far from enough.

He felt that Lin Youyi's lips seemed to be poisoned, which made him reluctant to leave for a long time.

"In the dream", Lin Youyi's dumb disease was cured, and she finally stood in front of her favorite person.

She summoned up all her courage, and called out the name that had been hidden in her heart for countless days and nights, "Mr. Li."

With the name falling, there are tears in the corners of the eyes.

Li Duanjin, who had been possessed by a demon and seemed to be on fire, was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion when he heard this tender voice.

I don't know what it is, I just feel that my heart is very soft at this moment.

It seems that no matter what Lin Youyi wants at the moment, he is willing to give it.

"I've admired you for a long time, do you know?" Lin Youyi's voice was small, as if whispering, but Li Duanjin heard it clearly.

His chest was full of emotions, and he couldn't hold it anymore, he pulled off the dragon robe on his body, and bent down.

Only a low moan sounded in Lin Youyi's ear, "I've also admired you for a long time, my wife."

These words are so sweet, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of Lin Youyi's mouth.

This dream was so beautiful that she didn't want to wake up at all.

That night, Yu Shuangshuang stayed up all night, and the servants of Jingren Palace heard the sound of smashing things all night.

That night, Han Xiangzhi burst into tears and smashed all the mirrors in the palace.

That night, many concubines found out that Li Duanjin had gone from Jingren Palace to Kunning Palace, many of them couldn't sleep, and many of them were waiting to see Concubine Yu's jokes.

All in all, it was a restless night.

The sun slowly rises from the horizon, with orange light floating on the earth, the sunlight follows the carved beams and painted buildings, and shines into the room through the delicate window sills.

Lin Youyi's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she rubbed her aching head, just this movement made her whole body twitch in pain.

The memory slowly came back, she opened her eyes with difficulty, but bumped into a pair of narrow eyes with a smile.

"??" Lin Youyi was stunned for a few breaths, closed her eyes, and opened them again. The person in front of her still looked like Li Duanjin.

"Your Majesty?" Enduring the soreness all over her body, Lin Youyi rubbed her aching head again, thinking that she was still dreaming, but soon she realized that something was wrong. Even if she was dreaming, she would never dream of Li Duanjin. The people in front of him saw that the smile on his face was deeper than before.

Lin Youyi jumped up and immediately sat up, curling up into a ball in pain.

"What's the hurry? Take your time." Li Duanjin said distressedly.

It was the first time he had sex, he was inevitably a little impulsive, the bruises under Lin Youyi's clothes showed his wildness last night, he wiped his nose in embarrassment.

After Lin Youyi recovered, she checked her clothes for the first time, and then her face changed drastically.

This was not the suit she wore last night at all. Moreover, her body was bruised and her body was in pain, and she immediately turned pale.

The memory of last night began to come back, could it be that everything last night was not a dream! ! ! !
Li Duanjin is taking a rest today, so it’s rare that he doesn’t have to get up early, but he’s been used to waking up at midnight for so many years. When he woke up, he saw Lin Youyi sleeping next to him. She slept very well, lying upright and motionless, long Eyelashes covered her fair face like a quilt.

The small and straight nose bridge, the rosy lips like cherry blossoms, and the willow leaf eyebrows that are not drawn but shaped, how can they be so beautiful.

Li Duanjin watched and unconsciously saw Lin Youyi waking up, so the opening scene happened.

Seeing that Lin Youyi's face was tense at this moment and he didn't say a word, he asked aloud, "What are you thinking?"

"Your Majesty, I... we... last night..." Lin Youyi did not give up and wanted to ask if the two of them had sex last night.

The guards outside heard the commotion inside and asked, "Master, are you getting up?" These words interrupted what Lin Youyi wanted to say.

"Come in." Li Duanjin said, he had already wasted a lot of time, and got out of bed after finishing speaking.

Yingge also came in to serve Lin Youyi. She looked carefully at the sheets on the bed, and suddenly found a blood red spot.

A look of surprise called Zhixia, "Hurry up and bring the scissors."

Lin Youyi was so startled by her sound that she regained her senses, her eyes followed the ball of blood, and her face turned from white to red and back to white in an instant.

Thank you Chunzi, Growing Old Together, and Xun for their support.

Are you satisfied with this chapter? I finally changed the text.

The hero gave us the heroine for the first time.

Book friends, don't worry about it.

Go to bed early, go to bed early and wake up early for good health.

I received a lot of recommendation tickets from babies today, and I am full of motivation.

Thank you and love you.

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